Upgrade to a Rainfall Shower Head And Handheld Combo For Less Than $20 With This Promo Code

Baban Rainfall Shower Head Combo | $19 | Amazon | Promo code TN7PSZUE
Baban Rainfall Shower Head Combo | $19 | Amazon | Promo code TN7PSZUE
Graphic: Elizabeth Lanier

Baban Rainfall Shower Head Combo | $19 | Amazon | Promo code TN7PSZUE

If you have been wanting to upgrade your shower to give it more of a luxury hotel feel, there has never been a better time to consider purchasing a rainfall showerhead. And that’s not only because traveling is limited right now, but also because we have a great deal on this decently-rated rainfall shower head and handheld combo at Amazon.

Just make sure to use promo code TN7PSZUE to get $12 off at checkout, bringing the price down to a super reasonable $19.

This combination handheld and overhead set has an average rating of 4.2, which is pretty good. Grab it while it lasts! The promo code is good until Thursday, Oct. 15.