News: European Inventor Award Profiles Microsoft's Alex Kipman as Finalist for HoloLens

European Inventor Award Profiles Microsoft's Alex Kipman as Finalist for HoloLens

Usually, when the public gets to see and hear Microsoft's Alex Kipman expound on the future of immersive computing, it's because the company has a new product to show off. But on Tuesday, April 24, Kipman was in the spotlight for an entirely different reason: an award nomination.

The annual European Inventor Award, presented by European Patent Office, has listed Kipman as a finalist for the 2018 edition of the award related to his work on the HoloLens.

In conjunction with the award finalist announcement, the European Patent Office (EPO) also posted a slick video presentation that shows Kipman working in one of Microsoft's Mixed Reality Capture Studios. Later, we see the inventor seated in a work studio with a disassembled HoloLens in front of him as he explains exactly how the device works.

Image by EPO/YouTube

Although Microsoft has done a good job of crafting public-facing videos and website material to explain its immersive technology, somehow, the EPO's video manages to present a more accessible and mainstream-friendly look into exactly why augmented reality, and the HoloLens in particular, are so important.

Along with the video profile, the finalist page for Kipman does a great job of explaining the potential economic and societal benefits of the HoloLens, how it works, as well as offering more insight into the inventor's personal background.

Image by EPO/YouTube

Whether you're already an admirer of Kipman's work (he was featured on last year's Next Reality 50 list) or have simply heard a lot about the HoloLens and want a quick, easy-to-digest dive into what it's all about, this is a great package ahead of the awards ceremony.

Image by EPO/YouTube

Kipman is featured as just one of 15 finalists for the award, including inventors such as Gaute Munch and Erik Hansen (for Lego programmable robots), Esther Sans Takeuchi (for batteries to reset the heart), Thomas Scheibel (for artificial spider silk), and Jens Frahm (for a faster, real-time MRI).

The awards event will be held on June 7 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Paris.

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Cover image via EPO/YouTube

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