Elevating Spain’s Tech Landscape: EON Reality and EMERSIVE S.L. Renew Partnership

IRVINE, CA, May 13, 2024 – EON Reality, a leading entity in leveraging Spatial AI and XR for virtual reality and augmented reality-based knowledge transfer in the industry and education, is excited to announce the continuation of its partnership with EMERSIVE S.L., a trailblazer in immersive technology solutions. Formerly known as GTA Innovación, EMERSIVE S.L.’s rebranding reflects their expanded vision and commitment to pioneering immersive learning and enterprise solutions.

This partnership is poised to transform the immersive technology landscape in Spain, deploying advanced VR and AR technologies to enhance interactive learning and professional training across various sectors.

“Our ongoing collaboration with EON Reality has been crucial in providing superior immersive learning solutions. With renewed vigor, we aim to further innovate and enhance immersive experiences throughout Spain,” said Oscar Ruiz, CEO,  EMERSIVE S.L.

Dan Lejerskar, Chairman of EON Reality, stated,”This pivotal moment for EON Reality in Spain strengthens our collaboration with EMERSIVE S.L. as they rebrand and renew their focus on immersive technologies. This partnership not only continues our successful history but sets new standards in immersive learning and professional growth. By integrating Spatial AI and XR, we are transforming education and industry in Spain, enhancing access to impactful immersive learning experiences.”

A New Chapter in Immersive Learning

With a strong presence in the Spanish immersive technology market, EMERSIVE S.L. has consistently demonstrated its dedication to innovation. Transitioning from GTA innovación, the new brand identity of EMERSIVE S.L. underscores a deeper commitment to offering cutting-edge experiences that surpass traditional educational and training frameworks.

Broadening Educational and Industrial Reach

EON Reality’s renewed collaboration with EMERSIVE S.L. will broaden the availability of sophisticated virtual reality headsets and augmented reality applications, making these technologies more accessible to educational institutions, businesses, and government entities across Spain. This initiative is designed to equip both learners and professionals with essential tools to excel in an increasingly digital landscape.


EMERSIVE S.L. is a premier provider of immersive technology solutions in Spain, specializing in virtual reality and augmented reality applications for the education and industry sectors. Focused on crafting engaging and interactive experiences, EMERSIVE S.L. is set to redefine how individuals learn, train, and work. For more information, please visit https://www.emersive.es/

About EON Reality

EON Reality is a leading entity in AI-assisted Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality-based knowledge transfer, dedicated to democratizing knowledge acquisition. Our state-of-the-art AR/VR innovations are revolutionizing educational and industry frameworks, establishing us as a central figure in the future of learning and technological progress. For further information, please visit https://eonreality.com/