News: Apple's iOS 11.3 Update Arrives for All With AR Vertical Surface Detection via ARKit 1.5 for iPhones & iPads

Apple's iOS 11.3 Update Arrives for All With AR Vertical Surface Detection via ARKit 1.5 for iPhones & iPads

If you have an ARKit-compatible iPhone or iPad, check for a software update, as iOS 11.3, with ARKit version 1.5 in tow, has just dropped. As we previously reported, ARKit 1.5 brings several new augmented reality features for app developers to use.

Apps supporting the toolkit will be able to recognize vertical and irregularly-shaped surfaces, which will allow content to rest in its environment more realistically. ARKit 1.5 also brings image recognition, which app developers can leverage for AR art tours or visual product searches. Apple also boasts a higher resolution pass-through camera view and auto-focus support in the latest version of ARKit.

Images by Ubicolor/Twitter, Tim Field/Twitter

In addition, for iPhone X owners, new Animoji characters are available. If last week was ARCore week, then this week is clearly shaping up to be ARKit week.

Images by Romain Derrien/Twitter, Mohammad Azam/Twitter

Apple's AR toolkit is at the center of its education strategy, as evidenced by the company's iPad event in Chicago this week. Now, with the next version of ARKit arriving and AR app developers almost certain to be feverishly updating their apps right now to support it, Apple can sit back and watch its already impressive ARKit download figures increase.

Images by Justin Meyers/Gadget Hacks

Just updated your iPhone? You'll find new features for Podcasts, News, Books, and TV, as well as important security improvements and fresh wallpapers. Find out what's new and changed on your iPhone with the iOS 17.5 update.

Cover image via Apple

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