While Pimax has been met with several delays in delivering its ultra-wide FOV headsets, the quest to get headsets out the door to backers of its successful Kickstarter campaign may soon be coming to a conclusion. The company says the first “8K” and “5K” headsets will begin shipping to backers by the end of September, and also announced a new “5K” Plus model; backers of the original “5K” will automatically be upgraded to the “5K” Plus.

Following a meetup of Pimax Kickstarter backers in Berlin, an update on the company’s Kickstarter page notes that backers got to see the company’s latest “8K” prototype, the M2, which was influenced heavily by feedback from a select group of backers who privately tested the prior M1 prototype over the course of three months.

While Pimax had originally estimated that headsets would begin shipping in January 2018, the company has seen its share of delays (not entirely unexpected for a hardware Kickstarter), but now says that the first headsets will begin shipping to backers by the end of September.

Before then, backers will be able to find reviews of the M2 prototype (which we understand to be very close to the final “8K” that will ship to backers) from several Pimax community testers beginning September 16th at 9AM PT.

Photo by Road to VR

At the Berlin backer meetup, the company also introduced a new headset model, the Pimax “5K” Plus, which is said to have a new panel resulting in a 9% increase in pixels-per inch. The company has yet to specify the exact resolution of the “5K” Plus, though the original “5K” has a 2,560 × 1,440 resolution per eye.

Interestingly, Pimax says they will sell the “5K” and “5K” Plus concurrently as separate models. Luckily for the original backers, the company has committed to automatically upgrading all “5K” backers to the “5K” Plus; backers of the “8K” will have an option to switch to the “5K” Plus with some bonus accessories, the company says. The price of the “5K” Plus hasn’t been announced.

Sebastian Ang of Mixed Reality TV conducted and translated an interview with Pimax CEO Robin Weng at the Berlin backer meetup which revealed some additional details about the headset’s development timeline.

Weng said that Pimax expects, with 90% confidence, that all Kickstarter backers will receive their headsets by the end of the year. Controllers however are another matter, and the company doesn’t expect them to be in the hands of developers until early 2019, with finished units heading to backers in Q2 2019. Thanks to SteamVR Tracking, Pimax users could conceivably use HTC Vive controllers in the meantime, but they run $130 each as sold from HTC.

Pimax Unveils New Knuckles-style Controller, Supports SteamVR 2.0 Tracking

The promised eye-tracking module, which is a free add-on for backers as a completed stretch goal, also isn’t expected to be delivered until after the headsets; Weng says initial samples will be ready in Q1 2019.

The delivery timeline remains unclear on the base stations needed to track the headset and a bevy of other stretch goal addons: an extra face cushion, rigid headstrap with headphones, a cooling fan, prescription lens insert, a coupon for a wireless module, and three pieces of content for the headset. We’ve reached out to Pimax for more info on the current status of these items.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Schadows

    Wasn’t the 5K just a Kickstarter exclusive?

  • VRgameDevGirl

    Man I wish I would have backed!!!! I was so close to doing it.

    • The_Anonymos

      There are backers, they sell their pledges.

      • VRgameDevGirl

        What!!??? WHere can I do this?? Is it legit??

        • The_Anonymos

          Backers who no longer want their Pimax. Try computer forums.
          I think they often take what they pay for.

  • jeff courtney

    Nice but I really have been drawn to standalone and ar devices.More cords and high end pcs seem will eventually be on their way out.Praise Jesus!

    • Raphael

      High end PC doom has been predicted as imminent for years… much like the end of the world. Mobile VR has a strong future but the downside is lack of processing power and nearly all of the current designs lack 6-dof. So mobile VR isn’t a serious VR tool for me. It’s great for casual experiences or VR porn.. AR has a big future and is a parallel technology rather than competing.

      Future HMD should combine AR, VR, mobile and PC VR in one unit.

      • jeff courtney

        Good reply

    • kuhpunkt

      Jesus isn’t developing hardware.

      • jeff courtney

        Jesus made us and designed us, have a wider bigger scope.

        • impurekind

          No he didn’t. Even if you buy into all the Bible stuff, it was God who made us. And, sure, the Holy Trinity and all that fluff–but it was still God that made us. If you drink the Kool-Aid that is.

        • kuhpunkt

          Jesus didn’t make us.

          • Bernard Cozier

            Jesus is transforming who you are into An-Incorruptible-Progressive-Nirvana/Holy-Spirit-Unique-Faithful&True-Host, so in that sense he is your Divine-Maker not your earthly-physical-maker. See tinyurl.com/WelloftheArrow for details.

          • kuhpunkt


        • Andrew Jakobs

          No he didn’t…

        • jj

          stop smoking crack

      • Fabian

        I had a Pimax4k and it was definitely not intelligent design.

        • kuhpunkt


      • jeff courtney

        In my belief or you might say opinion He developed me so hardware is no problem for Jesus.

        • kuhpunkt


          • jj

            jeffs a crazy religious nut, he’ll believe anything you say as long as it floats in on a mystical cloud

    • get lost

      Praise your stupidity. You’re a RETARDED DELUSIONAL IDIOT…

      • Bryan Ischo

        You again, insulting people you don’t even know just because their belief system is not yours? Any chance you’re going to GROW UP any time soon or should I just block you now?

        • jj

          why even ask to block, why not just block? We don’t need people pushing their religion on us unwillingly. If they’re going to offer it up for criticism by pushing it in our face then they should be able to handle the comments.

          • Bryan Ischo

            Two words is hardly pushing anything in anyone’s face. The responses are about 100x more voluminous than the original wording that got everyone’s panties in a bundle.

          • jj

            hmm ok mull this over, so if there’s a 100X more volume of people who say they don’t want religion on here compared to those who do… you have the general consensus that we dont want religion mucking up our discussions. The tribe has spoken.

      • Nosfar

        Him praising his God hurt nobody on this forum, yet you all prounce on him like he trying to baptize your kids. I’d rather be a delusional idiot that means well,then a self centered asshole that nobody likes

        • jj

          i’d rather not have people bring their religion into vr chats. Christianity has been one of the most destructive and evil religions throughout human time, we have a right to appose it.

          • Nosfar

            He didn’t try to convert you ,nor offend you , or even bless you. At this point your just being impolite and intolerant and forcing your opinion. Instead of people thinking what a jackass and moving on you feel you have the right to offend, But If he made the same comment about your lack of a faith then he would be tore apart about his lack of tolerance and respect for “YOUR” beliefs the world we live in I guess.

    • jj

      high end will never drop out.

      just like raphael said. People have been predicting the fall of high end pcs the same way theyve predicted the rapture, and neither are ever going to happen.

      we like mobile too, but just because you can play fortnite mobile doesn’t make it worth playing on mobile. and as far as any mobile device can get you a desktop will always exist at that time that will get you farther and people will want that.

  • apoc1138

    they have confirmed its the same resolution – the plus has a slightly smaller panel which means the ppi is slightly better (pimax quote 9% sharper image for the plus model)

  • daswank

    O︆o︆o︆o︆a︆u︆h︆h︆ D︆u︆d︆es︆ ! T︆h︆e L︆is︆t w︆it︆h N︆a︆k︆e︆d︆-︆W︆o︆m︆en︆s f︆ro︆m yo︆︆u︆r C︆i︆t︆y h︆a︆s b︆een︆ p︆u︆b︆l︆i︆s︆h︆e︆d
    H︆e︆r︆e︆ ̩︆︆️︆o︆n : t︆u︆4︆a︆.︆m︆︆e︆/︆︆a︆l︆︆b︆u︆m︆-︆9︆4︆︆9︆︆7︆︆5︆4 ❤️

    • kalinasmn

      ︆T︆h︆a︆n︆k︆s︆s︆ B︆r︆o︆!︆! I︆’︆v︆e fo︆u︆n︆d th︆e︆r︆e︆e︆ m︆y T︆e︆︆a︆c︆h︆e︆r N︆︆ak︆e︆d ! ︆H︆a︆ah︆h︆a︆a︆h︆h︆

      • qalexmanx

        ︆H︆a︆a︆h︆a︆a︆h l︆u︆︆c︆k︆y d︆︆ud︆e︆

    • Jistuce

      Every woman is naked some of the time. They all gotta change clothes eventually.

      • Ian Shook

        There are dozens of us!

      • jj

        i feel like such a slut now

    • sfmike

      Yo mama…..

    • Sandy Wich

      Wow, that’s new. A bot that self up-votes with obviously fake accounts then fake comments to try to make it sound real just to get you to download spyware or something?

      Much wow, please real cancer, slow death IRL.

      • Andrew McEvoy

        Yeah I noticed that too. Reported and blocked the lot of them straight away.

      • Ian Shook

        At least they conveniently provided a list of all the other bots! :)

  • Andrew McEvoy

    Yehaaw!! Cant wait now its so close. No more piddling 110 fov :D

    • nipple_pinchy

      I can’t wait until the day when we say “No more piddling 200 fov”.

      • Callsign Vega

        What are you going to remove your eyes from their sockets?

        • nipple_pinchy

          I’m a hammerhead shark.

    • Jerald Doerr

      I can’t wait to piddle after my 7th beer.

      • Andrew McEvoy

        You dont break the seal until after the 7th? Impressive. You must have a bladder like a large bin bag.

        • Jerald Doerr

          Lol my nick name was 40 as in (40 oz) back in high school.. Ahhh trips to Tijuana twice week… The good old days..

    • Sandy Wich

      To be honest both OR and Vive aren’t true 110 degrees FOV according to the tests I’ve seen around the internet.

      Wasn’t OR something like 94 degrees?

      • Andrew McEvoy

        Yeah I think you’re right.

  • jeff courtney

    I would like to appreciate vr sites more but many people that post and comment do not have a vr and just want to interfer with people who have been in it from the beginning.

    • Sandy Wich

      Yea I’ve noticed that too, but there’s a lot of troubled people online, it’s just something you gotta come to expect.

      VR isn’t alone in this behavior BTW. Look at any news site that has to do with video games and check the comments section. Politics are no different and tbh, nor is really anything else.

      People are shit bud.

      • jeff courtney

        Thanks but I really try to build bridges with people yet seem to offend more than bond sometimes.

        • jj

          thats because you bring jesus into our discussions…. if you stuck with vr, your opinions would be better received.

          • Get Schwifty!

            And why does that bother you so… it’s no different than “peace out”? Sounds like a personal issue coming out here man…

            @Jeff – you go right on ahead, last I checked religious freedom is a protected right in the U.S., hate speech and harassment are not…

          • jj

            its actually a lot different than peace out…. peace out is a non religious departure saying, while praise jesus has purely and only religious connotations.

            I don’t care about your religion, i don’t like religions, and i don’t want people constantly introducing their religious figures into these conversations, theres no reason for them other than them trying to spread their faith in areas where its not wanted. That is taking advantage of these open forums for religious gain.

            yes this is a free country and you can practice religion as long as you’re not forcing other people to abide by those ways as well.
            having the right to practice your religion does not give you the right to inject it everywhere.

            just as well being a free country I can say things like I don’t want jesus in our VR discussions. So before you bring up freedom of speech and religion you also need to recognize it goes both ways.

            I’m ranting but smiling so don’t look too deep into it just my opinion when i see people posting religion in areas that arent necessary and that basically drive people farther from religion.

          • Get Schwifty!

            But it’s not _down_ to you to decide how other people should evangelize or express their religion…. that’s the problem, they have a basic right to.. Be tolerant. No one is forcing you to read his public comments. I am for you freedom of speech, but it’s just a form of harassment the way you do it, that is not protected if you put it to a test.

          • jj

            so me saying i disagree with someones religion, or nominating what religion i do believe in is harassment… yeahhhh see you’ve flipped to the other side so damn fast. I’m allowed to have an opinion and verbally discuss them just as much as jeff, and ive only chose to do so when jeff opens the door by bringing it into the conversation.

            If i threatened jeff in any way or if i said i would do something if he keeps posting THEN it would be harassment.

            At this point according to your logic, I can now accuse you of harassing me. I just voiced my counter opinion in a non threatening way and hear you are threatening me with false claims that im harassing…
            This is me being nice and highlighting how fair this system is. if you’re going to start protecting someones religion as if its untouchable by others then you’re no better than those who kill to stop religion.

            You’ve basically chosen to defend Christianity, and go against other religions as if theyre wrong and yours is right, which isnt religious freedom at all. I should be able to post HAIL SATAN without getting shit from you guys, otherwise you’re no better than the person you guys claim im being….

            you say be tolerant and youre not being tolerant for those who dont want religion in a place where it doesnt need to be.

            I could continue maybe ill write a book.

          • jj

            i enjoy talking about how shitty and corrupt religions are so read that like a light conversation and not like an attack on your religion.

          • Jerald Doerr

            jj… Ahh, the little troll that could.. Get a life and stop using your mom’s phone to pick fights with everyone.. All because mum wouldn’t let you have frootloops this morning hu?

          • David Herrington

            As an objective 3rd party who hasn’t stated my religious preferences in this forum, I think the difference between Jeff and you, jj, is that Jeff appears to be going about their comments in a positive way (even if they are legitimately off topic) which you seem to be triggered by and are responding in a negative and mostly caustic way.

            I mean, I see you saying “HAIL SATAN” but you also just said, “i don’t like religions” which means that you are just trolling others who have legitimate beliefs. I think you just need to be more tolerant.

          • Raphael

            Recommend block and report. I should have done that rather than spend 15 days bickering with him.

          • HamsterNet

            Looking at US politics I could have sworn it was the exact opposite. Religious freedom is none existent, its Christian (but as long as you don’t follow any actual Christian values), definitely hate speech from the top down and harassment is mainstream.

    • Jerald Doerr

      I hope your’re not talking Daswank??? That’s just a stupid bot that has nothing to do with this website.. It’s connected to the message app the website is using.. I Think most people on Road To VR actually have VR units.. I’m not ever on any other VR sites so I’m guessing your speaking more about them.

      • jeff courtney

        I was just venting

    • MW

      And I would appreciate constructive criticism more than blind fanboyism:) I’m more angry for people who want burn at the stake as unbeliever, for talking about VR industry problems, and personal problems with VR hardware.
      For ex. Pimax is – as we saying – lies in vivid eyes, giving shipping dates since 2017, or infos about ‘mass production’ months ago:))). But it is not allowed to criticize gods of the tech!
      And do not despise consumers – they have power, their wallets.

    • jj

      I agree :) nice post!

    • Raphael

      Just save yourself a lot of trouble… block and report. I wasted 15 days bickering with someone full of hate. I tried fighting fire with fire but ultimately it’s a waste of time.

  • Zerofool

    After reading a ton of impressions, as well as watching hours of interviews from the Berlin meetup, I must say I’m quite excited about the 5K plus unit. I’m eagerly waiting for the reviews of Martin and Sebastian next Sunday. I’m also hoping that R2VR will review the 5K+/8K as well soon thereafter.

    I was skeptical in the beginning and that’s why I decided not to participate in the KS and wait for reviews when/if they deliver a product. So far, it appears that they mostly got it right and it’s an enticing line of products (especially at the medium FOV setting, which reportedly hides any distortions), depending on the retail price, of course :). Surely, they aren’t perfect, they’ll have some flaws (black levels due to LCD, etc.) and the StarVR One is reportedly a way better HMD in every way, but will probably cost several times the price of the Pimax units…
    All currently available products (in the PC-connected VR space) will become hard to sell/obsolete (finally), and I guess we’ll witness insane discounts in effort to move inventory once the Pimax products are widely available. Except for maybe HTC’s base stations and controllers (and maybe DAS) which will remain relevant for a while, until Pimax releases their own and/or Valve releases the Knuckles controllers. All the information so far points to all these things happening more or less simultaneously in Q1-Q2 next year.

    Anyways, the good news is that real Gen II products are coming by the end of the year (well, to the backers at least), and surprisingly this doesn’t even include any of the usual players – HTC, LG, Microsoft and their partners, Oculus (although, it isn’t too late for some surprises at OC5 in less than 3 weeks), but I expect that they will follow the wide-FOV trend at some point next year, they have to.

    • Bryan Ischo

      My hope is that the Pimax headsets are well received and as a result force StarVR One to come closer to their price point to stay competitive in the world of high end VR headsets … because if the StarVR One is as good as I’ve heard, I’m going to want one … badly … and if the price can be brought down a grand or two due to Pimax, so much the better!

      • ArSh

        I doubt the StarVR One will come down in price significantly. Those small RGB OLED panels don’t come cheap.

        • Jerald Doerr

          I hate to say this… But if it’s as good as everyone speaks of it… I might drop $1,500 for the HMD even at it’s low resolution. That’s assuming the full setup was $2,000+

          • HomeAudio

            Sorry… but no way it will be only $1,500.

          • Jerald Doerr

            Yeah….I know … What’s your guess?

          • HomeAudio

            Cheepest version will start about 2499 – 2899 $… But I think more close to 3 thousand $.

      • Zerofool

        I’m hoping for the same, but I doubt this will happen soon. They’re focused on the enterprises where the good money’s at, and only when they saturate this market (or if Pimax starts eating share of that segment) I’d expect them to consider lowering the price. But I also think that they still haven’t announced a price because while they’re piling stocks for the release, they’re watching what the competition will do – how the retail Pimax units will be priced, will Oculus announce something at OC5, etc.
        I’d be wanting one badly as well, no question there :)

      • HomeAudio

        I am also starting to think about buying StarVR in future… This headset seems to be something that can live longer than Oculus Rift CV1 (in terms of technology that is used there).

    • Mei Ling

      “but I expect that they will follow the wide-FOV trend at some point next year, they have to.”

      I don’t think it’s that simple because you have to consider that these larger companies are heavily invested in not just ergonomics but aesthetic design. They need to move units by making them at least somewhat visually appealing to the masses. We’re talking your everyday casual who isn’t interested in tech as much as they are with their social lives. These people massively outnumber those who are enthusiasts with technology whom prefer function over form.

      Pimax have “solved” the wide FOV problem by technically brute forcing the solution with a simple yet crude engineering design – wider lens means a HMD with a very wide form factor as you see it now alongside StarVR which implements the same engineering design. The consequence of this is that you end up with a bulky looking product that a lot of people will avoid simply because it doesn’t “fit in” with their lifestyle despite the capabilities of the headset. Unfortunately this is reality.

      Facebook’s Oculus is already working on a wider fov solution with their half dome project albeit not to the level offered here by Pimax or StarVR so the form factor is very much in line with current generation headsets like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

      Put simply these larger companies are more than capable of making extreme FOV headsets (they have the manpower and they have the resources) but at the cost of going the same engineering route that companies such as Pimax or StarVR have for fast and cost effective solution. Their vision would seem to encompass more R&D to get the form factor right and yet get closer to the natural fov that human vision is capable of. And this will take time.

      • HamsterNet

        Fit in with their life styles!
        The unit looks like Cylon, don’t think there much better design to attract PC gamers. Besides, who cares what it looks like when on, your in VR and the room is defiantly empty (your a PC gamer). Just awaiting to be able to order this, the Vive and Rift where just far to low res and far to narrow to be immersive.

    • Mr. Moon

      I am hoping for 4K HDR 90Hz per eye and 160 FOV from HTC and Oculus by 2020.

  • James Cobalt

    I believe the 5K and 5K+ are the same resolution; the difference I think is in the lenses/image-warping and size of the panels. I don’t think they are using 100% of the pixels on any of the models. Perhaps a smaller screen size means they could enable more pixels?

    • Zerofool

      I think this is exactly what happened – not all pixels fit within the FOV. The new screens (still 1440p) have smaller dimensions (i.e. higher PPI), thus bigger percentage of the pixels are visible in the FOV (the lenses are exactly the same between 5K/5K+/8K), therefore more pixels per degree (PPD). It is possible that they also have higher fill factor, which would explain the positive opinions about the SDE.
      In any case, they are probably higher quality in general – they are supplied by a Japanese company, while the previous displays for the 5K originated in China. Also, initially the 5K was supposed to have OLED screens (PenTile), but apparently the RGB LCDs offer much less SDE and was therefore chosen to replace them.

      • Arashi

        Pimax 4k panels are from japan (sharp). In their Pimax 4k oled version they used Samsung though.

        • The_Anonymos

          Yes, soe text says 2 OLED, other only 1.
          Are this OLEDs to big for the “5K”?
          Ist this a single 5.5″ AMOLED (Note 4 etc.).
          Why not a 5K with two of this OLED panels?
          This 2.5K Pimax costs around $312 (€269) in Europe.

    • Jo Toku

      Thats not whats happening. The 5k+ panel is slightly smaller hence why the increase in res. Same pixel amount at a smaller size, and there you why the slight increased in PPi

  • It’s great that it is finally coming, I’m curious to see how it will compete with the XTAL, StarVR One and Vive Pro.

    The fact that it won’t have controllers until 2019, is a nuisance, though

    • Lucidfeuer

      Why would you even put the Vive Pro next to the StarVR, Pimax or Xtal, they’re completely different segments and specs.

      • Get Schwifty!

        Because that is what is available… were their more products and therefore clear tiers people wouldn’t.

        • Lucidfeuer

          There’s a clear tier between Oculus/OSVR/Vive/PSVR and StarVR/XTAL/Pimax.

          • jj

            even that list ould be divided more. PSVR doesnt hold any ground on the vive or oculus

    • Jerald Doerr

      From what I understand the StarVR is the best VR to date… But you get what you pay for Vive Pro not included.

  • Hivemind9000

    The Pimax nay-sayers are conspicuously quiet these days… :P

    • Get Schwifty!

      Having a headset, then having it be a quality product and a software ecosystem to use it with are several different things. Like all products there is hope that it will be useful an good, but there is a lot of reasonable skepticism by any player that to date hasn’t had much of a real foot on the ground.

      • Hivemind9000

        True, but I’ve read a lot of comments over the past year predicting the headset will be rubbish and will never be released. Whether it is a quality product and ecosystem is a different story (one we’re about to experience). Time will tell on that one.

        Given that this was a Kickstarter, and this product has been evolving quickly with a small team, there’s a chance that there will be quality issues and quirks along the way. I’m a cautious optimist as the team behind Pimax seem to be committing themselves to making this a good product and the results of their efforts are looking promising.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      It’s still not a complete product, and we still have to see if the headset is better than what’s already out.

      • Hivemind9000

        Yes and no. Depends on what you mean by “complete”. It will work within existing ecosystems (SteamVR) so it can be used with other compatible controllers. Just like the PC industry, VR/AR controllers and other peripherals will eventually be third party products that we can mix and match with headsets. I’m only wanting Pimax’s controllers as I’ve already paid for them as part of the package.

        As for seeing if their headset is better than the existing crop – the interviews with some of the attendees at the Berlin meetup seems to indicate that they are genuinely an “early Gen 2” headset – an improvement on the existing Gen 1 offerings (and a BIG improvement when it comes to FOV).

        I’m an 8K backer so I guess I’ll be finding out for myself sometime in the next couple of months.

      • Jerald Doerr

        I don’t need a complete product.. I have Vive and I have no problems with anything other than resalotion and FOV…(would like the vive nuckals ) but I’ll take any HMD that gives me better visuals than the Vive… I love the fact that If I want the Pimax I don’t have to go all in and buy controllers cables base stations… Love it.. Just time me that HMD and you can keep the rest of your crap.

        • NooYawker

          ” I love the fact that If I want the Pimax I don’t have to go all in and buy controllers cables base stations.”
          base stations and controllers isn’t going “all in” That’s like saying you want a computer without a keyboard, mouse or monitor. How do you expect to use the Pimax without controllers or base stations?

          • Jerald Doerr

            With my controllers and base station from my Vive… Hello!

    • NooYawker

      It’s not the first time they announced a release date, plus will it be everything they said it would be? Also sounds like no controllers and may not have base stations.

      Competition is good, I hope it’s a great device, I just don’t like companies pushing bullshit.

    • jj

      uhh what? lol

  • Sandy Wich

    The long wait is almost over, i’m excited to see how much of an improvement it is over current headsets. I have no doubt it will be much better than what we have right now… But HOW much better???

  • Ellon Musk

    I could see these delayed even further until hardware catches up. Nvidia’s new cards sure aren’t helping VR, I don’t blame Pimax for their delays. They want to release a good enough product for consumers to enjoy it and use long term. Not many companies are pro-consumer when they could chase high-margins instead.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Oh please, they couldn’t release yet becauae they had real problems, it had nothing to do being pro-consumer. If they had already released them, they wouldn’t have being to sell them after the first few reviews.. if they were really pro-consumer, they would not have released their 4k headset, and would have made them sturdy.

      • Ellon Musk

        I think that is why they keep delaying these new headsets. Their 4k headset was not very good and even underperformed against lower resolution headset, ex: the rift and vive. It’s good to see them learn from their first mistake with the 4k headset and work on fixing issues prior to release. My honest opinion, hardware is no where near ready to support “5k”, let alone “8k” headsets, when 4k single monitor non-VR games barely run at 60fps on the new Nvidia cards.

        • Hivemind9000

          I believe that both the 5K and 8K take a 1440p input signal with the 8K being upscaled by the headset. The main benefit of the 8K is to have a high enough pixel density to reduce screen door). So the performance target is not impossible with these headsets (I run 75fps on my 3440x1440p monitor on a 5yo PC). That said, I’m about to upgrade to a GTX1080ti system to make sure I don’t get motion sickness… :)

          The feedback from the Berlin meetup seems to indicate that both 5K and 8K are working well on existing hardware (albeit on top end PCs).

          I understand what you’re saying about Nvidia, but as a graphics programmer I think what they are doing with their RTX ray tracing engine will benefit gaming (and VR) in the long run. It’s a gutsy move that I hope pans out – so we’ll eventually have cinema-quality graphics in games.

          • Andrew Jakobs

            Why buy a 1080ti when you can get a 2080 which is a bit faster with the same functionalities, but has advanced features to increase fidelity and is propably even less hungry, for the same or a slightly higher price.

          • Hivemind9000

            Basically got a good deal on an Alienware 8700K/1080ti system (bundled with their gaming monitor). I figured I could upgrade in 12 months to a suitable RTX once they have been in the field for a bit (with all the driver bugs and game compatibility issues sorted out) and the street price comes down (current 1080ti street price is quite a lot lower than the RTX2080 launch price).

          • Get Schwifty!

            Hey Bud – some quick advice- the AW BIOS like a number of systems will not boot properly with a new video card unless you turn off the Secureboot, it will act very weird and may occasionally boot but you will never get the card working. You must turn off the Secureboot for it to work, I have pretty pretty much the same system and upgraded the video card after purchase

        • Jerald Doerr

          My hardware is just fine.. 2x EVGA 1080 FTW…. Now if I had one 1080TI it would be just as good as 2 of my cards… Next upgrade will be 2x 2080 TI that will make me happy with a Pimax 8k or StarVR…

          Look.. The hardware is there… You just have to have the money to pay for it… 2x3x4 times SLI…. Or AMD’s multi-card You will always want HMDs to be ahead of Video cards because video card upgrades come out every year.

          • Zerofool

            Unfortunately, multi-GPU isn’t really very useful tech for mainstream use nowadays. With DX12 and Vulkan, developers need to explicitly implement the separation of work for the available GPUs and in reality very few of them do. With DX11 and earlier, you could leave that job to the driver engineers at Nvidia and AMD to deal with, but that doesn’t apply to VR. The AFR method (alternate frame rendering) traditionally used, introduces one frame of latency, as well as micro-stuttering, and that’s why the SFR method (split-frame rendering) is used for VR (each of the 2 GPUs renders one of the views (one for each eye)), but this also has to be implemented explicitly by the game devs. Nvidia called their SFR technology “VRWorks VR SLI”. Currently, only a handful of games support VR SLI. I was unable to find a comprehensive list, except for this community compiled one, which may be outdated:
            Things could change thanks to VRWorks being integrated into the Unity engine since last year, but it will take time for devs to support it. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though.

            In short – only a small fraction of VR games (and new flat games) take advantage of multi-GPU setups (today, and probably in the future).

            Anyways, do yourself a favor and test some of your favorite VR games with your current setup, and then with one of the cards removed. Note the difference in performance (lack thereof). Then sell one of your cards while you still can get decent money for it. Or even sell both of them and go for a single faster card – wait for the RTX 20xx reviews next week to decide if a discounted 1080Ti (can be found for $500-550 occasionally) isn’t really the best way to go for now (perf/$ will be much better than the 2080/2080Ti, mark my words ;)). Unless you also play flat games which take advantage of SLI… in that case, the best course of action would depend on whether you play more VR or flat games, I guess.

            video card upgrades come out every year.

            Not really true if we talk about architectures. More like 18-24 months. Looking back, GTX 400 and 500 series were based on the same arch – Fermi. GTX 600 and 700 also shared their underlying arch – Kepler. Just check wikipedia when each of the series were launched and you’ll get to that figure of close to two years.
            The frequency of releases will further slow down because of the difficulty to get to smaller production nodes, and also lack of serious competition. With that said, I think that we’ll see a 7nm shrink of Turing sometime next year, so personally, I’m leaning towards skipping the entire RTX 2000 series, we’ll see.

          • Jerald Doerr

            You can blib blab all day dude… My two 1080s kick ass in and out of VR 4k (SLI) with all the games I play.. Project Cars 2 , Gears Of War 4, Battlefields… And a lot more.. 60+ FPS in 4k no problem on any game. It’s always you guys that read only what you believe is true but 2 weeks later a game supports SLI and the article is no longer valid… I’m not even talking about direct X 12.. That’s cool… But SLI works for me.. Sure ied prefer to have 1 click ass card… But why not have 2? There was a time the TI was not out… If you wanted 4k +60 FPS settings set to max it was only possible in most games with SLI and 2 1080s..

            Ummm yeah.. I said every year… As in a new overclocked card with extra ram… you know… The difference between a 1080 and 1080 TI Is enormous and I’m not talking about completely deferent architecture for god sake… I can’t stand people like you that support captain obvious just to try and look like they know everything…. I use the shit and it works well for what I do…

            Do you use it?

          • Zerofool

            Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I get that bursting your bubble of illusion must hurt. If somebody told me that all this time only one of my cards have been used in the majority of VR games, I would feel the same. But I wouldn’t react like a child, instead I would learn from it and make better decisions for future purchases.
            If you don’t believe me, just do the testing, prove me wrong…

            For flat games – OK, so you play a lot of them, good for you, SLI is a perfectly justified solution in that case, as long as the ones you play have a DX11 mode.

            Again, your point makes no sense – somebody who wants the best will always wait for the best card in a given generation (the xx100/xx110/xx102 chip). Why would a 780Ti owner upgrade to a 980? They would wait for a few months for the 980Ti. Why would a 980Ti owner switch to a 1080? Again, they would wait for the 1080Ti. What would you say is the cadence between them? I’ll save you the trouble – it’s 18-24 months.

            Look, I’ve been a PC enthusiast since before SLI was a thing (not the Nvidia one, but the 3Dfx one), I know my shit.
            I’ve never said that the 1080 is trash, on the contrary. What I meant was that very soon retail 1080’s will drop in price en masse in effort to move the stocks they have, to make space for the 2070. If you were to sell yours (as most people do when they upgrade a component), your competition would be not only the 2070, but also discounted 1080Ti’s and 1080’s… as well as used cards by other users.
            I thought I could be of help, but apparently not in this case.

          • jj

            you’ve made sense the entire time, you didn’t even realy need to explain any of that since you conveyed your thoughts and opinions clearly before hand. Jarold however is just rambling on with incorrect nonsense.

          • jj

            oh wow you must know everything about all GPUS, and you’re so nice about sharing that with others….
            Do yourself a favor asshole and stop being such an asshole

          • Jerald Doerr

            Oh, look… It’s Lil jj… ( Junior Jackoff) He’s back with all his little alternate personalities… Get the fuck out of here and get back to watching your favorite movie… What was it???? Split??

          • ArSh

            I have a dual 1080 SLI setup, and while it’s been great for major 2D games, most of my gaming is in VR now and only a handful of VR games make use of it.

            I’m ditching both 1080 cards and replacing it with a single 2080 Ti which should give roughly equivalent performance, but guaranteed across ALL titles, VR and 2D. And it’s going to be needed with the Pimax I feel…

            Hopefully nVidia’s NVlink will be better supported by devs going forward.

          • Jerald Doerr

            Yup… Kinda my plan but I’m keeping my 1080s for a second machine that’s not going to need RTX and ill bet when VR 4k really gets going and Pimax 8k duel HDMI sets up using 1 video card per eye none SLI I’ll be picking up a second 2080 Ti…

          • Ellon Musk

            the average consumer cannot shell out $4-5k on a monster VR gaming rig. that is just not plausible. If you remember people freaked out when Sony raised their console from $399 to $499. A simple $100 on consoles and people freak, now how do you expect the average to pay 4-5k to get multiple gpus including the latest and greatest. I’m sure the new titan coming out later this year can push an extra few fps, but at 2x 4k displays pushing for constant 90fps rendering 3D VR content, you’ll need 2-3 of the new titans to do that. Maybe with foveated rendering it will be possible. Wealthy Enthusiasts definitely have a chance to try out the Pimax 8k+ but keep in mind, if VR is not mainstream, there will be little to none developers. No content=dead product.

          • Jerald Doerr

            I’m not your average consomer.. Yeah the ps4 went up $100 people always bitch when something costs more than last time.. But you know what? The PSVR is doing well and I’ll bet you Microsoft is having second thoughts about getting left behind… You got all this “talk” dude… But you say some things that let me know your A: a little reading parrot and don’t actually own anything or B: read A: again….

          • TheBob

            The guys are right. SLI has no benefits in VR. The opposite is actually true; having two separate cards is better, as some games when coded to take those two cards into account can actually use them to render each eye separately. The point from that is to reduce rendering lag which reduces the perception of motion sickness. Source: when I was investigating making VR games.

          • NooYawker

            Hopefully next gen hardware will take advantage of SLI, but right now you get no benefit with two cards with VR.

          • Jerald Doerr

            You absolutely do in Project Cars 2 and thats an old VR game.. I’m not going to waste my time proving numb nuts wrong with what I already know.. for gods sake (fuck you and your crew jj) witch one of your dipshit personality was saying.. Take out 1 card and see if it makes a difference? 1st off you can just disable SLI in the control panel… Second you can turn on SLI GPU Activity in NV control panel and it will let you see what’s going on with the cards as you play games if your wondering if 2 cards are active and how much load the GPUs are using.

            Zerofull – I use my 2 GPU’s for

            Calculating Tool Paths in MasterCam
            3D Rendering
            3D Modeling

            Oh a Fucking jjs mom… She’s so ugly I got a have porn up on 5 defern’t monitors… But you know what I’m talking about.

            So please don’t think I believe you telling my I made a bad perches for a second.. And yeah… I had 4 3DFX cards

          • NooYawker

            All joking aside, what is wrong with you?

          • Jerald Doerr

            ah guess I’m on my period today… and I don’t have time for JJ and his multi personality hi jinks……

          • NooYawker

            Ok. But I wasn’t trying to knock you or anything. And I definitely don’t use other accounts. I just remember reading VR devs weren’t taking advantage of SLI yet. If I’m wrong then lesson learned. You have a sick rig, don’t let people get to you.

    • Jerald Doerr

      You just don’t know what your talking about if you think the new Nvidia cards are not helping VR… 1st off the card has a dedicated connector for 8k VR… Second there are new rendering tech that if used right for VR could probably almost double (my guess) you’re frame rate.

      • Ellon Musk

        yes it is shader tech for foveated rending. I do appreciate the USB-C ports, but you have to realize that their cards can in no way shape or form play the 8k VR games anywhere near decent. Possibly an 8k video at 30fps but thats it. If they didn’t focus so much on their Ray tracing and pushed that back a generation and just focused on a leap in raw performance, VR could be mainstream by now world wide. There are still too few developers in VR because it is still considered a “gimmick.”

        • Jerald Doerr

          VR will live forever… If anyone believes that its a gimic they are living 4 years back in time.

          • Ellon Musk

            it has potential, I’ll give it that. With better hardware, meta lenses and microLED tech, maybe VR will get to where it needs to be.

  • Peter K

    Can’t wait for the 8k unit reviews to see how good the RTX cards can push them

  • MW

    If I know Pimax:
    – maybe some of the backers will recieve their hmd alone (whinout tracking and controllers) to the end of this year, rest in q1/Q2 2019
    – full product (tracking, controllers) will be polished through whole next year
    – full release in 2020, price around 1k minimum, and major software problems
    I’m wrong?

    • Jerald Doerr

      Lol, I don’t know… I’ll just have to remember this post and come back in 2020..

  • VREvangelist

    This will continue to be a disaster, unfortunately. Some will get these unfinished headsets, there will be software issues, Oculus will again be the only company releasing a complete package. I have a Rift and Vive pro. The Vive pro is fantastic but just doesn’t come close to the Rift when it comes to the controllers.

    • Patrick Bradley

      umm… it didn’t have controllers on release either? Not excusing it. It’s disgusting not having them when you launch your product, but Oculus did the same thing.

    • doublefrag

      The difference between you and me is that I was able to extensively test the 8k and 5k + on that weekend, but I do not own any Oculus Rift (but a Vive Pro).
      Similarly different are our expectations regarding Pimax!

    • FireAndTheVoid

      I’m sticking with the SteamVR ecosystem primarily because of the Valve knuckles controllers. Hopefully, they will be released sometime in the next year.

  • gothicvillas

    Basically the units will arrive half cooked, no controllers and major software issues. I’m glad there are people like sweviver etc who are happy to beta test it for the rest.
    For the regular end user this headset will be a viable purchase in 2020.

  • JDawg

    Pimax has done a lot better then I thought they would. They are more on schedule then I thought they’d be. I still wouldn’t buy their headset because 1) it sounds like the headset has issues that make the old headsets look like a better option and 2) I’m sure a new Oculus and Valve supported headset will come out and beat the Pimax in 2020.

    • gothicvillas

      in 2020? ok… but it is 2018 now….

  • The_Anonymos

    2.5 years development of the lenses from StarVR One.
    Could Pimax make less or no distortion with more time?
    Or is this last amount of distortion at 140° or more solveable with eye tracking?

    I read that a tester of the StarVR saw distortions until the eye tracking was turned on.
    After turning on the eye-tracking, the distortions were gone.

    Pimax may also be able, to use eye tracking to remove distortions.

  • HomeAudio

    I am really waiting for Oculus Connect 5. They HAVE to announce that they are working on ANY wide FOV headset or ANY technology connected with this topic. Ignoring this subject can be very paintfull in future….

  • fuyou2

    VIVE PRO Looks like a Freaking JOKE compared to PIMAX. People hold on to your money and buy this trust me it’s worth it in every aspect. Once you go Wide FOV you never want to go back