Entering the Wasteland, sneaking up on a group of raiders and shooting them down with guns in your own two hands, tossing back a Nuka-Cola, hanging out with Dogmeat; these are some the things that get fans excited about playing Fallout 4 VR. And in case you’ve been cryogenically frozen in a nuclear bunker this past year, you should know Fallout 4 (2015) is coming to HTC Vive―that and Bethesda demoed an updated build at this year’s E3, showing off an improved UI that should address some worries about porting the flatscreen game to VR headsets.

I love blowing stuff up, especially lobbing a tactical nuke onto a nearby town full of feral ghouls, but I already got a good chance to do all of that at last year’s E3 when VR support for the game was first revealed. What was critically missing in last year’s demo was Vaul-tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.)—the game’s iconic slow-mo targeting system—inventory, interacting with companions, and more definitive locomotion style.


V.A.T.S in VR | Photo courtesy Bethesda

Activating V.A.T.S. with the select button on the right Vive controller, I enter into the familiar slow-mo mode, automatically highlighting an enemy’s bodypart by pointing at it—all the while my action points (AP) slowly dwindle. Sound pretty normal, right?

The VR version of V.A.T.S. is a bit different though, letting you teleport around and potentially flank an enemy at the same time, or giving you the ability to get up nice and close for a more accurate, but decidedly more visceral kill. It’s a different feel to the non-VR version of V.A.T.S., and I can see it being used to get out of sticky situations where normal locomotion just wouldn’t cut it (read: Death Claw).

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Interacting with Companions

Last year’s demo featured Dogmeat, and I more than ever wanted to hang out with him this year and interact naturally, fully expecting something like the robot dog from Valve’s The Lab. This year’s demo revealed that interacting with Dogmeat (or any other companion for that matter) would be a pretty straight forward affair just like the PC version, i.e. choose your order through a 2D quick menu, or point where you want them to go with a tool secondary to the weapon in your hand.


image courtesy Bethesda

If only Fallout 4 VR had voice controls like Star Trek: Bridge Crew.


Predictably, inventory is managed directly from your wrist-mounted Pipboy, letting you look at the map, manage supplies, etc. While providing a 2D system UI seems kind of lazy on the surface, being able to see and use the Pipboy in real life really adds to the immersion factor in a way a plain 2D UI just can’t.

Checking the Pipboy |
image captured by Road to VR

There was also a quick menu bound to the Vive controllers touchpad that lets you get to weapons and health buffs for a quick transition that won’t leave you fiddling with the Pipboy during a battle. Not only that, when you loot someone or something (missing last year), a description automatically pops up of whatever treasure trove the baddy is carrying around. While none of this is what I’d consider incredible design for a VR game, all of this worked fairly well, which oftentimes counts more than unique inventories built from the ground-up for VR games.


Playing on the HTC Vive, I was shown that normal in-game movement offers smooth forward motion by clicking the top of the Vive controller’s touchpad. Since you’re tackling the open world of the Wasteland on foot, Instead of forward motion dictated solely by the position of your gaze, you can point to the direction you want to go with your controllers and look left and right while moving so you can keep a better eye out for raiders while on the move. I felt only a slight ‘heady’ feeling after popping out of the 10 minute demo—something that you’ll probably have to get used to, but not approaching anywhere near game-stopping nausea, personally speaking.

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Last year’s demo was limited to teleportation-only, which felt less immersive, so all of this is a welcome sight. Can you imagine having to teleport 10 feet at a time across a map that takes at least 40 minutes to walk from end to end?

Looking Forward

Fallout 4 VR is headed to HTC Vive users on Steam sometime in Q4 2017, and is currently available for pre-order for $59.99. Bethesda says they’re planning on bringing their VR games to “as many platforms as [they] can.”

Fallout 4 VR looks to be one of the most capable monitor-to-VR port since, well, ever. I own both the HTC Vive and the PC version of Fallout 4, and after experiencing the latest E3 demo, I’m not sure I’m thrilled about having to re-purchase a game at full price that I beat nearly 2 years ago just to play it in VR. I can’t say for sure though since I only experienced two 10-minute demos with a full year between them, so you’ll have to wait for the full review sometime later this year to know for sure.

I can confidently say this though: If you’ve never played Fallout 4 and own an HTC Vive, this promises to be one of the longest and arguably best VR adventures coming to VR outside of Skyrim VR.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 3,500 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • VRgameDevGirl

    Do we know if they will have other locomotion options? I just can do touchpad walking without getting sick.

    • Torben Bojer Christensen

      You can freely choose among motion and teleportation as your locomotion.

    • Raphael

      The game also has flappy wing locomotion but you probably have arms rather than wings.

  • NooYawker

    I must be one of the few people who never played Fallout 4. I also never played more than few hours of Skyrim and that was years ago. I have a bad habit of never finishing games. I have more games than time.

    • Mei Ling

      I would argue that “playing” virtual reality, as first person, is a lot different than playing a videogame on a 2D screen and in the case of Fallout 4 VR – you are the game. So due to the different experiences you may actually “complete” this one if you decided to make a purchase.

      • NooYawker

        I agree it’s different. I played Doom3VR and it’s very different from the flat game. And I can’t play horror games in VR at all, they’re too intense and I love them in 2D.

      • d0x360

        Fallout 4 is so tedious and boring though…I don’t know if VR can help that one. Might be different if it didn’t still have engine bugs and issues that existed in Morrowind. Changing the name from renderware to the creation engine doesn’t change the fact that their games are powered by an ancient engine that was considered busted when it was new.

        The only thing it ever did well was modding. With all the money they have made im shocked they haven’t created a bespoke engine for their games. Yea it would be alot of work but it would also solve every complaint people have expressed about every game they have made since Morrowind.

  • towblerone

    Getting there…

  • RFC_VR

    Bought Fallout4 just before getting my first Vive, and never installed or launched it.

    Perhaps a discount for existing owners ;)

    • NooYawker

      Did you buy it on steam? You can write to them and ask for refund because you never played it even if you had it for awhile. They’re pretty good about that.

      • RFC_VR

        cheers, I’ll look in that.

  • ✨EnkrowX✨

    Didn’t like flat Fallout4, but tried this at E3 and it was a blast.
    The only thing keeping me from preordering is the current lack of a physical PC version.

    Although if there will be no physical version, I guess I’ll have to cave and buy it on steam, unfortunately.

    • d0x360

      I couldn’t imagine what it’s like for the .5% of you physical release pc gamers. On console I can understand but pc…I just don’t get it. Even if steam were to shut down in 2 weeks you could backup all your games and keep playing, if the same were to happen on console digital games would stop working unless you were on the actual console that you bought them on which will eventually break and leave you without your stuff.

      Where do you even find pc games on disc? The last couple times I bought a boxed pc game it just ended up having a steam code inside.

      • Tyler Watson

        The digital Downloads are tied to your account. So digital games on console should be fine. You’d just have to re-download through the store. As far as Ik anyway.

      • ✨EnkrowX✨

        Well, here’s my reasoning behind it.
        First and foremost, I like to get something physical when I pay money. Not having anything tangible makes me feel like I was cheated, in a way.

        That aside, because not every game has a physical release, my big issue with most digital is DRM. I have no issue buying from stores like GOG, as I completely own the copy I paid for. However that isn’t the case with steam, and I’m not a fan of steam, nor am I a fan of valve. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t need a steam account at all.
        Steam works kind of well as a modern gamespy I guess, but I don’t see any reason why single player games should be tied to a third party program which is in reality unneeded and just bloatware.

        Occasionally a game will have a disc release and I can buy from the developer (as was the case with Pillars of Eternity) however this is becoming more and more difficult to come by, much to my dismay.

        • d0x360

          I hear yah. I don’t begrudge anyone who wants physical media. Believe me I have games I consider important compressed encrypted and backed up in the cloud with their ahem copy protection avoidance programs in the archive but more importantly I’m a collector of retro hardware and select titles. I don’t go crazy like top collectors but it’s a good size of curated stuff.
          So there are multiple reasons to want physical. I’m just always curious as to someone’s reason when it comes to PC. Usually the answer is in fact steam.

          I also agree steam is bloated as hell. I really don’t use anything it the store and forums. Even for chatting with a party we use the Windows Xbox app because being the giant nerd that I am I did a bunch of testing on CPU use, network bandwidth and latency and finally overall audio quality and frequency range lol.

          I found the Xbox app to win every category plus it’s faster when it comes to loading big friend lists and getting them into the party.

          They really need to make steam lite. It can have the store, achievements, and then have stuff like chat, forums and everything else be plugins.

          For the life of me I can’t figure out why steams file size is so big. There must me massive amounts of commented out code in there and God knows what else. I could make a client that does everything that steam can do in 1/4 it’s file size without much effort. If I really wanted to go crazy I could probably get it down to about 15mb if I was allowed to drop shield support OR hand it off to Miracast through windows itself as well as any broadcast features built into steam like spectate mode. I would have to have the user install OBS and then I could have “my steam” configure OBS for them based on their upstream capability

          God damn I’m rambling lol.

          Have a good one

          • Daniel Gochez

            My latest gaming rig doesn’t have a disc player, I realized I hadn’t used one in years and just didn’t include it in the purchase, A year later I haven’t had a need for it yet.

          • d0x360

            Mine does and I’ve actually used it quite a few times. There are some older pc games not on any digital service despite the fact that they aren’t even that old.

            One game I’m glad I have digital media for on pc is SplitSecond. Now that one does have a steam version but for some reason it won’t run but the disc based version does.

            Both versions also are locked to 30fps without using a memory resident hack either something you make yourself with cheat engine or a trainer like exe. For some reason the steam version is less compatible with the “hacks”. It’s likely because the steam version is using different DRM (aside from steam itself) that isn’t on the original disc.

            That game and Blur are 2 of my favorite under appreciated racing games from the last console gen and both I could only find on disc for PC so having an optical drive does have its uses.

            Aside from those 2 games the only other thing I use it for is making system images with the free Macrium Reflect. I’m fairly certain it’s also fully compatible with USB drives but I have a spindle of 1000 dvd-r discs I need to use lol.

  • Raphael

    Really negative headline to create drama and pull in readers I guess.
    ” I’m not sure I’m thrilled about having to re-purchase a game at full price that I beat nearly 2 years ago just to play it in VR” << I'm sure you'll survive the enormous expenditure. And just think… You'll be supporting the VR game development industry.

    Since you've completed the tiny 2d rectangle version you don't have to buy the game again even if it is in VR.

    • Tyler Watson

      There are other VR games to get in order to support it. Why give Bethesda the satisfaction through reasoning when they’re clearly hungry for money based on their actions in the recent years? I’m convinced their pride makes them feel the crazy price is justified. Why not just promote a AAA game with VR capabilities like RE7? If more supported the way RE7 did it, devs will know to focus on that strategy (for lack of better word). Because RE7 was full price and didn’t charge extra for VR. If you really want your voice heard, DON’T GET Skyrim and/or FO4 VR (maybe even Doom VR if it requires a full re-purchase of the game. Getting it (even for free) will give Bethesda the thought they can do it to their other games and feel totally justified.

      • Raphael

        This kind of campaign generally fails. A percentage who bought the non-vr don’t want to pay full price for the VR. A percentage. Others are happy to. It’s irrelevant using another dev as your model for correct etiquette because different devs make different choices.

        Some conversion games you have to buy the VR version. Some are free. I suggest that a big game like Fallout 4 takes much more effort to bring to VR and that cost has to be recouped. Fallout was not a stereoscopic 3d engine so that means it woulda taken much more in conversion to bring to VR.

        • Tyler Watson

          FO4 I totally understand, a lot of work is being done. Same with Doom and Skyrim. I guess I just chose to hop in the wagon. As someone like me who’s on a budget who doesn’t own VR, I suppose I’m looking at it as if I was buying VR and wanted a AAA game for it. No way would I pay $60 for a VR experience after already paying $60 on the flat version (which likely proved your point). Also, I’ve seen many complain about the price of the VR version after already being a flat version. Some say the VR version should’ve at least been paid DLC. Not to mention Skyrim SE isn’t a year old yet and is still $60, let alone the fact Skyrim is getting “milked”. But VR is still new. I guess from now on I’ll be neutral on the matter.

          • Raphael

            I guess for those who bought the tiny 2d rectangle version and played through it they are not so happy about paying full price again.

            Croteam Talos principle is coming to vr.. i have the tiny 2d rectangle version but i haven’t completed it so i dont mind buying the vr version for 20 on dscount. I assume talos vr will be 30 pounds at launch.

          • Tyler Watson

            Tbh, I haven’t got a clue on what I just read.

          • Raphael

            lol. Tiny 2d rectangle is vintage gaming on a monitor or tv.

      • brandon9271

        How does not getting it “even for free” prove anything? Do you think Bethesda has some all seeing eye that knows you’re pissed and didn’t even bother to pirate their game? That sounds absurd

        • Tyler Watson

          What do you mean? When did I say that? I never said not to get free ones. Why on earth would I be against that? Maybe if there were pay walls and anti-consumer stuff like many F2P MMOs, then yes, I’d complain on behalf of the VR fanbase.

          Business wise, the consumer should get what is reasonable. Why do you think the open world genre exploded in recent years? Because many bought open world games correct? If people refused to get Skyrim VR at $60 after releasing Skyrim SE full price half a year ago, wouldn’t the statistics (or whatever) show Bethesda that selling full price was a bad move?

          ESO’s Morrowind expansion went on sale in less than a month after release. Around release, many said the expansion wasn’t worth $40 for what it offered. Therefore, most likely made many not want to pay $40. As they say, Vote with your Wallet.” Right now, it’s $30 untill the 11th.

      • HybridEnergy

        Tyler, Resident Evil 7 is a Sony PSVR exclusive? how the heck are VR exclusives not equally considered greed as bethesda’s actions? That’s one, and second, RE7 as a VR experience is a sit down gamepad experience at the moment for a low end VR device, that is in NO WAY a AAA. RE7 needs to be room scale with fully realized hands as controllers like Arizona Sunshine before I would ever even dare use three As. Maybe when it hits PC, but by then it’s a cold late Pizza, and as a wise man once said “never pay full price for a late console port…or was that a pizza?” I get my quotes confused.

        • Tyler Watson

          1.) I never said it WAS AAA. I said it’s a AAA game with a VR experience (optional more specifically), which wasn’t sold separately. And 2.) I had no idea you wanted it so specific. You never said. You mentioned supporting VR, which led me to suggest alternative ways without resorting to the consumer hating route Bethesda is taking with Skyrim.

          I used RE7 as an example because 1.) it’s a AAA game, and 2.) it COMES with the VR feature with no additional cost (if you own the VR headset). I wasn’t considering high-end or low-end experience, just the VR experience itself. Then you have Skyrim. A Triple AAA game. But the VR feature is considered a whole new full priced game. See my point that I was trying to make?

          You want VR with such high quality? Support FO4 VR as it has the VR experience you mentioned. Since the Vive is the highest quality (and most expensive) VR experience you can get atm (as far as Ik).

  • David

    I really hope there’s another option than “clicking the touchpad” for movement. It’s much better when you can just hover over the touchpad to move than actually having to press it in.

    • maxsil

      Probably not, but there are a lot of utilities out there like SteamVR advanced settings, which let you rebind your controllers. So setting the controller up so that hovering over that part of the trackpad will press it should work

    • d0x360

      That’s why I didn’t even consider the Vive and went oculus. The controllers feel more natural and having 2 analog sticks means traditional locomotion if the game supports it.

      Their new controller will certainly help, it will definitely make it feel more natural. Playing that new boxing game on the Vive feels horrible because of the controller and on the rift it feels natural because you can actually make a fist while holding the controller.

      Shame that Bethesda is being insane about the loss of Carmack. Of course they are run by a bigger corporation and they saw an easy way to make some big money suing Facebook

      • Tyler Watson

        Actually, Bethesda could make it possible. The touch pad is in truth, 2 buttons. The right half could be for the “Wait” feature, and the left half could be for the toggling of preferred locomotion.

    • Tyler Watson

      PS4 does have that feature to “rebind” buttons. Although I don’t think the touch-pad is one of the options.

  • Wolfkolf

    I’m sold. Gona buy it day 1 :D

    • Chugs 1984

      The moment i knew you could use 3rd party VR software to create psudo VR/3D gaming like with Fallout:NV I was sold.

      Apparently Fallout:NV VR is really awesome.

  • Anthony Kenneth Steele

    When vr isnt perfect its quite worrying

  • d0x360

    Why this is a full release and not like $30 dlc is beyond belief. All the vr legwork was already done by Carmack and in idtech. All they needed to do was port it to that 17 year old engine of theirs and make some tweaks to the game. Chances are most of the work was done by a couple of people over a few months which is no different than some of their mid sized dlc.

    It makes it even harder to swallow when you know they took the exact same code and plugged it into Skyrim so they only had to do the work once and since Skyrim is less mechanically complex they likely didn’t have much to change as far as gameplay goes so again it shouldn’t be anything but dlc for the enhanced edition.

    I definitely want to play it and thanks to openvr that won’t be an issue on my oculus but I just can’t bring myself to pay full price for fallout 4 again especially since I didn’t like it nearly as much as 3 to begin with and I’ve only managed to force myself through about 30% of the main story.

    I’d be more likely to buy Skyrim but I’ve already bought it on Xbox 360 and PC along with the dlc for both so I guess I’ll wait till they are on sale which is unfortunate because I want to show support for AAA vr

    • Tyler Watson

      A wise man once said, “Actions speak louder than words.” Don’t like it? Don’t get it. Key words, “Don’t get.” Even if you find a way to get it for free. Not buying it is effective, but not getting it at all really shows it. If you want to support AAA content in VR, go ahead, but don’t let it be Skyrim and FO4 as your words clearly say you’re disgusted, but also following through with what you say will ultimately be more effective. :)

      I strongly agree it should’ve been DLC or a free update. There are probably expansion DLCs that had more work done and was sold at $20 than a VR Mode.

      • d0x360

        I vote with my wallet and stick to my guns all the time. I have no problem with a company making money but if they want mine especially in a case like this then the price needs to be reasonable.

        When it’s reasonable, which to me is $20-30 then I’ll buy Skyrim but probably not fallout 4.

        Since that price drop will take some time if I hear the next elder scrolls game will support VR then I’ll just wait.

        They put people like me in a bind here. I want to support VR, I bought about 50 VR games through steam and maybe 20 through oculus home. I want to see AAA studios make AAA quality games and the adoption of vr to continue but Bethesda is doing it wrong which is unfortunate.

        • Tyler Watson

          That’s good. I wish I could be that way all the time (I’m very impulsive). I feel you. It sucks when something makes it hard for you to support. There are several games I want to like and buy, but their publishers are so money hungry, I just don’t bother.

    • yag

      I guess they needed a bit more than “some tweaks” (making F4 run @90fps = a lot of optimisations. & tweaks, wands support on such a huge map = a lot of beta-testing, etc) but yeah I agree a full-price is too much if you already own the game.

    • jkflipflop98

      All this proves is that you don’t know dick about how games are made.

  • Tyler Watson

    Business wise, I feel Bethesda is becoming like Activision in a mild way. Their stuff is becoming overpriced. But saying it won’t do it will it? If people are genuinely disgusted about this being full price, maybe they shouldn’t buy it. A wise man once said, “Actions speak louder than words.” I feel by action, Bethesda is becoming greedy and the majority of fans don’t mind.

    • Lionel Townsend

      I sucks to have to buy something twice but how much have they invested in R&D for techniques for VR to make it palatable over the last year or two given the salaries of those tasked to bring the burgeoning VR experience up to the level of quality that we all expect. 3D games on flat screens are fairly mature in comparison and have a much larger audience with the appropriate hardware to prove profitable. It’s a riskier investment even on a known previously developed property given the breadth of the title. We’re early adopters so the vote from our dollars help inform the developers and publishers if the the decision of venture is worth while. It sucks to buy something relatively recent twice. I agree, but if VR experiences are a good enough value the techniques maybe useful to guide new titles for a more general audience.

      • Tyler Soward

        Well said

      • Strawb77

        i bought the flat fo4, in full knowledge that i would have to pay again for the vr version, purely so i could familiarise myself with the game first.
        i agree with @lionel- and i don`t mind a bit.
        if there was the situation that you `must` buy the original `and` the vr version then i would definitely have a problem with that.

      • Tyler Watson

        Fair enough. Sometimes it takes risks, even if it seems like it’s anti-consumer. But if its the best option they have, I see no reason to complain.

  • Jason Mercieca

    Buying it 4 sure!

  • Duane Locsin

    Will be getting the HTV Vive very soon this month now, because it’s dropped in price.
    -Tilt Brush
    -(that boxing demo)
    -hover junkies
    -Doom VR (even though I have Doom and haven’t completed it yet)
    -Fall Out VR (even though I have Fallout 4 and haven’t completed it yet either)

    Can’t wait.

    • NooYawker

      You can play Doom 3 in VR. Theres a free mod out for it.

      • Strawb77

        he said `doom vr`, not 3

    • Religion is Cancer

      Don’t buy Hoverjunkers. No one plays it anymore. I regretted it when I bought it about a year and a half ago. The devs have abandoned development.

  • Luke

    there are some games tha i have not buy yet because I wish to play in VR for the first time: Fallout 4, Outlast 2, alieen isolation and RE7.

    • HybridEnergy

      Oh how I wish for a good Alien Isolation conversion to VR. Though I wouldn’t hold my breath, the game is cheap now and great so I would play it if I were you. I don’t think a VR is in the works, vorpx is lack luster with such games.

  • BeyondPostal

    Holy shit, the first true AAA title and its a maybe?
    I’m buying this day 1, cannot wait just to be inside a world that large and have that many options, and im so glad I didn’t finish the 2D version, some of us have a lot to look forward to!

  • yag

    “Fallout 4 VR looks to be one of the most capable monitor-to-VR port since, well, ever”
    HL² and DOOM3 BFG were pretty well ported (even if not officially).

  • notanyone

    Judging from YouTube videos of the FO4 demos it looks like they’re using VorpX combined with a controller plugin they cooked up. Makes me wonder if that teaser trailer is VR gameplay, they can’t record that VorpX looking mirrored display right?

  • Tyler Soward

    Already spent 340 hours in flat Fallout 4. I plan on sinking at least that many into the VR version. I don’t even mind spending the money again. Totally worth it in my opinion

  • HybridEnergy

    I’ll be getting this on release, this and Doom VR. They look great and bethesda is doing something fantastic for the VR community.

    • yag

      you mean Doom VR (Doom 3 VR is already a thing)

      • HybridEnergy

        Yes. my mistake, I have played through Doom 3 BFG already, it was great. Type-o.

  • John Calvin

    hopefully someone will make a patch to make it cross-compatible with us rift owners.

  • Jason Mercieca

    I buy this game asap!
    If u have a vive and dont buy this game you should consult with a doctor :)))

  • Daniel A

    Damn I love my VIVE but at the same time, it’s a early product, the first of it’s kind really so there’s so many things wrong with it that I hate… I’ll make a “LITTLE” list.

    The headset itself a bit too heavy

    The Controllers are delicate, so many things can go wrong with them, from the Trackpad popping out (and making you lose your haptic feedback/vibration) to your buttons getting a little stuck, yes that includes the Trigger which loves to “Squeak” after awhile. Besides this, IT’S ALSO a little too heavy for my taste, just cut the weight by like 25% and it would probably be perfect.

    If scratched badly, the lenses cost a fortune to repair

    Everything that’s outside of the middle of the lenses when you’re wearing the headset looks slightly blurry.

    Looking DOWN is hard and you have to be holding the HMD down with both hands to properly see stuff that is hooked/equipped to your body.

    Tracking can suck if you don’t have a recommended nice open room with little to no stuff in the way or shit that you can accidentally damage while shooting things in VR.

    The cord that goes from your HMD to the link box is just too heavy and is REAAAAALLLY REALLY FRUSTRATING (I hear that the new cable is more light but also likes to kink a lot, I still think it’d be frustrating as fuck)

    The accessories to improve your VIVE cost too much, I think it’s like over $70 just for a “Deluxe Head strap” or whatever lol! (Good thing they lowered the VIVE to $599 a few days ago but still. My point still stands.)

    The games for the VIVE still suck and have thee worse graphics ever, even after OVER a year of the VIVE and the Rift being released. (Though I never expected the games to get good looking even after 3 or 4 years after the VIVE/Rifts release, this is still a big issue to me and I’m sure others as well.)

    The requirements are really high (Not that much of a problem for me but for many, in this shitty economy, it most definitely is.) A GTX980 and a i5 4590 BEING THE MINIMUM requirements where you’re going to be having to set your VR games on LOW – MEDIUM settings (I think.) is already about $400 – $600 and this isn’t including THE PC case/tower/chasis, the Motherboard, the RAM, the Hard Drives/Solid State Drives, the Mouse, The Keyboard, the CPU Cooler, and the Power Supply etc.

    • Wayne Hinkel

      I suggest you go ahead and plop $99 down for the audio headset attachment; it makes the whole headset MUCH better. It makes the HMD fit a lot better, with good front-to-back weight distribution, and is easy to remove, or even just tilt up for a short breather. A great product that ought to be standard.