Dune's Jason Momoa Made a Love Letter (Video) to Denis Villeneuve

Momoa heaps praise on the Dune director in his second behind the scenes video.

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Actor Jason Momoa shouting to the sky while filming Dune.
Screenshot: Jason Momoa

A few weeks ago, Jason Momoa released a personal behind-the-scenes video for his fight scenes as the preposterously named Duncan Idaho in Dune. It was a cute video that highlighted Momoa’s enthusiasm as a physical actor, so it’s not surprising that he’s followed up with a second video. And this one is all about the man behind the camera, director Denis Villeneuve. He really, really loves him, you guys.

“Every moment on set with Denis is amazing,” Momoa says to open the video. “It’s just an honor, I can’t believe I’m on this movie.” Set to soft piano keys, Momoa just has nothing but good things to say about his experience on set. The whole video carries an air of reverence as the actor recalls how Villeneuve was looking at him as Duncan, the character, like a child would. At one moment, he just shouts “FUCK YEAH!” like a teenager into the sky before embracing the director in a hug. It’s... very Jason Momoa.

Momoa’s video will hopefully come as a relief to his fans, given the toxic environment that allegedly took place during Joss Whedon’s time on Justice League. When Ray Fisher came forward with allegations of the director’s behavior, Momoa stood by his coworker’s comments, saying at the time that “serious stuff went down. It needs to be investigated.” That apparently wasn’t the case for Zack Snyder’s version of the film, and it’s nice to see that trend follow suit here. These are curated glimpses into the film, sure, but Momoa doesn’t seem like someone who would release this if things were truly miserable. Hopefully, he’ll continue to have more directors he’ll gel with for his future movies, and release videos professing his love for them.


Dune will arrive on HBO Max and in theaters on October 22.

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