In Love, Death, and Robots Season 2, Poop Droids Are the Future

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Screenshot: Netflix

Netflix’s wild sci-fi animated anthology Love, Death, and Robots returns next month with tales of post-apocalypses, children in haunted houses, and flying techno-whales. But it’s the AI pooper-scooper in this new trailer for the show that has me the most intrigued.

Partially that’s because the trailer does highlight a big dog-turd, which is abducted by an awkward-looking robot who’s also walking the dog. But given this is Deadpool director Tim Miller and Fight Club director David Fincher’s series, there’s obviously something bizarre that happens in the short featuring the ‘bot, and I can’t imagine how a poop-robot can go wrong. Oh, sure, it could just not scoop poop, but that wouldn’t make for the sort of bananas story that the series is already known for.

The dark secret of the poop-bot will be revealed on May 14, when season two of Love, Death, and Robots premieres on Netflix. Season three is also already on the way, and is due next year.


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