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ArcSine Is A New Physics-Based Puzzle Platformer For PC VR

ArcSine Is A New Physics-Based Puzzle Platformer For PC VR

ArcSine, a physics-based precision puzzle platformer, is out now on PC VR.

Developed by Prop Logic over nearly seven years, ArcSine takes inspiration from Celeste, Sairento and Portal. Using a "jump & dash" locomotion system, movement involves shooting yourself through a "gun" to travel between platforms, avoid hazards and reach a portal at the map's end. ArcSine uses an auto-centering system to push you into the middle of your playspace, combined with an air-control system for navigating through environments.

Featuring approximately 340 stages, Prop Logic calls ArcSine "difficult, linear, storyless" with an increasing difficulty curve that progresses as you learn how to use the controls. Described as "a very physical game," ArcSine doesn't use smooth or snap camera turning and requires a small room-scale setup.

"It's the sort of game where you try and fail numerous times until you succeed. The target audience is players who enjoy the flow of focusing on a movement-centric problem with patience and determination and seeing the challenge through to its end, sanity notwithstanding," states Prop Logic founder Charlie Cushing in a press release.

In a further email to UploadVR, Cushing also provided a music sample from the soundtrack by Adam Coleman, which you can listen to below:

ArcSine is available now on PC VR with a free Steam demo.

Notice: This article was initially published on January 26, 2024. It was updated on February 19, 2024, to reflect the game's launch.

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