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7 Games You Can't Miss In PSVR's First Big Sale

7 Games You Can't Miss In PSVR's First Big Sale

If you’re a PS4 user in Europe, you probably know that, every two weeks, Sony hosts a sale on its PlayStation Store, slashing the prices on tons of games of a certain theme or category. It was only a matter of time before such a sale hit the slate of PlayStation VR (PSVR) games that have released over the past six months and, today, that’s finally happened.

A whole heap of PSVR games have gone on sale on the EU store, including some of the biggest launch titles like Battlezone, EVE: Valkyrie and Driveclub VR. PSVR players are an eager bunch, so you’ve likely already picked up many of the headset’s bigger games. As such, we’ve picked out seven lesser known titles that you should definitely consider grabbing over the next two weeks.

Bound – £7.99


Bound is one of those games you might not know supports VR; Plastic’s beautiful platformer, that turns simple actions like running and jumping into elegant dance moves, released long before PSVR came out. Surprisingly, though, its launch integration with the headset remains one of the best experiences for it so far, and the developers continue to improve it with PS4 Pro support and other updates. Don’t miss it.

Wayward Sky – £9.49

wayward sky screen 1

Wayward Sky might not be the most challenging of puzzle/adventure games, but it’s got more than enough charm to make up for it, and a smart implementation of VR locomotion too. You play as a young girl that sets out to save her father when they crash land on a mysterious floating fortress. Played with two Move controllers, you move in third-person, peering down into a wonderful model world, and then take over in first-person for specific actions. It’s a wonderful little adventure.

Tethered – £11.49


Six months on from release and Tethered remains one of the few games that would satisfy VR gamers looking for a demanding tactical challenge. The game has you commanding tiny ‘peeps’ as they gather resources and defeat enemies all in an effort to raise your spirit energy. Since we reviewed it it’s been updated to support PlayStation Move, which gives you an even greater degree of control over the action. This is one for PSVR owners that want proper games.

Windlands – £13.99

Windlands logo new

Windlands gives a lot of iron stomached VR gamers what they’ve been asking for; full locomotion with analogue sticks. But it doesn’t stop there, as this Spider-Man simulator has you swinging from branches and platforms across floating islands, gathering collectables and leaping across chasms. Move support is on the way, so if you’ve been holding out for it then you might want to pick this one up now.

How We Soar – £9.99

How We Soar

Sadly soaring under many people’s radar, we can’t recommend this one enough. How We Soar is an enchanting little adventure that tells the story of a writer and the worlds he builds using origami-style visuals. You ride on the back of a phoenix, and we’ve never so badly wanted to bring our hands into an experience so that we could grab its bright red feathers as we flew. We try not to use the term magical too much, but How We Soar definitely fits the bill.

The Brookhaven Experiment – £9.49

brookhaven experiment featured image

PSVR might not have the same 360 degree tracking capabilities as the HTC Vive, but The Brookhaven Experiment still makes a pretty good case for porting games from the SteamVR headset over to PS4. The console version of this wave shooter has some smart workarounds to bring the full experience to users without causing issues with occlusion, meaning you can have a fun, immersive and fully frightening time blasting away deformed monsters.

Werewolves Within – £14.99


The only game on this list made by a big publisher, Werewolves Within is Ubisoft’s lesser-known but creatively fascinating multiplayer VR game, unjustly sitting in the shadows of Eagle Flight and Star Trek. It tasks players with finding which of their troupe is secretly a vicious werewolf. The player in control of the disguised beast must do all they can to lead others astray. It’s a brilliant example of the new kinds of experiences social VR can create.

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