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Valve Announces Dates for Steam Dev Days 2016

After skipping Steam Dev Days last year in 2015, Valve is back in full-force with what is planned to be the biggest and best event yet. Steam Dev Days 2016 will be held from October 12-13 in Seattle, WA. According to the official website:

Steam Dev Days returns to Seattle this October. Join Valve and your fellow Steam developers to learn about and discuss new Steam features and advances in gaming on Windows, OS X, Linux and SteamOS.

Steam Dev Days will cover a variety of topics that are relevant and exciting to PC gaming, including virtual reality, user generated content, Steam hardware initiatives, business and marketing best practices, plus much more.

The announcement lists four main areas of focus, including virtual reality such as SteamVR and the HTC Vive, Steam hardware such as the Steam Link and Steam Controller devices, Steam business and marketing to help take your projects to new heights, and the Steam Workshop, which is jam-packed full of user-generated content.

The last time Valve held a Steam Dev Days event was back in 2014. You can access the archives from that event right here. The major focuses at that event were much different, as the PC gaming landscape and Valve’s business focuses have dramatically shifted. However, you can watch this video about the 2014 event down below to get an idea of what to expect from this year’s event.

Since Valve is known to often skip out on attending other major tradeshows such as E3, Steam Dev Days functions a lot like their own personal conference of not only announcements, but sessions focused on the growing community of Steam-focused game developers. Everyone from indie teams to large studios are expected to attend in 2016.

If you would like to attend Steam Dev Days 2016, you can sign up at this link, but do keep in mind that an active Steam account is (unsurprisingly) required.

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