Shiver Your Timbers In Our Devilish Doctor Who Spoiler Discussion Zone

"Legend of the Sea Devils" brought back an old favorite for the first of Jodie Whittaker's 3 remaining specials as the 13th Doctor—tell us what you thought!

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Jodie Whittaker's 13th Doctor looks out as she hangs from a rope dangling from a pirate ship.
Sea Devils, ho!
Image: BBC

Ahoy, mateys! Doctor Who is back, albeit just for one night only, as the beginning of the end for the 13th Doctor kicked off with “Legend of the Sea Devils.” A classic monster, ancient pirates, and high seas adventures awaited—but what did you think?

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“Legend of the Sea Devils” marks the return of the Sea Devils, the ancient aquatic menace first encountered by the Third Doctor fifty years ago last month. They’re a weird Doctor Who classic creature—remembered as somewhat iconic, despite the fact that this is actually only their third TV story ever (they appeared with the Silurians in the Fifth Doctor story “Warriors of the Deep,” because why not team up two vaguely moist pre-human creature species?). The ones we encountered in “Legend of the Sea Devils” definitely looked the retro part, with one of Doctor Who’s perhaps best revitalizations of a classic design yet.

But did the rest of the episode hold up for you? Are you ready to start saying goodbye to Jodie Whittaker’s Time Lord, or do you still not want her to go? And what about that teaser for the next episode! The Master! Daleks! Cybermen! Tegan and Ace!! Oh my.

Tell us what you thought in spoilery detail in the comments below—and stay tuned for our full recap of “Legend of the Sea Devils” tomorrow. In the meantime, why not catch up with a few of our recent Doctor Who stories below:

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