‘The Exorcist’ Episodic VR Experience Coming to Rift, Vive & PSVR This Month


Just in time for Halloween, The Exorcist franchise is getting an episodic VR horror adventure, with the first two chapters due in October. Called The Exorcist: Legion VR, the experience promises to let you finally take part in what the creators call “a variety of increasingly disturbing exorcisms” across a five-chapter narrative.

Created by Wolf & Wood, the minds behind A Chair In A Room: Greenwater, and based on the works of William Peter Blatty, The Exorcist: Legion VR takes you around the globe as you discover multiple tools to use in your encounters with ancient supernatural entities.

Developed especially for VR, the experience features support for motion controllers, including blink teleportation and “free roam” locomotion options.

The creators say run-time for each chapter will vary, with the average session running approximately 20-25 minutes.

There aren’t any specific launch dates yet, but the studio maintains that chapters will come out monthly, with the first two coming before Halloween.

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Chapter 1: Chapel and Priest’s Office (October)

You arrive at the scene of a grisly crime in a small Boston parish. Yellow police tape adorns the room. There’s blood everywhere … even on the ceiling. It’s sinister business, and things are about to get much, much worse.

Chapter 2: Hospital Office & Padded Cell (October)

You arrive in the isolation ward of a secure hospital. In the corner of the padded room is a lone female strapped to a gurney. She babbles incoherently…

Chapter 3, 4 & 5: Nursery, Morgue, Excavation Site

The story continues…

  • Chapter 3: November 2017
  • Chapter 4: December 2017
  • Chapter 5: January 2018

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 3,500 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Jean-Sebastien Perron

    Level 6 : Hillary’s office

  • Ragbone

    Level 7 : The toilet of doom

  • Raphael

    Nice to see multiplatform. Any octopus users enraged to see it not exclusive????????

    • Zed Clampet

      Jealous? Don’t answer. It shows.

      • Raphael

        Crusty potato?

  • Mike Hamner

    If I see snap turn only in one more game I’m going to loose it. this better have smooth turn as a option or its no buy for me. I refuse to buy any more games that offer only handy caped controls that cater to people that have sim sickness. Maybe vr just isn’t for everyone or maybe they need to just acclimate but please stop making vr games only for these types of people. Honestly, developers need to start giving us non sim sickness users what we want or vr will fail. We are the enthusiasts that are going to drive the industry at this early stage not the casual user that cant hang . make the games rad not bad. The last 4 games I bought didn’t have smooth turn and or full locomotion and honestly its turning me off to VR and I love VR, I would have loved the games I got if they just let me friggin move around instead I hate them and cant stand to play them, I’m talking to you don’t knock twice developers and to a lesser extent paranormal activity. Just do it right. If any developers are out there listening. get it right. stop over thinking the controls just give us controls like a non vr game and stop dumbing it down.

    • Jason Mercieca

      I agree, i only consider buying full trackpad locomotion system, like game Onward, anything else i just skip, there are many people able to play normally and not with those handicap teleport/turn system that totally kills immersion.

      • Visospace

        I totally agree. Teleportation is counter to the Immersion and presence of VR. We are working on some cool tech to allow smooth motion within VR without getting sim sick for all users. Follow us @visospace

        • Jason Mercieca

          Thanks for the reply, please consider that many vr gammers really wants normal trackpad movement, no compromises, best is roomscale with trackpad locomotion system like game Onward, i seen many locomotion systems trying new stuff somewhere in between teleport and trackpad, all fails for people like me (we are many), please at least add options to cover both needs, thanks a lot for your attention, if done with trackpad locomotion i will surely get all chapters.

    • Ragbone

      I agree, if i get motion sick i don’t care, i want to play the game like a proper game, no crap snap movement or teleportation. For example, the alien isolation VR mod, that allows you proper movement and turning. It annoys me so much that new titles have bad movement to cater for people sh*t at games. Luckily some fans are making mods themselves to allow for it.
      Also i wish games would show their movement system so that I don’t waste my time getting it then realize its teleport/snap turn/ dodgy movement/turning.


    è tutta una scusa per far pagare di più il gioco!:5 capitoli?g x 15 minuti=1ora e 15 minuti di gioco e 5×10€= 50€ per 1 ora e 15 di gioco!e ci fregano!basta teletrasporto!basta demo d 20 minuti!basta giochi a capitoli !ci siamo rotti i OO !!!!vogliamo giochi veri come re7 ;dirt rally ;Robinson!!!!tirate fuori i soldi !!!!!!!!!!!!!! f.c. !!!!!!!!!!!!!