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WebVR Support Comes to Firefox in New Update

WebVR Support Comes to Firefox in New Update

Scheduled to launch tomorrow, the newest update for Mozilla’s Firefox browser, Firefox 55, will include support for WebVR. While Firefox has supported the Oculus Rift since 2015, it’s only now that the browser joins competitors Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge in supporting the WebVR open standard.

Those wanting to take Firefox 55 out for a test-drive can find demos on Web VR Experiments. However, only Firefox users on Windows with an HTC Vive or Oculus Rift will be able to view web-based VR content. Competitor Chrome, which began support for WebVR in February, offers support for a wider variety of gear, including its own Google Cardboard and Daydream. Firefox still leads Edge in supported hardware – Microsoft’s browser only supports the Windows Mixed Reality Headset.

WebVR support remains a critical milestone in the widespread adoption of VR technology. Last year, we went so far as to call it “the future of virtual reality.”

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