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Obduction from Myst Creator Gets Long-Awaited Vive and Touch Support

Obduction from Myst Creator Gets Long-Awaited Vive and Touch Support

Cyan Studios, creator of legendary PC games Myst and Riven, is officially releasing an update today ot bring its first ever virtual reality (VR) title, Obduction, to more platforms. The Myst successor originally debuted as a timed exclusive for the Oculus Rift and will now be available for the HTC Vive as well with motion controller support. In addition, the Rift version is also being updated to include Oculus Touch support — both pieces of news we reported would be coming soon as of last month.

According to Cyan, the new versions can be purchased for the original release price of $29.99 on Oculus Home, Steam and The Humble Store. Those that have already bought Obduction on Oculus Home will see Touch support added for free in a downloadable update, as well as Touch and Vive support for free on Steam if already purchased.

Obduction is a VR puzzle and exploration game that carries the legacy of Myst and Riven into the modern era. In Obduction you are transported to a mysterious new world where nothing is what it seems. On your journey you’ll encounter a variety of colorful (and sometimes creepy) characters, challenging puzzles and a story that keeps you guessing until the final minutes.

Cyan’s historic gaming pedigree made Obduction a hotly anticipated game and it lived up to the hype. Obduction scored mostly positive reviews (including an 8/10 on this site). However, the lack of hand controls was noticeable and disappointing especially in a game that frequently has you pulling levers, flicking switches, and pressing buttons. Playing Obduction on the gamepad left something to be desired and today those desires are being fulfilled.

Rand Miller, the co-creator of Myst and Riven and the co-founder of Cyan Studios, said of Obduction’s new gameplay options:

“We were blown away by the number of fans who queued up at PAX East and SXSW to be among the first to go hands on with Obduction VR hand controls. Reactions ranged from praise to amazement, and it was genuinely touching to talk with generations of families that grew up on Myst and were now excited about Obduction.”

“I’m so lucky to still be making worlds in this incredible time of rapidly advancing technology that enables us to create places with such deep immersion. After 30 years of making worlds, stepping into our creations with the Vive and Rift feels like a magical milestone – very exciting times for a company that is motivated by providing grand adventures that become people’s worlds.”

Are you excited about this new update? Let us know in the comments below.

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