Oculus announced late last week that, starting on November 20th, new Quest 2 owners would be able to download the award-winning PC VR title Asgard’s Wrath (2019) for free until January 31st, 2021. Following public outcry from early customers who were inexplicably locked out of the promotion, Oculus has now extended the offer to Quest 2 users who purchased their headset from September 16th onwards.

Update (November 24th, 2020): Following public controversy, Oculus has decided to extend its free offer of PC VR title Asgard’s Wrath to effectively all prior owners of Quest 2, the company’s latest standalone headset.

The company says in a statement that users who purchased Quest 2 between September 16th and November 20th should contact Oculus Support with a PDF containing proof of purchase.

September 16th was the starting pre-order date for Quest 2, so ostensibly everyone who bought a Quest 2 should be able to claim Asgard’s Wrath, provided they activate the headset before January 31st, 2021 and use it with Link via a VR-ready PC. The original article follows below:

Original Article (November 20th, 2020): It’s been one year since Oculus released beta support for Link, the company’s compatibility software that lets Quest users play Rift exclusives on PC. In celebration, the company is giving Quest 2 owners Asgard’s Wrath, the Norse mythology-inspired RPG.

To qualify, you need to activate a Quest 2 for the first time and use it with a Link cable between today (see update) and January 31st, 2021. Make sure to download the Oculus PC app first, and connect your Quest 2 with a USB 3.0 cable or the original Link cable sold by Oculus.

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Developed by Sanzaru Games exclusively for the Rift platform, Asgard’s Wrath boasts 30+ hours of first-person combat, dungeoning, and plenty of RPG goodness. Although the game is all about melee, you’ll also find yourself morphing to the size of a god to solve environmental puzzles using any one of your animal companions. Find out why we gave it [8.8/10] in our full review from last year.

Spoiler: we liked it so much we gave it Road to VR’s 2019 Oculus Rift Game of the Year Award.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 3,500 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Donkeyfumbler

    Is this only for people who buy a Quest 2 between now and the end of the year? Because I bought one a couple of weeks ago and just did this (used link) and no sign of an offer or a price change on Asgard’s Wrath for me in the store.

    • MeowMix

      Yes, only for newcomers. But perhaps you can try contacting Oculus Support and let em know you would like a copy.
      Either way, Asgard’s Wrath is a great game, so even if you have to purchase AW it’s worth it.

      • Donkeyfumbler

        Others have tried but with no luck at all. Might have purchased it on sale at some point but after this no way I buy it all, regardless of the price. At least it helps in the decision as to whether to buy a game on Steam or on Oculus Store when the choice is there.

        • MeowMix

          Might have purchased it on sale at some point but after this no way I buy it all, regardless of the price

          Your loss. Again, AW is a great game (metareview score of 88, and RtoVR gave it a high score).

          • Donkeyfumbler

            Lots of good games – still yet to finish Alyx!

          • MeowMix

            And Oculus releases Medal of Honor in a few weeks ! Good times indeed

        • Lulu Vi Britannia

          Yes, how wrong for Oculus to offer a game to their new customers, they’re so baaaad. Any other company would have given it to every user! I’m sure they would even give them money with the game! Oculus, you suck!

          Seriously, the Facebook hate is becoming retarded. Every offer starts at a certain point in time, so obviously, it will work for some people but not others.
          Sure, they could have released that offer back in October with the Quest 2. But then, people with a Quest 1 would complain that the offer wasn’t for them.

          It’s not a problem specific to Oculus. In fact, it’s not a problem at all. You don’t get the game for free, is it the end of the world for you? I hope not.

          • Donkeyfumbler

            Of course it’s not the end of the world but it is annoying and it has reduced my goodwill towards Oculus. Most companies specifically ask for feedback and like to know when customers are disatisfied, so posting somewhere where they can potentially see it should be fine by them.

          • David The-Dread Pirate-Roberts

            Holy shit, Lulu.

            Are you mentally retarded? LOL. Legit question.

          • Mrflappywilly

            Except we are all new customers, the headset is 4 weeks old…

          • kevmanit

            If someone complains of missing promo with 1 year old product, I would call him a whiner.

            But if someone complains of missing promo within a return period from the very first release, then I think I will call the company stupid.

            Yeah it’s not the end of the world not having a free copy of game, but also it’s not the end of the world not owning vr headset or specifically quest2 either.

            So I think it’s a bad marketing for them to make consumers evaluate their product and service again.

        • VR5

          It’s one of the best games and dirt cheap considering its length and quality. If you don’t buy it, that’s your loss.

    • Donkeyfumbler

      I’ve just learnt from Reddit that this appears to be only for people who buy a quest 2 from today onwards. What a shocking way to treat your biggest and best customers – the early adopters who bought the Quest 2 in the first month.

      This seems like a great way for OculusFacebook to kill as much goodwill with their existing customers as possible! Someone on the marketing team should be fired.

  • TampaScotty

    Yeah, that’s jacked up. Just purchased a Quest 2. I am not sure why my purchase is less important for the company than one made today. Pretty poor marketing and customer service. This isn’t an old piece of hardware, its less than 2 months old. I went from excited to disappointed when seeing this article. I’m crossing the game off my shopping list. Why would I pay full price for something others are getting for free to other who did the same thing I did, support Oculus in buying their new product. This isn’t like a store exclusive and get it if buy at Target, etc – this should be available to all who bought it before the end-of-year. It’s at least good to know how Oculus handles their business when shopping for my NEXT VR experience, I hear the Reverb is a good alternative, with little screen door effect and better refresh rates.

  • WhywasIbanned

    How could Facebook think this would be a good idea to pee off everyone who bought it on launch or as I did last week.

    • Egor Kru


      • Carmen Burnette

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    • Andrew Jakobs

      And how is this relevant? It happens so many times that games come for free from a specific moment for people who buy new hardware.. GPU’s regularly come with free games which are normally very expensive. This is nothing new or special to Facebook, many hardware manufacturers do this.. So stop bitching.

      • Zack Adams

        What if a company started throwing in a free game or discount only a day after launch? Clearly there’s a balance where it can be too soon and many people feel a month after launch without making whole is just poor foresight on FB’s part. We’re talking about marketing here so if enough customers feel shafted that means FB screwed up, even if you don’t think so.

        • Cometer

          Yeah I understand your opinion. But I´m glad they did it.
          I bought the game a few days after getting the Quest 2.
          It´s an awesome game. Yes I’m kind upset that I bought it now as i didn´t expect FB to release the game totally for free for Quest 2 owners anytime.

          But that´s on me. I could have waited to see if I could get some discounts on Black Friday or something. But noooo. I had to get the game as soon as I got the Quest 2.

          Well I did get to enjoy the game earlier than most Quest 2 owners.

          Oh well. This is just another great reason to get a Quest 2.
          Hope you lucky bastards that got it for free enjoy what might be one of the best if not the best AAA RPG VR game ever.

      • WhywasIbanned

        Haha such an angry old guy. Get back in your shed fella where you belong.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          I’m actually NOT the angry guy here, but you clearly do your name justice..

        • sdrawkcab

          i lol’d cuz my dad is always in his shed tinkering.

      • James G

        Get out of society and stay in your S&M dungeon and get f’ed in the ass by your corporate master if in private slave boy, no one wants to spit in your in your mouth. People like you are suited for and the reason for slavery.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          Wow, again, has that brain of yours been melted by all the drugs you do or something like that? Maybe you’re better suited for slavery as you have a problem with thinking reasonable.

          • James G

            The only thing brain melting is moron pedo looking betas like yourself who come to a consumer comment section and peddle the case of oligarchs. Keep your corporate feudalism fetish to yourself. Drop dead bootlicker.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            Funny how you can make judgements on a picture of someone without knowing anything and only stoop so low because someone is not agreeing with your vision.. And I wonder why you bought the Quest 2 in the first place if you’re so against Facebook (or you’re lying in another topic on another site), as the coupling with the account was already well known before you bought it.. So you’re nothing but a big redneck hypocrite (well, the redneck is my interpretation of having seen your mug).

          • James G

            Everyone in society is knows all we need to know about the corporate worshipping pseudo-intellectual who has to come in to every comment section and repeat the same garbage pleading the companies case, I hope you have a big sprawling happy family, and your poor genetics gave them a crippling pre-disposition to cancer and before they die slowly and painfully: They know it was your fault.

      • James G

        And you really look like the type in that are in to children, Ew.

        • Andrew Jakobs

          Wow, you really showed what kind of moron you actually are.

    • Thomas Cai Jinzhan

      i know the reason why u were banned

    • You still have the same game, nothing has changed for you. This is your psychological issue.

    • Cometer

      I was about to post the exact same thing :D.
      In all seriousness. Great move from Facebook to launch it free for Black Friday as it will surely grow the market and help them sell more VR devices.
      I bought Asgard a few days after getting the Quest 2 and this is such an awesome AAA game that everyone with a Quest 2 and capable PC should play.
      Actually, if you don´t have a capable PC but bought the Quest 2 you need to get a good PC RIGHT NOW.

      It´s well worth it.

  • David The-Dread Pirate-Roberts

    Oculus/Facebook can either unfuck this situation and offer me my free copy, or I will end up with a pirated copy and play the game anyway both to enjoy it AND to spite them. It has torrent releases all over the net.

  • LoneWuff326

    i see so many people complaining if they did this on launch date they would of lost alot of money cause i pretty sure the quest 2 preorders were at 50, 000 > can you imagine giving like 50, 000 copies of a free game yeah no i dont think so the 50 000 was an example i dont actually know

    • Egor Kru

      And now 50,000 people hate them, smart

    • Gerald Terveen

      how many units do you think they sell over the duration of the promotion? if you have a problem imagining giving away 50k games, then this whole promotion must blow your mind ;)

  • Egor Kru

    They have very dumb marketers

  • Nicholas

    Lol! It looks like I’m in luck with having my quest 2 rma because of a stuck pixel. The new quest comes with a free game then I guess XD

  • lynx

    Guys, paying $40 for a great game isn’t the end of the world. It should be pretty common. I bought AW roughly when it came out. Most people coming into VR don’t have a good PC. This doesn’t affect them. You guys are blowing everything out of proportion. For those who are into PCVR, I am a little surprised you don’t already have it. If you don’t, having such a PC to play Asgards Wrath means you should have $40 to pay for the game. There are other great games like “Half Life: Alyx” that are worth checking out. This comment section is coming off as a little entitled. I would also advice to not steal games and support the devs.

    • kraeuterbutter

      very good spoken!

    • Nicholas

      For sure. I will buy this eventually even if I don’t get it for free. Looks incredible!

    • VR5

      Agreed. At 40 bucks for 25+ hours it’s basically constantly on sale.

    • My problem is that I have my Quest 2 but can’t really afford to go buy new games at even £20+ a pop, so I don’t have much to play on it other than the free stuff. The amount might not sound a lot to you, but it is to me. It’s a shame I can’t access games outside of the Oculus Store on Quest 2 the same way I currently do for most of the PCVR games I’m playing, unless I just want to play unfinished half-baked stuff on Side Quest I guess.

    • Gerald Terveen

      It’s entirely sensible to say paying $40 for a game is just the right thing to do to support the ecosystem. And there is also a truth where folks with the time to actually play several 25+ hour games often lack the funds to do so and missing out on one is not making their VR experience better.

      I do think that Facebook opened a can of worms here. I expect retailers will see a lot of returns – because at $40 a lot of folks do see it as a sensible bit of effort.
      I would as well to be honest – because I only use mine as PC VR headset anyway and there is no content on it that would require a bit setup. As I am from Germany the return to Amazon France it too expensive though – they lucked out in my case as I am still in the Amazon return window.

      And it does feel a little bit as a punishment for being so early buying it. It has been out for barely a month and I don’t even have it a month yet.

      Of course there is a sense of entitlement when I write that, but it is the reality of how I perceive it – not saying it is entirely sensible. ;)

    • Andrew Jakobs

      To be honest, I haven’t paid $40 for a game in a long time.. I have such a big backlog of games that I don’t normally buy brand new games anymore, I’ll just wait a while and buy them for 1-10 bucks.. The last time I paid 30 euro’s for a game without thinking was for the PS3 version of Lego Star Wars when it came out, and I’m still loving and playing that game, haha..

  • Hi everyone!

    It’s great to see how much (if often misguided) passion there is now for VR. Being a part of this makes me feel like I did 35 years ago when PC gaming first started to take off.
    If you do the maths….that makes me kinda ancient.

    So, let me asplain something to all the young’ins here…..

    You will NEVER, EVER be ahead in the technology race. As in….ever. The second you hit “complete purchase” you are already waiting for outdated hardware to hit your doorstep.

    So, waiting for a better deal is just wasting time and losing out. How does this apply to missing out on a free game?

    Same thing. If you want to play a game….buy it. If someone gets it free later does that *really* reduce the amount of enjoyment you got from it? If it does, you need to seriously reflect on your life.

    Guys, we’re only here for a very brief time. Do what you can, when you can, with what you have. Anything else (including blaming a company for trying to sell more things that we all enjoy) is just pouting.

    But….I also have a bad pixel in my Quest 2 and BestBuy is accepting returns until Jan 16th…….naw.

    • Gerald Terveen

      I wonder how much BestBuy will love Facebook for having to deal with all the returns on the Quest …

      • Andrew Jakobs

        And how many do you think have been returned?

        • George Vieira IV

          If i had just purchased a Quest in the 14 day return policy, i’d be returning and rebuying a new one. So I suspect a more than zero number of people will, thought he pandemic might help lower that number.

    • Scott

      If the bad pixel is a red dot, then it is actually just the casting indicator. This has caught many people out. You can turn off the red dot in the settings.

    • I do this .. by pirating games as soon as possible. :-P

  • Nosfar

    AhhhhReeeeeeeeee Reeeeeeeeee I don’t get free stuff to Reeeeeeeeee oculus must love the new baby more then me Reeeeeeeeeeee. Grow up things like this happen all the time if it makes you that mad start knitting I’ve yet to see free stuff given to brand new knitters. Swear everyone is so entitled these days.

  • Gerald Terveen

    This makes me wonder if this is just a “we want to spread the VR love” move or more a “we have production lines pushing out units faster than they get sold” one …

    • Andrew Jakobs

      I don’t think so, this game isn’t really a systemseller.

  • steelew

    I just bought my OQ2 last week and I don’t see the offer when I search for AW in the oculus app for PC. Still $39.99

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Maybe because it’s for new buyers only? Otherwise you might try your luck with the Oculus helpdesk.

    • geronimo

      I’m pretty sure you have to connect your Quest to the PC and set up Link before it will become available (if you are eligible anyway).

  • geronimo

    I can see this making some people upset that are brand new to vr. They buy a Quest 2 thinking (correctly) that they don’t need a pc to play games, then find out a pc is required to play the game it comes with. Maybe a crossbuy game would have made more sense if they want to push Link.

    • lynx

      The base Beat Saber game probably would have had wider appeal. It is the game to show off to friends and family. They probably would have made more money using that as the promo given the user can continue to pay for more music/levels in-app. Like a junkie the user would come back for their fix.

  • kintush

    January 2021 I believe?

  • Matthew Cloutier

    Let me get this straight. My roommates and I purchased the Rift 2 YESTERDAY. And we’re ineligible?
    FUCK you, Oculus.

    • Sven Viking

      Technically you might be able to return it and buy again. Edit: Actually depending on how their system works it may not help if you used the same account you already activated a Quest 2 with.

  • kevmanit

    Also it’s more of feeling, not a simple being cheap on $40.

    Quest 2 didn’t launch US only. It took preorders internationally from some countries and it was a painful experience because of the automatic shipping address translation in their website, which caused random cancellations, shipping delay and held by customs several days. Also now have to return bad elite strap if purchased.
    (Also purchasing from Amazon was shipped earlier and cheaper with promo than preorder for some cases)

    Then since last week, the order and shipping process seem to be super fast and smooth compared to preorder and now they are given a free game in addition.

    This marketing have offended early adopters in some country, who are more seasoned vr gamers and went thru horrible preorder experience with no particular advantage and felt betrayed in the end.

  • David Gaston

    Do you mean 2021 not 2020

  • I hoped it was also for us that bought it a month ago… but I tried it and nope. What a disappointment

    • Sven Viking

      They should give a gift credit of lesser value to people who already own it or something. Kind of rotten to get absolutely nothing for being a better customer.

    • Brian (Suitch)

      They fixed it so it is for everyone. They were panned pretty heavily across the board for not including “Early” adopters. (one month out, buying one now still counts as an early adoption)

  • How about all Quest 2 owners get a discount, so they didn’t feel left out in the cold….? But who am I kidding?! It’s facebook doing facebook stuff.

  • MeowMix

    and just like that ! Facebook was able to turn grown adults into toddlers …..

  • Jayson Deleon

    Same boat as the rest of you. I Just bought it and tried to redeem it–NOPE! Pay full price. You would have thought OCULUS would have thought this through before making a bunch of loyal customers angry. Adding more fuel to the fire with forced facebook accounts now this :/

    There is a reason Valve has a loyal following–they gave their pride and joy–Alex– away for all owners of their headset.

  • MadridiCooL

    Facebook heard you!! it should be free now for every one who bough Quest 2, yo need to enter your Email and Serial Number to claim a copy ..

    “Thank you to everyone who shared concerns about the Quest 2 Asgard’s Wrath promotion timing. Your candid feedback, support, and enthusiasm are what make this platform a success. The promotion is now available to those who purchased a Quest 2 between Sept 16 and Nov 20, 2020.”

    • MadridiCooL

      To submit a ticket with Customer Support, please use this link https://tickets.oculusvr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select “I am having an issue with Oculus Software or content” as the reason. Have a PDF with proof of Quest 2 purchase from Sept 16 – Nov 20 ready to share as well.

  • Rogue Transfer

    It’s amazes me that Facebook/Facebook Reality Labs continue to mislead by calling themselves ‘Oculus’ and the media don’t set it out straight and clear to readers that there has been no ‘Oculus’ company since 2018. No Oculus division either and it’s really ‘from Facebook’ – as it clearly shows on their website and on the box.

    This has been going on for years now and yet, RoadToVR blindly ignore the fact and play along with Facebook’s marketing strategy to pretend a dissolved company’s name is more than just a brand name of Facebook’s.

    Further, it’s been 1 year since *Facebook(the company) released Link – not Oculus the company(which doesn’t exist as I mentioned, since 2 years ago). Please correct the ‘facts’ in your article, so your readers aren’t misled about who’s who.

  • Francisco Arana

    How do you even claim this? I’m in link mode on the oculus store in headset and the game still costs 39.99.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      it’s not as simple as that (at this time).. You need to contact the support of Oculus for that.

  • OMG, they were convinced by the meme Conor Conrad and I shared on Reddit!

  • Pangalaktichki

    Is there any way to get the game without a headset? I’m having huge trouble finding a Quest 2 to buy where I live, will need to import it, but I wouldn’t like to miss this deal.

  • Trip

    Facebook seems to make the process inconvenient to discourage people from bothering to request the free game. Also, after getting the support ticket in they asked for information which I provided, then posted the same question and I provided it again. Another couple days later and I messaged live support and they asked me for the email address, asked me to wait 3-5 minutes, asked me for the email address again, asked me to wait 3-5 minutes, then asked me to wait 3-5 minutes one more time and they finally added it to my account…

  • Elvis Mårtensson

    so i just came here to know if you could play the game on quest 2 or not…