News: Resolution Games Follows 'Angry Birds FPS' with 'Glimt' Mystery Game for Magic Leap One

Resolution Games Follows 'Angry Birds FPS' with 'Glimt' Mystery Game for Magic Leap One

After leveraging the well-known intellectual property of Rovio's Angry Birds for its first game for the Magic Leap One, Resolution Games is singing a new song with a familiar refrain for its next game for the augmented reality headset.

On Thursday, the game developer unveiled its new title, Glimt: The Vanishing at the Grand Starlight Hotel, which the company produced as part of its participation in Magic Leap's Independent Creators Program.

The crime-solving game that casts players as supernatural detectives looking to solve a mystery while facing off with idiosyncratic friends and foes and enduring challenging predicaments. Players will have an arsenal of psychic tools and abilities at their disposal as they crack otherworldly puzzles along the way.

Image via Resolution Games

"Our upcoming game taps the imagination like no other AR game we've made or even seen before, immersing players in a fantastical world of make-believe," said Tommy Palm, CEO of Resolution Games, in a statement.

"This will be our third true AR title, and we are excited to be continuing our path of exploring how games can fully leverage the full spectrum of head-mounted AR's inherent qualities. We can't wait to share more details and release it to the community."

Image via Resolution Games

Interested parties can sign up for notifications on the game at the Resolution Games website. Although no specific date has been revealed, the company estimates that the game will arrive in 2020. However, when Resolution Games confirmed its acceptance into the Independent Creators Program on February 27, the company stated that expectations under the program were that all apps created as part of the program would be released within 12 months (so perhaps a spring release is in the offing).

Having started with VR games, the company already has a lot of experience developing AR games, particularly those involving puzzles. Prior to joining the Independent Creators Program, Resolution Games partnered with Rovio to adapt Angry Birds for augmented reality in Angry Birds: First Person Slingshot.

The company has also created a mobile AR game for Rovio's cash-cow franchise in Angry Birds: Isle of Pigs for iOS and Android. Another mobile AR game, Bait! Under the Surface, an adaptation of its VR title, was revealed in March 2018, but has yet to be released.

While details are sparse about the new Magic Leap One-based game, the news comes as a twinkle of light in a somewhat dark period for Magic Leap, as news that it has mortgaged its patent portfolio as loan collateral has cast a shadow of doubt on its future.

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Cover image via Resolution Games

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