
Tilt Brush Launches Social Sketch Platform And Customization Features

You can now save, share, and remix Tilt Brush sketches.

The VR app that’s become a favorite among immersive artists just got some big updates, including customization of environments, lighting controls and even a social platform of their own.

For those of you who haven’t tried Tilt Brush yet, the app lets you paint in 3D space with life-size brush strokes, stars, and even fire all within VR. You start with a blank canvas, but the intuitive interface and creative freedom have made Tilt Brush a must download and must demo app when experiencing VR. It’s worth every penny.

So when Tilt Brush drops an update on us all, we get really excited around the office. Here’s the lowdown:

Environment Settings

Probably one of the more requested Tilt Brush features, this new update brings customization of lighting. You can now set color, intensity, and positioning of your main, secondary, and fill light source. Prior to the update, Tilt Brush environments had a fixed light source, often not showing off your immersive art in the best light.

In addition to lighting customization, a separate environmental feature has been added that lets you modify the scene’s sky and fog settings. The ability to change the color or lighting of the backdrop can add an entirely new look and feel to your sketch.

And for you more advanced Tilt Brush users, the app now has the ability to create customizable workspaces. In what looks to be a huge time saver, you can take the panels that were previously attached to your menu hand and have them float in mid-air on their own now. You can even rearrange panels on your menu hand as well, making both these customizations welcome additions to current artist workflows.

Social Sketches Platform

The other big Tilt Brush update is less about sketching in VR as it is about how you’ll be sharing in the future.

Tilt Brush now has its own 3D art gallery that lets you upload sketches for others to download and remix themselves. You can upload your sketch from within VR, letting anyone view your work in 3D from within their browser. Community members can like, download, or add to your piece with what is rightfully being called a remix. Remixes can then be shared on their own Tilt Brush Sketches profile. Sketches uploaded to the site automatically include attribution and have a remixable CC-BY license added by default.

The best part of the Tilt Brush Sketches platform is how easy Google VR has made it to share and interact with sketches outside of VR. If you’re browsing the gallery of amazing work from artists like Estella Tse or 3Donimus, you can like your favorite sketches and view them later in Tilt Brush. And when it comes to sharing, you can post a link of your sketch to social platforms, opening up even more places for fans to engage with your sketches.

The Tilt Brush updates and Sketches platform is now live — so get painting. We’d love to see what you’re working on, be sure to tweet us your sketches, and maybe we’ll add some whacky remixes.

About the Scout

Jonathan Nafarrete

Jonathan Nafarrete is the co-founder of VRScout.

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