Lightfields, orphanogenesis and simulating exact universes with Frooxius

Lightfields, orphanogenesis and simulating exact universes with Frooxius


Hello and welcome to Enter VR! Join Frooxius and I as we explore complex subjects that are too difficult for me to understand! Frooxius is a genius level over 9,000, he’s the creator of Sightline, Neos the Universe, World of Comenius and many more! In this conversation we talked a lot about light fields, the origins of Frooxius and trying to create life out of in-organic matter.

Here is a snippet of all the things we talked about:

45: Using nostalgia to sell VR to you.

1:20: Intro

2:30 Working with eVRday VR on lightfields in VR.

3:20 What’s it like to work with Dee.

4:30 Frooxius thoughts on education in general. Read “Free to learn” by Peter Grey.

10:00 Creating simulations of Quantum effects in VR.

11:30 Using Lightfields in education.

14:30 How to capture Lightfields inside of game engines.

16:50 Why and how Lightfields are relevant to the average person.

21:30 The finish line in the race to cross the uncanny valley has already been crossed.

22:30 Creating Lightfield images that take up 48 gigs in your hard drive.

25:30 The end goal of Frooxius’s light field work.

28:30 Are Lightfields the future of 3D rendering?

32:30 The origins of Frooxius.

36:30 Creating games with Powerpoint when he was 12 years old.

37:30 Growing up without internet.

40:00 The video games that influenced Frooxius the most.

42:30 Portal 2 has a great procedural soundtrack.

46:30 The most difficult fields of science to understand for Frooxius.

49:30 The science fair that changed Frooxius’s life.

52:30 Discovering VR. Creating the first SightLine.

53:30 Trying the DK1 for the first time.

56:00 Beating Half Life 2 in VR.

57:30 Was Frooxius aware of how big VR could become?

58:30 Frooxius’s secret to making fuck tons of VR games and demos.

59:50 Neos is using evolutionary algorithms to create a living metaverse.

1:04:30 Will we ever see AI that makes better pop music than us?

1:08:30 The most compelling theory of consciousness according to Frooxius.

1:14:30 Do you need self awareness to have consciousness?

1:16:30 Can simulations become self aware?

1:18:30 Using VR as a tool to explore consciousness.

1:20:30 Can inorganic matter develop consciousness?

1:24:30 Discussing the Michael Abrash’s talk at Oculus Connect 2.

1:28:30 Using neural input to discover the edge of the simulation we live in.

1:30:30 We don’t have the technology to simulate an exact replica of our current universe.

1:35:30 Frooxius prediction for when we will simulate reality.

1:38:30 Starting the church of the simulation.

1:39:30 Read the “Universe from nothing” by Lawrence Krauss.

1:41:30 Being in a multiverse is mathematically simpler.

1:45:30 Frooxius’s plan for the future.

1:47:30 Procedural tree making is bad ass.

1:52:30 Neos the origin will show off the world building features of Neos the Universe.

1:53:30 Neos the origin demo on its way.

1:54:30 How to stay in touch and get more info on Frooxius’s

1:56:30 Read Diaspora from Greg Egan. Orphanogenesis

2:00:00 Closing thoughts. What is Dark matter? How parallel universes can be possible.

Thanks to Frooxius for being a true scholar and gentleman of virtual reality and thank you for listening!

Song in the intro is “Another brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd.

Keep in touch with the links below:

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