News: Hollywood Exhibit Uses HoloLens to Transport Fans into the Worlds of 'Back to the Future' & Halo

Hollywood Exhibit Uses HoloLens to Transport Fans into the Worlds of 'Back to the Future' & Halo

The potential of augmented reality is often shown in science fiction movies, but a new exhibit marries the genre with very real-world AR technology, to great effect.

"Hollywood Dream Machines: Vehicles of Science Fiction and Fantasy" is a new exhibit at the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, and the best part of the display, called Worlds Reimagined, uses the HoloLens 1.

The exhibit, which is being supported in part by Microsoft and Audi, takes fans into the film worlds of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Blade Runner, Batman, Tron, Jurassic Park, Akira, Transformers, and Star Wars. In all, visitors will get a chance to interact with 40 fictional vehicles brought to life through physical props, imagery, and AR.

Image via Microsoft

If you're unable to make it to California, Microsoft has given fans a peek at what the HoloLens-powered portion of the exhibit looks like via a short video (bottom of this page).

In the video, we see the famous DeLorean time machine car from the Back To The Future film franchise, as well as the Warthog war vehicle from the Halo video game universe.

Image via Microsoft

Of course, we'd prefer to see how the HoloLens 2 handles this kind of arts-meets-tech use with the public, but since the HoloLens 1 has been around so long, you can expect to continue to see various companies roll out apps and experiences using the first-generation device.

Those who are able to travel to Los Angeles have a while to catch the interactive exhibit, as it runs until March 15, 2020.

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Cover image via Microsoft/YouTube

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