News: Snapchat Turns Wrigley Field into the Upside Down for 'Stranger Things' Promotion

Snapchat Turns Wrigley Field into the Upside Down for 'Stranger Things' Promotion

With the third season of Netflix's hit series Stranger Things set to debut July 4, it's time to crank up the hype machine, this time, in augmented reality.

For its latest promotion, Netflix has summoned the AR powers of Snapchat to bring "the upside down," the alternate dimension from the show, to Chicago's Wrigley Field for "Stranger Things Night". The AR experience launches on Monday, which coincides with the start of the series between the two first-place MLB teams, the hometown Chicago Cubs and the Atlanta Braves (#chopon).

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Using Snapchat's Marker Tracking technology, fans entering the park can scan the monumental marquee of Wrigley Field, which serves as a 2D marker, to trigger the experience.

After morphing the familiar font spelling out Wrigley Field to the equally noticeable typeface of Stranger Things, the facade of the famous fieldhouse is enveloped in tentacles, and the demonic (yet, maybe just misunderstood?) Demogorgon, bursts through the marquee.

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There's another cool element embedded within the AR experience that allows fans to insert their names into the virtual reproduction of the Wrigley Field marquee.

"As the Cubs look to super serve fans with unique content and experiences, tapping into an ingrained behavior such as taking a photo under the Marquee was a unique place for us to innovate," said Lauren Fritts, vice president of marketing for the Chicago Cubs, in a statement. "The combination of an iconic Wrigley Field equity, Snapchat's latest AR tech and one of the hottest entertainment franchises, Stranger Things, make this a really fun experience for our amazing fans."

If that's not enough to satisfy your Stranger Things itch until July 4, fans who purchase tickets for the game online will also receive a friggin' 'sweet' Stranger Things fanny pack.

A story that revolves around an alternate dimension and the creepy crawly creatures that inhabit it is a natural fit for augmented reality experiences. The second season of the hit series enjoyed AR promotions via Snapchat and Facebook. Therefore, it's no surprise that Stranger Things has returned to the AR well with Snapchat for its third installment.

Moreover, it's fitting that the franchise will also soon launch a location-based AR game from Next Games, makers of Walking Dead: Our World (which probably means the game will utilize the Google Maps API for geocached games). Considering the face that the genre leverages the premise of layering a virtual world on top of the real world, it's hard to believe that the idea of bringing "the upside down" to a location-based AR game hadn't come up sooner.

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Cover image via Snap

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