News: Microsoft HoloLens 2 Video Transports Us to Tokyo & into Mind of Developer Dreaming of Augmented Reality Companions

Microsoft HoloLens 2 Video Transports Us to Tokyo & into Mind of Developer Dreaming of Augmented Reality Companions

When you're trying to pioneer a brand new category of technology, sometimes it's not enough to just have great tech. You also need to be able to tell a great story. You need to be able to capture the imagination.

Along those lines, a new Microsoft HoloLens 2 promotional spot set in Japan does just that, providing a minimalist setting in which the possibilities around the HoloLens 2 are a little more apparent.

The brief spot was first shown at the annual de:code event in May. In the video, we're transported to an empty Tokyo subway station where developer Ayumu Takahama explores the empty space, seemingly looking for inspiration.

Image by Microsoft/YouTube

Later, the video shows Takahama back at home coding (with a HoloLens 2 nearby), and then in an office with co-workers going over plans for the creation of an augmented reality assistant.

In this case, the assistant is a Calico cat that isn't really there, but is soon walking through the catacombs of Tokyo's subways alongside the developer.

There's not much information the video, nor does it discuss the many features of the HoloLens 2. But as a storytelling entry point into the world of Microsoft's mixed reality universe, it's quite effective. In fact, if you're a developer, you might even find the video inspirational — which is exactly what Microsoft is hoping for.

Historically, Apple has been in the lead when it comes to using stories to sell tech, but it looks like the HoloLens may be Microsoft's chance to catch up, and maybe even surpass them in that department.

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Cover image via Microsoft/YouTube

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