News: CNN Brings Its News Networks to Magic Leap One

CNN Brings Its News Networks to Magic Leap One

News junkies who own the Magic Leap One received some good news on Thursday, as CNN has published an app for the headset to display the network's news coverage in augmented reality.

Available immediately, the CNN app carries live news, on-demand programming, and digital exclusives from CNN, CNNi, and HLN via the Screens feature of Magic Leap's Lumin OS.

Image by Magic Leap/YouTube

Users can anchor the virtual screens anywhere in their environment and scale them to any size and interact with data layers to learn more about the subject matter presented in the news story.

In a blog post, Magic Leap also promises that CNN will bring more features to the app soon that will further leverage the device's spatial computing capabilities and expand the boundaries of storytelling. Perhaps a volumetric version of Wolf Blitzer is on the way to our living rooms?

Image by Magic Leap/YouTube

Although CNN is considered a pioneer in the realm of cable news coverage, this time the media giant is a bit of a follower, since the upstart news network Cheddar brought its news coverage to the Magic Leap One in December.

Still, CNN's presence on Magic Leap comes with a bit foreshadowing, as AT&T has emerged as both an investor and a strategic content partner with Magic Leap in recent months. As part of AT&T's merger with Time Warner, CNN will become part of AT&T's growing media empire. As such, the CNN app also serves as a beta test of sorts for AT&T's own DirecTV app, which the company announced last October.

While Magic Leap One is still considered a developer device and not yet a mainstream media machine, that hasn't stopped Magic Leap and its content partners from pushing out consumer-friendly apps. So far, we've seen Star Wars, Angry Birds, Lowe's, and the NBA apps arrive for Magic Leap One. News is another cornerstone of the consumer computing experience.

Alternatively, Microsoft has made it clear that it's focusing on enterprise customers with HoloLens 2. Therefore, with AT&T already tapped as the exclusive carrier for the launch of the eventual consumer version of Magic Leap One, Magic Leap would appear to have a wider lane to move in on the consumer AR segment.

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Cover image via Magic Leap/YouTube

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