News: Snapchat's New Augmented Reality Trick Is Literally for the Dogs, Lets You Turn Your Pet into a Nerd or Reindeer

Snapchat's New Augmented Reality Trick Is Literally for the Dogs, Lets You Turn Your Pet into a Nerd or Reindeer

First, there was SnapCat. Now, we have DogChat! Or SnapBark?

In October, Snapchat took social media by storm with its Lenses for cats. But the latest addition to the camera app has given dog lovers an augmented reality Christmas gift they won't want to return.

Snapchat let users open this AR Lens present early on Christmas Eve. Similar to the Lenses for people and cats, the Lens for dogs recognizes when dogs appear in the camera view and affixes AR effects to their heads, tracking the dogs as they move and allowing you to capture them in photos and videos.

Image by Snapchat/YouTube

Some of the effects you can apply to your doggo include nerd glasses, a butterfly that attaches itself to your pet's nose, and a Christmas-themed treat that turns your dog into a reindeer.

The company highlighted the new feature via YouTube, with shelter dogs from Los Angeles-based Wags and Walks starring in the video.

(1) Lucy (right) is a good girl. Yes, she is. (2) She's smart, too. Images by Tommy Palladino/Next Reality

On Wednesday, the day after Christmas, the Lens carousel hosted a version of the camera effect without the holiday theme. However, users can still access it via Snapcode (below).

Image via Snapchat

Front-facing camera effects have been a mainstay on Snapchat since the acquisition of computer vision app Looksery and integration of its technology into Snapchat.

The timing of the new feature is actually ideal for the company, as Snapchat has recently experienced a decline in user growth.

By releasing this kind of fun feature during Christmas, a popular time for revelers around the world to take pictures with friends, family, and beloved pets, the company is giving its app a unique opportunity to win back some users.

And, as a fringe benefit, the YouTube video and dog Lens may also influence some users to adopt an abandoned dog as a holiday good deed.

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Cover image via Snapchat/YouTube

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