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New Raiders of Erda Footage Shows Three Player VR Dungeon Crawling

New Raiders of Erda Footage Shows Three Player VR Dungeon Crawling

Ever since its reveal earlier this year we’ve kept an eye on Cooperative Innovations’ Raiders of Erda, and the latest footage for the game shows you why.

The team’s Simon Barratt recently posted the below footage of the multiplayer dungeon crawler on Twitter. It showcases the progress Coop Innovations has been making with avatars for the fantasy combat game, which is looking quite impressive. Players appear as full-body avatars that don’t have the usual strange caveats of VR like missing limbs. As you can see, that comes especially in handy when your teammates fancy a dance off.

Raiders is likely still some ways off from release (no official release date has been given), but Coop Innovations was recently awarded grant money from Epic Games for its work using the company’s Unreal Engine 4.  Erda is coming to both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

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