
VR Heat Map Analytics Could Be Next Big Thing For Designers & Retailers

Yulio’s “gaze-tracking” technology shows businesses exactly where a user’s attention lies.

360° video has proven to be an exciting and immersive new medium capable of captivating users in a way conventional 2D media hasn’t quite been able to. There’s only one problem: All that freedom means more options for viewers in terms of where to look, which can spell trouble for companies looking to ensure attention is given to particular areas of the video. 

Thankfully VR for business firm Yulio Technologies has developed a new VRy “gaze-tracking” heat map that accurately records where users are directing their attention so that professionals can understand how their content is being interacted with. Standard heat mapping tracks a user’s attention by following their mouse movements whereas Yulio’s new VR system instead tracks your gaze while in a headset, marking what positions received the most love. The full version will also allow marketers to track the path of what captured the attention of the eye and adjust accordingly.

From architecture and retail, to interior design and construction, the potential use-case scenarios for this detailed heat map information is virtually limitless. Imagine a retail store using VR to see which displays are best at garnering the most customer attention. Or perhaps an architect using the data to determine which structural features are popular among visitors and which are ignored. The list goes on.

While this powerful heat map technology may be the bread and butter of Yulios’ operation, the company is also active with other projects as well. Their other ambitious project is a service that creates full, 3D VR experiences from 2D visuals nearly instantly, all this using common design programs such as 3DS Max, Sketchup, Revit and more.

The heat map analytics will be available to everything operating on the Yulio platform, as well as in “fishtank” mode via standard web browsers. Users can even share their creation with a web link that they can use to tour and collaborate in real-time. This makes it perfect for fields such as real estate where having a simple method for turning basic pictures into an immersive VR tour would be an invaluable resource.  

Whether it’s heat map analytics or 2D to 3D image conversion, Yulio is making strides. And it’ll be interesting to see how companies utilize virtual analytics to better understand what in the world are we all really looking at.

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Former Writer (Kyle Melnick)

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