
VR Ninja Dojo Opens Next Week In Tokyo

Train under a ninja master in this fully immersive location-based experience.

Plan on visiting Japan anytime soon? If so, might I suggest you forego the usual offerings of maid cafes and Akihabara shopping in favor a more unique experience that blends traditional Japanese culture with modern VR technology.

Opening March 18th in Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, VR Ninja Dojo offers foreigners and tourists the opportunity to train as a deadly shinobi (ninja) warrior in a series of physical VR challenges designed to educate you in various weaponry and techniques in an authentic environment modeled after feudal Japan. Trainees will participate in a gauntlet of both real and virtual training experiences using an assortment of custom weapons, such as katana swords with the blades replaced by Vive trackers.

Image Credit: Five For

“This facility is designed with our own technology so that the third parties who do not wear a head-mount display can enjoy the virtual world as well,” states the company in an official release. “So, you can unite and enjoy the experience even when your group consists of two or more people. Furthermore, since we explain the operation completely in English, foreigners visiting Japan comfortably use the facility.

“Visitors will take the full proficiency examination to be a Ninja master through the VR experience after they had realistic discipline and training by doing physical activities.”

Image Credit: Five For

Upon completing their training, participants will then test their newly-aqiured skills via a VR proficiency exam, after which they’ll receive a ceremonial VR photograph and handscroll certificate.

Interestingly, the VR Ninja Dojo Ninja Experience–which lasts 75 – 90 minutes–is open strictly to foreign residents and tourists visiting Japan (up to 10 at a time); the entire facility is designed to cater specifically to english-speaking tourists. One additional Japanese person per foreigner is allowed free of charge. There is, however, a special package designed specifically for Japanese customers.

Image Credit: Five For

Prices begin at ¥6,500 [$58.42] per person. For more information on how to schedule your visit head to Bad-ass ninja apparel is included.

*UPDATE: 3/19/2019*

Surprisingly enough, VR Ninja Dojo isn’t the first VR-based ninja training facility open in Japan. Ninja VR Kyoto has been offering physical VR ninja schooling in Kyoto, Japan since 2017; including Shuriken (throwing star), Katana (sword), and Fukija (blowgun) training.

About the Scout

Former Writer (Kyle Melnick)

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