Meet Bobby, the 3D-Scanned Teddy Bear (XR News 8/15/19)

August 15, 2019 00:08:50
Meet Bobby, the 3D-Scanned Teddy Bear (XR News 8/15/19)
XR for Business
Meet Bobby, the 3D-Scanned Teddy Bear (XR News 8/15/19)

Aug 15 2019 | 00:08:50


Show Notes

If you didn’t think our 3-episode-a-week release schedule was dizzying enough, welcome to the XR for Business Podcast’s new weekly news rundown! The space is evolving so fast, Alan is devoting a few minutes each week just to talk about the newest, most interesting use cases hitting the trades!

This week, XR is taking us everywhere, from the surface of Mars, to ritzy Audi showrooms, to the svelte form of Bobby, a teddy bear 3D-scanned in real-time by Samsung’s new feature on the Note 10.

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