News: Magic Leap Books Augmented Reality Experience with Air New Zealand

Magic Leap Books Augmented Reality Experience with Air New Zealand

If touring the scenic vistas behind the Lord of the Rings film franchise doesn't persuade tourists to visit New Zealand, perhaps immersive content viewed through Magic Leap One will do the trick.

On Thursday, Air New Zealand announced a strategic partnership with Magic Leap, with the airline developing immersive content that showcases the country as a vacation destination. Titled "Fantastical Journey throughout New Zealand," the experience, like the Magic Leap One itself, is slated to launch later this year.

Image by Air New Zealand/Youtube

"Air New Zealand is excited to bring innovative, emerging technology to our customers and create a more enjoyable travel experience," says Jodi Williams, Air New Zealand general manager of global brand and content, in a statement. "Our goal with this partnership is to continue to encourage new visitors to experience the wonders of New Zealand with us."

The airline also revealed that the experience is a product of London-based creative studio Framestore. Just last week, Framestore revealed that it has been secretly working on content for Magic Leap over the past several years.

"Magic Leap and Air New Zealand have a shared ambition to bring true innovation to everyday experiences, including the air travel experience," said Rachna Bhasin, Magic Leap chief business officer. "As a Magic Leap partner, Air New Zealand is uniquely positioned to bring revolutionary technology to the travel industry."

While images of the experience are not yet available, a recent commercial by the airline gives us a glimpse of the lands the airline wants to highlight via Magic Leap One.

In addition to ensuring that the recently previewed Magic Leap One ships this year as promised, the company has also disclosed that it has set a priority on making sure that quality content will be available for the device once it ships.

This latest announcement adds virtual tourism to the roster of likely launch experiences for Magic Leap One, alongside apps from the NBA, Sigur Ros, Madefire Comics, and a first-person shooter game from Weta Workshop.

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Cover image via Air New Zealand & Magic Leap/YouTube

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