DC's Blue Beetle Movie Finally Has a Director

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Jamie stands ready to strike in Blue Beetle #5.
Jamie stands ready to strike in Blue Beetle #5.
Image: Cully Hamner/DC Comics

DC has been developing a movie based on Blue Beetle for years and now, finally, they’ve found the man to bring the hero to the big screen.

The Wrap reports, and io9 has confirmed, that Angel Manuel Soto, director of last year’s Charm City Kings, has been tapped by Warner Bros. to direct the film. As previously reported, the script is by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer and will follow Jaime Reyes, the third character to hold the mantle of Blue Beetle—and the first person of color to do so, as a Mexican-American teen. If all goes according to plan, Jamie’s cinematic debut would be the first superhero movie led by a Latin-American hero. The character has previously leapt from the pages of comics to appear in DC Animation, including a major role in Young Justice.


“It is an honor to direct Blue Beetle, the first Latino superhero film for DC,” said Soto told the Wrap. “I want to sincerely thank everyone at Warner Bros. and DC for trusting me to bring Jaime Reyes to life. I can’t wait to make history together.”

Production is aiming to start in the fall.

How exactly Blue Beetle—whose powers are granted to Jaime by a mystical scarab beetle bonded to his back, covering him in powerful armor—will fit in with the growing DC Universe, which will soon live both on the big screen (The Batman, The Suicide Squad, etc.) as well as HBO Max (with the Green Lantern Corps, etc.), we don’t know. We’ll bring you more on Soto’s plans for Blue Beetle as and when we learn it.


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