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'Kismet' Developer Psyop Expands With Former 2K Executive

'Kismet' Developer Psyop Expands With Former 2K Executive

LA and New York-based production studio Psyop has only dipped its toes into VR thus far, but it’s about to commit to a lot more.

So far we’ve seen the company release one original piece of VR content, a small but effective experience named Kismet. It saw players meet a fortune teller and engage in activities like reading tarot cards and playing a simple board game with the elusive figure. It was a promising first step from the studio, which has also made 360 videos for games like Clash of Clans and other VR experiences for Toyota and more. We’re hoping to see even more from it now that the team has hired a former 2K executive.

Matthew Seymour, ex-Executive Producer at 2K Games, has joined Psyop to help expand its work in both VR and AR. Seymour will oversee the production of both original and branded experiences for the company. Psyop doesn’t have any new VR content we know about on the horizon, but we’ve reached out to the company to ask what’s in the pipeline.

In a prepared statement he said that the studio could “push the boundaries” of the tech in animated and real-time rendered experiences.

The press releases’ mention of AR is interesting, as we haven’t yet seen anything in the augmented field from the studio. Again, we’ve reached out to the company to ask about its plans in this area.

Seymour already has experience in VR, having previously held the role of Vice President of Product Design at Heavy Iron Studios.

Correction: This article originally stated that Heavy Iron Studios was the developer of The Martian VR Experience. It was actually developed by The Third Floor. Apologies for the mix up.

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