News: Magic Leap Publishes More L.E.A.P. Developer Videos Featuring Insomniac Games, Weta Workshop & More

Magic Leap Publishes More L.E.A.P. Developer Videos Featuring Insomniac Games, Weta Workshop & More

After publishing two batches of videos from its L.E.A.P. developer conference, Magic Leap has made the session on Seedling from Insomniac Games available to the public.

Featuring Joel Bartley, lead gameplay programmer for Insomniac Games, and Michael Liebenow, lead software engineer for Magic Leap, the session examines how to integrate a 3D engine into an app using the Vulkan API.

"We support two low-level rendering APIs, both Vulkan and OpenGL, but we feel that Vulkan provides more opportunities for optimization, which is especially important when you're trying to get all the performance you can out of a mobile system, and that is one of the main reasons why we recommend Vulkan for your development," said Liebenow during the session.

In addition, Magic Leap posted a session on CPU optimizations as applied in Dr. Grordbort's Invaders from Weta Workshop and Magic Leap's own Create app. The session features Magic Leap programmer Joe O'Sullivan, chief software architect Randal Hand, and game programmer Brian Sox and reviews the techniques used to ensure that the apps perform well on the Magic Leap One.

The second video, which was uploaded previously but taken down, reviews best practices of developing Magic Leap apps via Unity. Presenters Dan Miller, VR/AR evangelist at Unity Technologies, and Abhijit Lothe, lead software engineer for Magic Leap, review recommended settings in Unity, persistence, and how these practices were applied in the Drive app.

Slowly but surely, Magic Leap is unpacking all of the knowledge its experts and development partners shared with those in attendance at the L.E.A.P. conference last month. So, if you weren't able to travel to L.E.A.P. in person, you can still learn what those who did attend learned; unfortunately, Magic Leap probably can't replicate all the parties you missed via YouTube.

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Cover image via Insomniac Games

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