
Facebook Instant Articles Now Support 360 Videos and Photos

Over a year ago Facebook launched 360 videos in the Newsfeed. And this past June, they finally launched 360 photos as well, rounding out the options creators and publishers have when it comes to sharing 360 content.

Now Facebook is also letting publishers post 360 videos and photos to Instant Articles.

Facebook’s Instant Articles is the latest format that displays publisher’s content in a faster loading, ad-light version of Facebook when accessed by users on mobile devices. The format is optimized for mobile and makes diving into stories richer.


Each Instant Article can contain multiple 360 photos and videos that you can explore, share, and comment on in the context of a story. You will see the 360 content in-line and have the option to navigate by turning your device or by tapping and dragging.

Launch partners for the new functionality include USA Today Networks and BILD, who have been experimenting with 360 videos and photos.

You can view a demo of the new feature below:

“The addition of 360 content in Instant Articles is exciting, and it will be a great tool for our journalists to reach new audiences with our groundbreaking work in immersive storytelling,” said Robert Padavick, Director of 360 Editorial Production for USA Today.

Additionally, USA Today’s branded content creative studio, GET Creative, has leveraged this expanded Instant Articles functionality, making USA Today the first publisher partner to launch Facebook Instant Articles with 360 branded content. GET Creative’s recent branded campaigns for 2017 Toyota Camry and Nest exist in standalone Instant Articles and feature their branded 360 video. USA Today Network also announced on Thursday the launch of their VRtually There branded VR news show with 360 video ad integration.

If you’re a publisher interested in posting 360 content in instant articles, check out Facebook’s documentation here.

About the Scout

Jonathan Nafarrete

Jonathan Nafarrete is the co-founder of VRScout.

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