Gearbox Software today released their latest VR game, a title from magic/comedy duo Penn & Teller called Penn & Teller VR: Frankly Unfair, Unkind, Unnecessary, & Underhanded. The game is available on Quest, Rift and Vive starting today, with a version for PSVR coming in July.

Update (June 27th, 2019):  Penn & Teller VR: F U, U, U, & U  is now available for $20 on Steam (Rift, Vive) and the Oculus Store for Quest and Rift (link incoming).

Both Penn & Teller and Gearbox intend on using the game to help fight the anti-vaccine movement; the studio is donating to support UNICEF’s Immunization program through an initial $10,000 by Randy Pitchford, President, CEO and Co-founder of Gearbox Software. An additional $10,000 donation will be made for every 100,000 sales of Penn & Teller VR: F U, U, U, & U.

The original article follows below:

Original Article (June 19th, 2019): Cleverly abbreviated to Penn & Teller VR: F U, U, U, & U, the game takes you through more than 10 “cruel magic tricks” that Gearbox says will “leave your loved ones screaming and you cackling maniacally.”

While Penn Jillette initially couches it as a way to conquer your fears, Jillette says the only fear you really have to overcome is the fear of “wasting money on a frivolous collection of VR games.”

The version for Quest, Vive, and Rift is set to release on June 27th. The PSVR version arrives slightly later on July 9th.

'Smalland: Survive the Wilds VR' Arrives on Quest, Serving up a VR Spin-off of the Popular Indie Game

The game is currently available for pre-order on Oculus Quest for $20.

This isn’t the first VR game from the dynamic comedy/magic duo. Gearbox Software helped bring the old cult classic mini-game Desert Bus from the never-released Sega CD game Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors (1998) to life in VR back in 2017, dutifully named Desert Bus VR.

Check out the trailer for Penn & Teller VR: F U, U, U, & U below:

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 3,500 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • I really want reading a virtual book to be the next “Desert Bus”.

    • fay

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  • Arcticu Kitsu

    Seems amusing for some quick laughs. Sure. need to see more of it.

    And reading a virtual book. Evil XD

  • Jarilo

    I prefer Desert Bus, it’s at least 8 hours worth of content.

  • Kev

    Penn and Teller are great. I just added a Quest to my vr devices and can’t wait to try it.

  • Sven Viking

    “An additional $10,000 donation will be made for every 100,000 sales of Penn & Teller VR: F U, U, U, & U.”

    That’s nice, but at 0.5% gross (10c per sale) it’s clearly not a primary purpose for the project. Nothing wrong with that, just don’t buy it to be charitable — donate $1 directly and have ten times the impact.