Finding the flawless input solution and getting people to move their necks...

Finding the flawless input solution and getting people to move their necks with Graham from VRChat


Hello and welcome to Enter VR! An independent podcast about virtual reality. On this episode I speak with Graham Gaylor, one of the founders of VR chat and dear friend that I tend to weird out every time we meet.

Here is a snippet of some of the things we talked about:

42: Introduction to Graham’s bike.

3:00 Graham and I are confessed console peasants.

5:00 Why Graham will buy Halo 5.

7:00 Using Virtual desktop from Guy Godin to get office work done.

9:00 How shopping in VR will justify its utility. Tapping into the social aspects of shopping.

11:50 Finding a backpack full of grenades in my mothers closet.

13:30 Will Amazon start getting involved in the virtual reality shopping space?

14:00 How will human to human service industries translate into VR?

20:00 The need for more psychological research on Vr and its effects.

21:00 Graham is looking forward to the Gallery Six Elements. when will we see 1st person VR shooters from big name publishers? (will we ever?)

25:00 Graham’s expectations for user growth in the first year of consumer VR.

26:00 Graham’s thoughts on the most overlooked aspects of VR.

27:00 Will GearVR live up to see its full potential?

29:00 Oculus CV1 vs. Morpheus. Which is more comfortable?

31:00 John Carmack will be doing a talk on VR Script at Oculus Connect 2.

34:00 The importance of flawless input.

36:00 Is figuring out a standard text input solution for VR necessary?

38:00 How do you compel users to literally look around while in VR.

41:00 How and Why Graham got muscular.

42:00 Ikea Meatballs are awesome.

45:00 Graham’s favorite teenage movie of all time.

46:30 The Audi R8 is a sexy looking car.

49:00 Is Cortana hot?

50:00 Closing thoughts and how to stay in touch.

Thanks to Graham for being a scholar and gentlemen of the proto metaverse and thanks for listening!

Keep in touch with Graham with the links below:

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