After a tumultuous initial rollout of the HP Reverb headset marred by stock shortages and display issues, the company says that the issues have been identified and fixed, and that new inventory is bringing the headset back in stock.

HP says that customers can expect to begin finding the Reverb headset back in stock at the company’s site and through official retail partners. Indeed, the Reverb Professional Edition is in stock at the HP US store, while Amazon US shows expected availability of the Reverb Consumer Edition by September 25th. Best Buy, where Reverb was initially available, isn’t yet showing a new listing for the headset.

Speaking to Road to VR, HP says they’ve identified the issues which caused displays on some headsets to flicker, show stripes, or go completely blank in some cases. The root cause of blank screens was the headset’s breakaway cable connector which didn’t maintain a firm connection for some headsets, the company said. Meanwhile, flickering and other display issues were the fault of some internal components not behaving as expected. HP maintains that these issues were the result of manufacturing inconsistencies and a batch of components which had larger tolerances than expected.

The company pulled stock back from retailers while it identified the issues. HP tells Road to VR that all new Reverb inventory available through official retail channels from this point forward has been fully fixed.

Photo by Road to VR

While it didn’t go as far as issuing a recall for headsets already sold, the company said that any Reverb owners with issues should contact HP support, and further said that the support teams have been specifically briefed on the Reverb situation. Having run long-term tests on the problematic batch of headsets, HP tells Road to VR that it doesn’t expect currently functional headsets from the initial batch to develop any of the issues in the long run.

HP Reverb Review – An Impressive Headset Stuck with Windows VR Controllers

A spokesperson for HP’s VR team said the group is “fairly sorry” and “frankly a bit embarrassed” that the initial batch of headsets didn’t meet the quality bar that the company was aiming for. Having identified the issues, and with new procedures in place during manufacturing, the group says that it wants customers to feel confident they are buying a quality product from this point forward.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • GunnyNinja

    Too bad they didn’t take the time to redesign the IPD adjustment, then I might care about it being back in stock. You see that Valve? A manufacturer being openly embarrassed about their quality and apologizing for it…

    • Graham J ⭐️

      Hard to redesign something that doesn’t exist ;)

      • GunnyNinja

        It exists in software. Nice try.

        • Graham J ⭐️

          So you’re saying that you’re not buying it because HP didn’t redesign the software IPD adjustment (which is part of Windows) at the same time that it did a hardware refresh.

          I don’t think so. You meant hardware IPD adjustment.

          • GunnyNinja

            I meant what I said. A choice to leave something out is a design choice. Redesigning the original does not require a hardware solution to be in place. So they can absolutely REdesign the IPD adjustment to be hardware instead of software.

          • Francesco Fazio

            You must be some kind of fish then .. eyes on the cheeks or such

          • GunnyNinja

            You already said that. Don’t be stupid twice.

          • Graham J ⭐️

            Alright believe what you will. I’m going to go redesign the Ferrari in my laneway ;)

          • GunnyNinja

            See how easy it is to not be right all of the time? You can’t come up with a better analogy than that? I have Windows on my PC. Where is the software IPD adjustment that is part of it?

          • Graham J ⭐️

            I’ll take your word for it!

            I do have a software Ferrari in my racing simulator and would love to turn it into a real one. Please tell me how doing so would be a redesign.

            Windows IPD adjustment: Start – Settings – Mixed Reality – Headset Display – Calibration

          • GunnyNinja

            Yeah, greyed out. Seems you need to have an HMD for that to work. Since it was DESIGNED to only work with WINDOWS mixed reality, I’d say you are once again trying too hard. You said you were going to redesign the Ferrari in your “laneway”, not your racing simulator. Did your “laneway”(whatever that is) come with a software Ferrari? Keep working on it…

    • dk

      the acer ojo conceptd is basically this headset plus physical ipd

      • GunnyNinja

        I am aware of it. Not a looker, but I haven’t seen a price yet.

        • dk

          how can it be not as comfortable as the reverb ….it’s the exact same 3 point strap but instead of adjusting 3 velcros when u share it with people u just use the wheel in the back and it looks like more padding in the back ….and the stormtrooper look is absolutely fine …..the only difference is the ipd depending on how much hp is making on the reverb the acer can be $600 too

          • GunnyNinja

            I said LOOK. It’s not the “exact” same. I am not going to debate how something FEELS that I have never touched. I am also not going to debate what I like in design. It’s an opinion. If you think it’s “fine”, that’s fine by me…

          • Peter K

            You just answered your own questions at the end there “frankly, I am not a huge fan of WMR.” No further conversation is required

          • GunnyNinja

            I didn’t ask any questions…

          • dk

            I said it’s exactly the same 3 point strap…..r they not both using a 3 point strap ….and I mentioned what the differences r
            the controllers sucking up battery is a completely made up non issue ….recharging the batteries once in 1-2 weeks instead of 3-4 is not noticeable at all

          • GunnyNinja

            “I said it’s exactly the same 3 point strap…..r they not both using a 3 point strap” Can you repeat that in English? As for the batteries, I made it up because I wish I could get two weeks out of them. I guess I wasn’t supposed to notice or mention that…

          • dk

            they r both using a 3 point head strap×259.jpg …..there is no difference in the head strap setup like there is with a halo design strap

            charging the batteries once or 2 times in 3 weeks is completely irrelevant ….if u r using non rechargeable batteries only then it can be an issue

          • GunnyNinja

            So in your mind all 3 point straps are the same? lol. I had to replace my eneloop batteries more than twice a week with heavy use. Those same batteries last weeks in my Rift, and it only uses one battery each. Stop trying so hard to defend the indefensible. WMR controllers suck. Period. I didn’t buy controllers with my Index, so I can’t compare those.

          • dk

            I mentioned the differences no playing around with 3 velcros when sharing it and more padding in the back with the acer ….and yes the main thing is they r both using a 3 point strap
            charging batteries 2 times instead of once in 3 weeks is completely irrelevant

          • GunnyNinja

            Do you think all halos are the same too? 2 times in a WEEK. Do the math. Why are you trying to force your opinion? How about I decide what is relevant to ME.

          • dk

            force what opinion that 2 3 point straps r super similar ….aaaand I mentioned what r the differences in this case

          • GunnyNinja

            “how can it be not as comfortable as the reverb”
            “the controllers sucking up battery is a completely made up non issue”
            “charging the batteries once or 2 times in 3 weeks is completely irrelevant”
            “if u use rechargeable batteries recharging 2 times in 3 weeks instead of once is completely irrelevant”

            Take your pick. I have now told you TWICE that I had to change batteries 2 times in ONE week, not 3 weeks. That’s SIX times in 3 weeks. That’s pretty damned relevant to me. Don’t know if you are bad at math or just ignoring what I said. WMR is not a good platform for me. I don’t like the ACER and I can’t use the Reverb. They haven’t done a thing to improve the horrible controllers no matter HOW long the batteries last. Not 100% compatible with my current Oculus library since it doesn’t work well with Revive. I gave it a try twice, I will stick with my Index for now. Is that ok with you?

          • dk

            got it ….two 3 point straps offer totally different comfort

            ….and charging batteries 2 times instead of once in 3 weeks totally affects the person’s usage of the controllers ….got it

          • GunnyNinja

            Why did you leave out the “ic”?

          • dk

            so how r u liking the index …anything that bugs u

          • GunnyNinja

            Yeah, things bug me, but I don’t wont to hear how irrelevant they are so I’ll keep them to myself.

          • dk

            r there things as irrelevant as charging the controllers 2 times in 3 weeks instead of once

          • GunnyNinja

            Is your brain damaged? Do I really need to repeat this? How many times is TWICE a week for 3 weeks? Do you know what “twice” means? The same as “2 times”. So for the very LAST time, that is NOT “2 times in 3 weeks”. It’s SIX times in 3 weeks. 6. Seis. sei inv. sechs. Шесть. 六. Šest. سته. Zes. שש. Šešių. หก. Şase. enina. jav. I put it in as many languages as I could since you are having such a hard time with english. Even Klingon. Google has a free calculator you can use to verify my math…

          • dk

            xD it means …..1.5 weeks per charge wmr controllers and 3 week per charge rift controllers
            like I said if u use 800mah or less and play 30-40 hours per week and want it to last 1-2 weeks ….neat

          • GunnyNinja

            So, brain damage it is. .5 weeks per charge…

          • dk

            so 800mah or less and 40 hours per week got it

          • GunnyNinja

            You haven’t “got it” yet. Get out your mah calculator and put this in. What I want is the same thing I get from Touch controllers. Got that?

          • dk

            if u want long battery life from small batteries and obscene amount of playing a week …neat …..if u get proper batteries u will never notice u r charging them every week and a half instead of every 3 weeks

          • GunnyNinja

            “whatever is the actual number” Because you are unable to read what I said? I think I have talked to you enough.

          • dk

            did u give me a graph with the actual numbers of what batteries u use and what play time? ….r u unable to read what I said ….proper batteries and normal usage 14-18 hours per week gives u plenty of runtime

    • Francesco Fazio

      Why you guys focus so much on manual IPD I will never understand. What do you have the eyes on your cheeks like fishes ? That default IPD range should be good for 90% of the humans ….

      • GunnyNinja

        That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard from a human. I’m one of the other 10%…

        • Francesco Fazio

          I dont know I believe manufacturers do their best to cover the vast majority of the users need. You are not the 10% you are the 1%.

          • GunnyNinja

            I’m neither. My IPD is 72. I’m 6’5″. Not rare at all.

          • Francesco Fazio


            You fall into the 1% of the population. Check the table in the Wikipedia page. 72.5 is quite rare.

          • GunnyNinja

            Every adjustable HMD I have used fit me fine. That study was in the Army not the world. So it’s quite simple. I will only buy adjustable headsets.

          • Francesco Fazio

            Ok but it is not that the Army enrolls aliens you know ? The statistics of the Army are the same of the normal population since the Army is made of people.

          • GunnyNinja

            So the ratio of men to women in the world is nearly equal. Is that the same ratio in the US army?

          • Rob

            Look ma, it’s Francesco! …the guy who paid for Dirt Rally 2.0 twice :D

          • Francesco Fazio

            I .. what ? When exactly the tragedy that left you in this conditions happened ? I never bought the Steam version I only have the Oculus Home one.

  • What a good news… I’ve tried it and I can say that this device has an impressive resolution…

  • JesuSaveSouls

    I will get one if they cost 100 dollars. Jesusavesouls !

    • dk

      gear vr with the controller is more than $100 …get a brain :P

      • Graham J ⭐️

        Hey if you’re going to believe in zombies and men in the sky you might as well believe in $100 2160p headsets.

    • Graham J ⭐️

      God is a myth.

      • William Kirschman

        OMG!! You atheists are so smart and tolerant (NOT!). Actually, JesusSaveSouls, the Reverb is now one of the best VR headsets out there if you are into flightsims like I am.

        • Graham J ⭐️

          Smart yes, tolerant of spouting these nonsensical views all over unrelated forums? No.

          • GunnyNinja

            You have a choice. You can avoid forums, or learn to be tolerant of things you don’t agree with. Those are the only options you can control.

          • Graham J ⭐️

            Controlling my options is a non sequitur. I choose to call people out when they pollute unrelated fora with proselytizing. I don’t care for your opinion on the matter.

          • GunnyNinja

            You haven’t cared for my opinion on ANYTHING in this forum, yet that hasn’t deterred me from giving it, has it? Boo hoo for you…

        • GunnyNinja

          Some are quite tolerant. I feel that people have the right to believe whatever they choose. I don’t need to agree or disagree with their choice.

      • JesuSaveSouls

        Jesus showed up when I decided to end my life and He saved my life and soul.

        • Graham J ⭐️

          No, Jesu. Your username says Jesu.

          Also, no one showed up. You imagined that.

  • Johnny D.

    Valve, take a look at HP, they fixed the Reverb, stop denying that Index controllers have no issues and fix them… you might sell more HMDs and people don’t need to RMA every single one and be disappointed when they received another broken controller.

    Thanks HP for fixing the Reverb.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      They might already have fixed the problem with the index controllers with newer revisions..

      • GunnyNinja

        Good then they MIGHT want to fix the audio problems that keep cropping up.

  • Jarilo

    Well those on the market still for an HMD with these specific features are finally in luck. I’ve had this headset on, loved the resolution but hated the small sweet spot and for me for some reason the stereoscopic overlap at my nose was just too much, like wearing square scuba gear. Still, good to see it back on the market. Funny, it’s about the HP reverb and people in the comments still can’t help but somehow make it all about the Valve and click gate.

  • Graham J ⭐️

    “fairly sorry”

    lol… you know, somewhat sorry.

    • GunnyNinja

      You might want to look up “fairly”

      • Graham J ⭐️

        You’re not aware of the “to a moderately high degree” definition?

        You might want to look up “humour”.

        • GunnyNinja

          You haven’t been doing well trying to be serious. Why change anything when trying to be funny…

          • Graham J ⭐️

            I’m fairly sure “fairly” can be used like this. Seriously!

          • GunnyNinja

            How it CAN be used is irrelevant. How HP used it is what matters. I do not feel that they meant “somewhat”, but instead meant greatly and honorably, which is how I take it when people use that word in an apology, or in most cases I’ve ever heard it used. If Lewis Hamilton was fairly quick in his practice session, I doubt anyone would think he was slow.

          • Graham J ⭐️

            It would mean he could have been quicker, not that he was being fair or just. Glad you understand that now. Apparently using it with “sorry” is a British thing.

          • GunnyNinja

            Or that it was a good bit quicker since that whole “high degree” thing exists. Therefore, a good bit sorry. It is so easy to befuddle you.

          • Graham J ⭐️

            Right, a good bit. That is what I said in the first place! A good bit, but not entirely which is sort of what you’d expect from a sincere apology.

            I’m going to go over here and chat with a brick wall now. Surely it will be better able to absorb information than you.

          • GunnyNinja

            THIS is what you said in the first place “lol… you know, somewhat sorry.” Quoting you is a necessary thing…You could learn something from a brick wall…

    • Charles

      I think they meant “We’re sorry, as is fair.” Maybe it’s a British thing…

      • Graham J ⭐️

        Oh if that’s how it’s used over there that makes sense. Here it always means partially.

  • The Bard

    They should have replaced the faulty ones by a recall, apologize the buyers.

  • Dynastius

    Kinda, sorta sorry.

    • GunnyNinja

      Have a dictionary anywhere handy?

      • Dynastius

        So here is the Oxford dictionary definition and also synonyms. Most people when using fairly (at least in the USA), mean it to be somewhat, sort of, etc. For example, if I said you did a fairly good job, it’s not exactly a compliment.

        • GunnyNinja

          With Justice. To quite a high degree…sounds awful…

        • Charles

          I think they meant “We’re sorry, as is fair.” Maybe it’s a British thing.

        • Graham J ⭐️

          Glad someone else here is capable of seeing the humour in this choice of words, especially given HP’s handling of the Reverb QA issues!

    • Graham J ⭐️


  • GunnyNinja

    First off, I have two Headsets. A Rift and an Index. Neither of them is WMR. I HAD 2 WMR headsets. Odyssey and Odyssey+. I no longer do. For a reason. Notice a trend here? All have physical IPD adjustment. I keep my cars in my garage or in my DRIVEway. I actually have 7. Real, not virtual. Stop assuming everyone is from wherever YOU are from. Keeping up?

    • Graham J ⭐️

      So you had two WMR headsets but didn’t know WMR software IPD adjustment was a Windows feature. Interesting.

      You’re the one complaining about regional terms. Sorry these word things are complicated for you!

      • GunnyNinja

        How can you try so hard to be superior yet STILL fail miserably? Why would WMR headsets with ACTUAL IPD adjustment use software? Are you paying attention? Seems it’s YOU having the issue with words…

        • Graham J ⭐️

          They don’t and I didn’t say they did. I said that WMR IPD adjustment which the Reverb uses is a Windows-supplied feature and thus could not be “redesigned” to be hardware by HP.

          I don’t have to try, it would seem ;)

          • GunnyNinja

            “So you had two WMR headsets but didn’t know WMR software IPD adjustment was a Windows feature.” Need I say more? But keep em coming…

          • GunnyNinja

            “Single-panel HMDs with hardware adjustment use both.” Seriously? Does it split the single panel in two? Please name these devices so that I can marvel at that technology…

          • Graham J ⭐️

            Really, that’s extent of your deductive abilities? The lenses move over the static screen and software adjusts the image locations to match.

          • GunnyNinja

            My deductive abilities are extensive enough to notice you didn’t name any headsets that do what you claim…

          • Graham J ⭐️

            Pretty funny you’d want to “marvel” at a crappy way to do IPD adjustment. Only the lowest end does it – Cardboard. The lens IPD is encoded in the configuration QR code. I think there were some prototypes/experiments but the point isn’t the implementation, it’s the principle.

            Even headsets with dual displays need to know the distance because they use it to render the scene from the correct perspectives. That’s why there’s always a sensor for that. The hardware and software have to work in unison.

          • GunnyNinja

            Cardboard isn’t a headset. Wanna try again?

          • Graham J ⭐️

            Ah the brick wall, my old friend!

          • GunnyNinja

            Awww. Did you finally run out of unsubstantiated claims to bolster you weak argument? Cardboard doesn’t have adjustable lenses, which was kinda the whole point of this. But it’s MY lack of knowledge at issue…

  • GunnyNinja

    We SHOULD be agreeing on how poorly you debate…