News: Magic Leap Teams with Sennheiser to Deliver High-End Spatial Audio for Augmented Reality

Magic Leap Teams with Sennheiser to Deliver High-End Spatial Audio for Augmented Reality

One of the best aspects of the Magic Leap One is the spatial audio, a feature that enhances the overall sense of immersion when interacting with virtual objects and content through the device. Now the company is aiming to boost the quality of that component by partnering with one of the leading names in high-quality audio.

Germany-based Sennheiser has announced an official partnership with Magic Leap through the company's "Works with Magic Leap" certification program.

"As we enter a new era of spatial computing, and the technology gains traction with leading content creators, we are thrilled to bring our AMBEO spatial audio expertise to help drive forward this emerging field, while working closely with the creative community," said Veronique Larcher, co-director at AMBEO, Sennheiser's augmented reality audio unit, in a statement on the company's website.

The speakers on the Magic Leap One, which are situated on the right and left interior surface of the device's headband, already do a great job of delivering high quality immersive audio.

But by partnering with Sennheiser, one of the gold standard audio companies in the world of music production when it comes to speakers and microphones, the company will be better positioned to deliver audiophile-level quality in the next version of the device.

"The spatial soundfield is an integral part of the spatial sensory experience," said Omar Khan, chief product officer at Magic Leap. "This is why we partnered with Sennheiser, a recognized innovator in audio solutions, to help explore and enhance our spatial audio accessory solutions."

There's no word on when Sennheiser's audio solutions will appear in Magic Leap products, but based on the high profile announcement, it's likely that the fruits of the partnership will be apparent in the next iteration of the Magic Leap One.

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Cover image via Magic Leap

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