News: Magic Leap Releases Series of Video Sessions from Inside the L.E.A.P. Conference

Magic Leap Releases Series of Video Sessions from Inside the L.E.A.P. Conference

Magic Leap's recent L.E.A.P. conference was free to all who registered in time, but if you weren't able to make the trip to Hollywood, the company just released video of some of the sessions that took place over the course of two days.

The sessions, which are really discussion panels, are spread over three videos titled "The Art and Design of Dr. Grordbort's Invaders," "The Making-Of Create," and "Design Best Practices for Mixed Reality."

On one of the panels, we get to meet some of the people at Magic Leap Studios who helped produce the Create app, giving us more in-depth analysis from some of the people we were introduced to last week.

On another panel, the team from Weta Workshop, including the studio's game director, Greg Broadmore, talk about the years-long process of creating the game.

Other Weta Workshop team members featured on stage were Jordon Carlton (game programmer), Jimmy Baird (lead game designer), Brian Jennings (lead level designer), and Simon Baker (senior visual effects artist).

Together, the team gave a lot more insight into how the incredibly well developed title was crafted for Magic Leap's "spatial computing" dynamic.

The less structured, but perhaps most useful (for developers) video is the L.E.A.P. roundtable discussion on best practices.

In that session, Magic Leap's Aleissia Laidacker (interaction director), Brian Schwab (senior learning resources technical artist), James Powderly (director of user experience and interaction), Jeremy Vanhoozer (creative director), Savannah Niles (lead designer), and Weta Workshop's James Everett (producer) outlined how to properly design experiences that harness the powers of immersive computing on the Magic Leap platform.

Even if you did manage to attend the event, the video sessions are a great recap and dissection of what, exactly, the Magic Leap team is trying to do.

The videos may also serve to inspire independent producers looking to practically and effectively utilize the system as the company attempts to gradually take augmented reality into the mainstream, with developers and creative artists leading the way.

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Cover image via Magic Leap

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