‘Sairento VR’ Exits Steam Early Access Today, Launches on Oculus Home


Sairento VR (2018), a VR ninja action game from indie developer Mixed Realms, ended its year-long stint in Steam Early Access today. The game, which features both single player and multiplayer modes, also launched on Oculus Home today.

Sairento VR launches out of Early Access with a new single player campaign mode that lets you hone your slow-motion, high-flying ninja moves as you shoot pistols and physically hack away with your katanas at the game’s ‘cyber ninja’ enemies. The game also includes a single player arcade mode, multiplayer co-op and PvP mode.

One of the most attractive bits about the game is its unique locomotion system, which is best described as a ‘point-and-click’ system that lets you quickly bound through the air with the ability to triple jump and wall-run your way to almost any target, making for fast-paced action across a relatively large map. From what we’ve played in Early Access, it proves to be a really interesting mash-up of Raw Data (2017) and Superhot VR (2017).

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Releasing the news on the game’s Steam page, the developers say that despite exiting Early Access, there’s still a few things to be done.

As many of you have rightly pointed out, an exit from EA is just a technicality. It does not mean that we will be washing our hands off it from now on. While it does mean that we believe all the elements required to make a full game are in place, we still want to continue ironing out the remaining imperfections. We also want to add more content periodically to reward our fans’ loyalty and support for a while more.

Our only regret is that we cannot make the Campaign mode as robust as we would like it to be due to a lack of resources, although we really did try our very best.

Yet, despite its flaws, we think that Sairento is a game that we can all be proud of. And by we, we mean you and us. Sairento VR is a result of the cumulative efforts of both your constructive feedback and our hard work. Without you, Sairento won’t exist in its current form and we want to salute you for that. As such, we have dedicated the About page in the game to you. This page is about you and not about us. Please check it out.

Sairento VR is currently on sale for $25.50 on Humble Store, a 15% reduction from its normal $30 price tag. You can also purchase direct from Steam (Vive & Rift) or from Oculus Home (Rift).

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Well before the first modern XR products hit the market, Scott recognized the potential of the technology and set out to understand and document its growth. He has been professionally reporting on the space for nearly a decade as Editor at Road to VR, authoring more than 3,500 articles on the topic. Scott brings that seasoned insight to his reporting from major industry events across the globe.
  • Les Vega

    Between Sairento, In Death, and kin we are having a surprisingly good start to 2018.

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  • Marco Dena

    Looks good plays better