Archer Returns to Ruining Spy Missions in This New Episode Promo

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Archer, causing problems.
Image: FX

I’m glad Archer is back. Like, real Archer, without weird fantasy coma worlds or film noir or whatever. Just spy hijinks, dysfunctional characters, and the slow, painful possibility of growth.

Now that the show has returned, it’s back to the regular airing of new episodes, and I’m excited for where the season is going. With Sterling Archer awake, he’s getting back to business, and business is largely in messing up everyone else’s life. And being really, really oblivious about it.

I know a lot of people felt Archer jumped the shark at some point in its past, oh, ten seasons, but I’m happy it’s still around. It’s a weird, comforting relic from another time in my life, and the promise of the show possibly paying off some of its long-long-term narrative arcs is tantalizing. Is Archer going to grow, at all, ever? It’s not clear. But it is clear that, in at least the next episode, he’s going to be trying to get back to business.


Archer airs on FX.

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