Oculus Go, the company’s $200 standalone 3DOF headset released last month, is finally available through Oculus retail partners in Europe and Canada. Online availability is fairly wide-spread, while some brick-and-mortar locations now have the headset in stock on store shelves.

Update (June 26th, 2018): Oculus Go is now available via Canada and European retailers. We’ve update the list below to include countries previously missing from Oculus’ initial availability announcement.

Original article (June 2nd, 2018): European residents have (mostly) been able to order Oculus Go directly through the Oculus website since it launched early last month, with the company delivering to many countries in the EU and Schengen Zone including Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the UK.

Come June 26th, residents of the UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland (and more, see update) will be able to walk into a brick-and-mortar shop and snag one off the shelves. Touted as a low-price, high-quality mobile VR headset, Oculus Go is available in two types: a 32GB version for €220/£200, and a 64GB version for €270/£250.

Check out the in-store and online availability below:

UK Store Availability

Germany Store Availability

Meta's Former Head of VR: Oculus Go Was His "biggest product failure" & Why it Matters for Vision Pro

France Store Availability

Other Countries

If you’re outside the countries above, remember that many Europe-based Amazons deliver outside their official area of service, including many countries in the EU not listed above.

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 3,500 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Lucidfeuer

    Oh so in Europe it went from 200$ to 320€…okay, not such a nice bulk-buying option anymore, but I’ll go get one to try.

    • dk

      meh…. well the second hand market will be flooded with these things in no time

      • ShiftyInc

        That’s just nasty, someones sweaty face has been on that thing for god knows how long. You cannot replace the fabric either.

        • dk

          just replace the face interface…..of course u can replace it and they will start selling replacements in no time if they haven’t started already

    • guest

      I thougt it was 220 euro. Even so American companies seriously underestimate the negative impact the dollar to euro conversion has on the mind of european people. Make it 200 dollars -> 200 and you will sell 10 times more units, guaranteed!

      • kool

        Your English is fine, better than most Americans…

      • Andrew Jakobs

        It’s 219 euro. And let’s not forget the $200 is excluding tax, the 219 is including 21% tax.

    • Nelson Tutorials

      Try buying Oculus Go from amazon.com, the final price will be ~241eur if you live in Europe, or it may vary according to your country, mine is 241eur with shipping and importing fees included.

      • guest

        I ordered directly from Oculus in which case there were no shipping and import fees.

    • £199 on Oculus website for UK (32GB model) which is pretty good tbh.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      Uhh, you’re 100 euro wrong, it’s 220 for the 32gb, not 320.. so it’s about the original price including tax, $200 is excluding tax.

  • Mateusz Pawluczuk

    Go might not be in impulse buy territory just yet but it’s price is already low enough to make Brick & Mortal an essential component. Some people are not good with money management, some might look for some last minute gifts etc .. plus it’s just plain convenient to be able visit your local Argos or whatever and be back in an hour with a Go.

  • Nelson Tutorials

    Amazon.de and Amazon.uk dont ship Oculus Go to other European countries like mine Portugal. This announcement by Oculus is useless, because GO is only available in UK and German retails stores to UK and German people who already could order from Oculus store since the original release, Oculus completely neglects the rest of other EU countries not included on Oculus store list. Shame on you Oculus.

    • Lucio Lima

      é verdade, e eu para conseguir comprar o Rift tive de fazê-lo através de um amigo que mora em Londres e paguei muito mais caro. Ma deixa lá, não perdes muito com isso porque o Rift é uma porcaria por isso o Go também não deve ser grande coisa! Mas se fazes questão de comprar podes fazê-lo na Amazon espanhola https://www.amazon.es/Oculus-Go-64GB-Standalone-Virtual/dp/B07B4NLKKF/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1527982578&sr=8-1&keywords=oculus+go&dpID=31–ew3eufL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

      • Nelson Tutorials

        A ideia tipo é evitar os impostos de importação que são adicionados ao valor dos produtos que mandamos vir dos US e os preços inflacionados do nosso país. Eu por acaso gostava de experimentar a Realidade Virtual, tenho uma Xbox One X e tenho estado na espetativa de este ano nesta E3 a minha Xbox vir a ter suporte do WMR (Windows Mixed Reality) headsets. Por outro lado também estou interessado no Oculus Go caso a minha primeira opção não se confirme. Mas esta companhia da Oculus como disseste já do tempo do lançamento do Rift completamente ignora vários países da Europa e isso chateou-me. Enfim eu também ja sabia que podiamos mandar vir o Oculus Go do amazon.com fica te por 241eur com os import fees e se na alfandega não te cobrarem os import fees fica te por ~199eur preço final. Mas obrigado pela dica.

        • Lucio Lima

          Nunca experimentaste a realidade virtual ? Se moras em Lisboa podes ir á Fnac do Chiado porque há dias vi que têm lá o Vive para experimentar e o Vive é melhor que o Rift :-)

          • Nelson Tutorials

            Resido na Ilha da Madeira. : )

          • Lucio Lima

            Então olha, se fosse eu a ti esperava até sair algo melhor porque eu raramente uso o Rift porque é uma porcaria. As pessoas dizem maravilhas mas eu não acho. E penso que só quando lançarem uns óculos com imagem 4k e que não pesem tanto é que irá valer mesmo a pena :-)

          • Nelson Tutorials

            Não vou esperar mais, já estou para experimentar a RV desde alguns anos, o Oculus Go têm boas lentes, SDE inexistente, good rays reduzido, melhor resolução do que o Rift/Vive, é wireless e têm um preço reduzido qd comparado com o Rift/Vive. O meu laptop tb não aguenta o Rift e Vive. As minha opções são os Windows Mixed Reality que têm inside out tracking para a One X e o Oculus Go pelo preço reduzido que é bom como entrada para a realidade virtual. É como o teu primeiro carro, tens de comprar uma versão barata para experimentares e só depois compras um topo de gama.

          • Lucio Lima

            Sim, tens razão, apesar de tudo eu não me arrependo de ter comprado o Rift porque se não tivesse comprado iria estar a lamentar até hoje. Acho que fazes bem em querer experimentar :-)

      • Andrew Jakobs

        How about next time in english like the rest of us does.

        • gothicvillas

          It seems Lucio and Nelson mistook this site for gay dating site.

    • back at the date of announcement I begged Oculus to make it available everywhere, including my country Greece. I had a feeling you know. Greece (like Portugal) is not in the supported countries. Which is odd really. We have the same currency as Germany. Global tech giants should treat EU as the single market that it is.

      • gothicvillas

        lol EU is Germany. The rest countries are there to feed Merkel & Co. Dont you ever think you are a valid member of the EU.

  • MarquisDeSang

    UK (United Kucks) will get Oculus Go in stores, but Canada does not? I thought Canada was also part of the Muslim world?

    • JJ

      We can’t understand you with that cock in ur mouth..

  • No Italy :(

  • Sandy Wich

    Wait… So all those, “poor sales”, where only because it was available in 1 country on the planet???

    Damn. Well, I hope it sells really well when it’s available for everyone. <3