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New Oculus Rift and Gear VR Releases For The Week Of 11/13/16

New Oculus Rift and Gear VR Releases For The Week Of 11/13/16

Can you hear that? It’s the sound of silence. The Oculus Rift doesn’t have much going for it this week, and it’s more than likely because we’re now just three weeks away from the launch of Oculus Touch, and there’s going to be a content blowout when it does hit. Still, there is one intriguing new release for the kit, and a host of stuff for Gear VR.

If you missed last week, you can see those new releases here. And don’t forget that UploadVR has a Steam community group complete with a curated list of recommendations so that you don’t have to waste any money finding out what’s good in the world of VR.

Salvaged, from Opposable Games
Price: $12.99 (Rift)

After a long absence, Opposable’s unique strategy game finally debuts on the Oculus Rift this month. Take on the role of Commander Alex Pieterson and order troops through wrecked spaceships, salvaging parts, and fighting aliens. It’s an early access release for now, but it features a full campaign.

Recommendation: Strategy fans will definitely want to check this one out.

Motorbike, from baKno Games
Price: (Rift)

If Motorbike looks familar to you, it’s probably for a number of reasons. It could be because the game first released without VR support in 2011. The more likely answer, though, is that it looks exactly like a Trials game, and not a very glamorous one at that. The game might be good, but we don’t really see why this needs to be in VR.

Recommendation: We’d skip this.

CoLab, from Pixel Federation
Price: $4.99 (Gear)

This is a pretty interesting project. Disguised as a VR reality show, you’ll solve more than 100 puzzles. Wrestle with lasers, get cubes in the right positions and more. It’s definitely got a whiff of Portal to it, but that isn’t a bad thing in the slightest.

Recommendation: Definitely looks worth it for VR puzzle fans.

The Purge Day, from Red Limbo Studio (Gear VR)
Price: $2.99

A little FPS action for those with a Gear VR here. Fight to save your wife in what looks to be yet another alien invasion. Graphically it’s not much, but this could be fun for those of you looking for more shooters right now.

Recommendation: Don’t expect anything revolutionary but this could be fun for the price.

Peronio Pop-Up Book, from Ovni Studios
Price: $2.99 (Gear)

Here’s a nice little idea for those with kids. Peronio takes the concept of a pop-up story book and brings it into VR as an interactive game. Join Peronio, a young boy that wants to become a dragon dentist, and explore new worlds with each flick of a page.

Recommendation: This is a great example of what VR can do for kids.

FIRMA, from Think Heavy Ltd.

Price: $12.99

In FIRMA you pilot a small craft across the Moon and Mars as a courier in this sci-fi future. You’ll deliver supplies through various territories and situations including attempting to land on a speeding train.

Recommendation: Fast paced arcade fun. Grab it.


Primitive Road, from MoMo Games

Price: $2.99

Primitive Road is an on-rails shooter that takes you through 9 levels with varying visual styles in each. You shoot objects along the way as you head toward the final stage.

Recommendation: Mellow experience with relaxing music at a low price. Try it out.

Lantern, from Storm in a Teacup

Price: $6.99

In Lantern you control the wind as you guide a lantern through scenes, reviving the scenery with depths of color and bring lantern festivals to life.

Recommendation: Reminiscent of Flower on PS4, but perhaps a bit disorienting. Try at your own risk.

Neptune Flux, from Zoxide Games

Price: $11.99 (Currently Discounted)

This story-driven, open world adventure puts you in control of an underwater colonization specialist as she attempts to discover the cause of underwater surges that are disrupting her work. Use your dive pod to collect items, complete tasks, and unravel the deep-sea mystery.

Recommendation: Engaging, but extremely short. Gauge th value for yourself. 

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