News: Magic Leap Opens Creator Portal & SDK to Developers

Magic Leap Opens Creator Portal & SDK to Developers

Magic Leap has reached a major milestone in the lead-up to the launch of its Magic Leap One: Creator Edition by opening access to its developer portal and software development kit (SDK) to all developers.

In a Twitter post, the company announced that it has made the "technical preview" of its Creator portal and the Lumin SDK available just in time for the first day of the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.

"We are excited to invite creators, artists, innovators and developers to come with us—early on in this journey—into the next phase of computing," the company wrote in its announcement. "These tools and resources will be the first opportunity for creators to dive into the world of spatial computing and explore the building blocks of this next generation of human-computer interaction on Magic Leap."

The Lumin branding for Magic Leap's operating system was previously revealed in a trademark filing earlier this year. The portal sheds more light on the Lumin OS. An overview states that the Lumin OS kernel is derived from Linux and the Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

Included in the Lumin SDK is the Magic Leap Remote development environment and Simulator emulation tool that work together to enable developers to create and preview their content. The portal includes a series of guides and tutorials to get developers started.

Alongside the portal and SDK release, technical preview builds of Unity and Unreal Engine 4 are also available for download.

"Teaming up with the world's leading 3D engine providers, Epic Games and Unity Technologies, opens a clear pathway to creating on the Magic Leap platform and puts spatial computing development within reach for developers familiar with these engines," the company wrote in its announcement.

While we still don't have a specific launch date for Magic Leap One: Creator Edition, CEO Rony Abovitz has previously stated that an announcement regarding ordering and price for the device will occur this spring. It appears that Magic Leap has every intention of making good on its promise to release its first device this year as promised.

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Cover image via Magic Leap

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