Unity: Building Your Finished Quest Project


You did it! Your project is finished and its time to build the application! Lets take a look at building for PCVR, and to run standalone in the headset.


Building for PCVR is very straightforward. Make sure you are on PC, Mac, & Linux standalone for your build platform. Make sure your correct scenes are added at the top in the Scenes In Build sections, uncheck developmental build, and press build. Choose a folder to build to, and you are good to go! This runs like any other unity build, and will connect to the headset plugged in automatically when you open up Oculus link on your quest. You will probably notice when playing the build that the framerate is a lot better than when you were testing it in Unity! That's because unity’s editor eats up TONS of resources, my framerate was upwards of 40% better in certain sections of my game.

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A few more steps here but we will go over them all! First we are going switch over to Android for your build platform. Note that switching platforms may take a few minutes depending on your hardware. Open up the project settings, navigate to player on the left column and click on the Android tab.

Oculus mentions Vulcan on their site which is an experimental graphics API. I recommend you stay far away from it for the moment. Every project I’ve tested it with has completely refused to run. Scroll down and take a look at the Minumum API Level and set it to ‘Marshmallow’.

On the XR Plugin Management section of project settings click on the android tab and make sure that Oculus is checked.

Now we need to get an App ID number, so the quest can recognize it. Got to Oculus -> Platform -> Edit Settings

and the follow should show up in your inspector window:

From here, we can click the creat find your app button, and it will take you to the Oculus developer page. If you do not have an account, create one, and then create a new app.

Choose quest, and hit create, and it will provide you with an App ID. Go ahead and copy the ID and paste it into the inspector, for both the Rift and Go/Quest entries.

Now you are all linked up with oculus. Finally lets head over to build settings. Under Run Device, be sure that you have Oculus Quest 2 selected, and you can go ahead and hit build and run. It may take a few minutes. Once it finishes, it will automatically launch in your headset, you should see the unity splash page pop up, and they you will be in your game. If you get the following error, make sure that Oculus Developer Hub is not open and then build again.

Congratulations! You officially have a built project ready to run free of the Unity editor! While the Unity Store has a bunch of hoops for you to jump through, they have just opened up the App Lab, which seems like a much faster solution for getting your app live. https://developer.oculus.com/blog/introducing-app-lab-a-new-way-to-distribute-oculus-quest-apps/ here is the link to check it out which includes some resources for getting your game or app onto it.

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