How Does Augmented Reality Improve Children’s Books?

Augmented reality has been in and out of the public eye for at least a decade and has taken space in almost every industry. Can AR enter the publishing industry as well?

ARSOME Technology
4 min readJun 17, 2020

Augmented reality has had its fair share of the spotlight over the last few years, but one of the larger issues in this industry come from a lack of functionality, and too much of just that “Wow” factor. In the world of publishing, there’s no question of how functional AR is alongside a children’s book. If the goal is to create a fun and captivating experience children can learn from — AR can get you there.

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

Augmented Reality strengthens two of the greatest strengths in the most successful children’s books — the actual pictures and the aspect of collaboration & engagement. When you picture a parent reading a child a book, you picture three general things: the verbal reading of the book, the parent showing the child the images in the book, then lastly, and possibly most importantly, you picture the child reacting, asking questions, and overall interacting as best as they can with the characters of the book. It is the complex interaction the child has with the book that allows the learning process to begin. Engagement is one of the largest benefits of using AR technology.

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Photo by Daniel Frank on Unsplash

Augmented reality turns a book into an experience for children. It takes the characters and puts them in a real 3D environment, whether that environment is the actual physical environment of the child or from the book. The child is able to navigate through the same space as the character which makes the book “real” in their eyes. This is a very important thing to keep in mind when it comes to books created to teach a lesson. Lessons can only be taught if children can place themselves in situations where those lessons are even needed.

Sometimes children forget lessons because they do not relate enough to the characters who are supposed to be teaching them those lessons. They may not even relate enough to their teachers. By bringing the child into the book with augmented reality, you allow the child to fully understand real world applications to those lessons because they got to participate in the actions of the character. AR has the power to strengthen the images, text, and the overall message of children’s books. With AR, the child learns with the characters. That is what makes it such a strong addition to children’s books.

By bringing the child into the book with augmented reality, you allow the child to fully understand real world applications

When you picture a parent reading a child a book with AR, the whole picture is changed slightly, but creates all the difference. Now, you have a parent at the side of their child experiencing the book with their child. They hold the book, and their child holds the device for both of them to see, interacting with the characters, the environment, and any pop-ups the author may want to add for extra educational or entertainment purposes. AR brings a factor of creativity and exploration to an already fun and educational format. How will you take advantage of this exciting technology in your books?

Written by Lola Oretade, Marketing Manager at ARSOME Technology

ARSOME Technology is an Augmented & Virtual Reality company based in Manchester, Connecticut. ARSOME Technology is a highly established and driven company that works for and with companies interested in bringing an AR, VR, or Mixed Reality experience to their businesses.

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