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Budget Cuts Ultimate Nightmare Mode Puts ADAM In Every Level

Budget Cuts Ultimate - Nightmare Mode Update

Budget Cuts Ultimate receives a free 'Nightmare Update' today, turning every level into a stalker horror.

Released earlier this year on Quest, PSVR 2 and later PC VR, Budget Cuts Ultimate combines Budget Cuts and Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency into one package and Neat Corp isn't done yet. Today's update introduces Nightmare Mode, adding a new twist to the game by placing ADAM in every single level. You can get a quick glimpse of that below:

Here's the full Nightmare Mode description, courtesy of Neat Corp:

The ‘Nightmare Update’ reimagines Budget Cuts Ultimate as a stalker horror, as the player must navigate spookified levels while being relentlessly pursued by killer bot ADAM. Players must sneak, hide and run like never before, as weapons have no effect on this lean, mean HR machine. Good luck! You’ll need it :)

We enjoyed Neat Corp's compilation in our Budget Cuts Ultimate review on PSVR 2 in June. Though we criticized it as a "functional but no-thrills port" with the lack of visual upgrades feeling "slightly underwhelming," we believed that the "great action-stealth gameplay and good humor" make it worth trying in 2023.

The Budget Cuts Ultimate - Nightmare Update is out today on PC VR, PSVR 2 and the Meta Quest platform.

Budget Cuts Ultimate Review: Familiar But Aging Stealth Thrills
Budget Cuts Ultimate brings the stealth-action series to Quest 2 and PSVR 2, but does it still hold up? Our full review:

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