Last month HTC announced that the company’s Viveport VR app store would allow developers to sell titles supporting the Oculus Rift. Today the company has official opened Viveport to Rift, which is now supported by nearly 200 games and apps at the time of this writing.

Update (September 4th, 2018): Viveport games now have a brand new Oculus badge, indicating support for Oculus Rift is now live. The original article follows below.

Original Article (August 17th, 2018): HTC has been making moves to promote its Viveport VR app store, an alternative to the de facto content platform for the HTC Vive, SteamVR. Having recently announced a partnership in which users can buy VR apps through Amazon, HTC is now making good on the headset-agnostic promises made regarding the content platform.

The company announced this week that developers can begin offering titles which have Oculus Rift compatibility in addition to the company’s own Vive, with Rift support kicking off in earnest on September 4th. It’s our understanding that this multi-headset compatibility is achieved through the same OpenVR compatibility that allows SteamVR titles to work with both the Vive and the Rift.

Image courtesy HTC

The move means that Oculus Rift users will be able to purchase and download select content that developers designate as compatible with the Rift, and also access content through Viveport Subscription, a $9/month subscription service which gives users unlimited access to five titles of their choice (among some 500 in the Viveport Subscription catalog), with the ability to swap out for five new titles each month.

Amazon to Begin Selling VR Apps Through New HTC Partnership

Since launch, Viveport has struggled to find a compelling differentiator to make it stand out against SteamVR which has long offered compatibility with both the Vive and the Rift, and a larger VR library. Viveport Subscription was introduced in 2017 apparently in an effort to create a unique offering, though it’s not clear if the program has done much to add traction to the platform which has historically been critiqued for poor performance and a trailing content library.

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Ben is the world's most senior professional analyst solely dedicated to the XR industry, having founded Road to VR in 2011—a year before the Oculus Kickstarter sparked a resurgence that led to the modern XR landscape. He has authored more than 3,000 articles chronicling the evolution of the XR industry over more than a decade. With that unique perspective, Ben has been consistently recognized as one of the most influential voices in XR, giving keynotes and joining panel and podcast discussions at key industry events. He is a self-described "journalist and analyst, not evangelist."
  • Santa maria

    Well shit this is actually really good. This is a huge increase in games. Will take a peek if Robo Recall is for Vive. Money breeds money.

    • kuhpunkt

      Ehm… Viveport will just be supporting the Rift. Rift-games won’t be coming to the Vive/Viveport.

    • Raphael

      HAHA!!! Dream on flappy. OctopusVR opening up their games to Vive users will happen round about the time valve launches 3 VR games.

      • sebrk

        Or when HTC invests a fraction of what Oculus has done to get tripple-A titles. Oculus are basically losing money this way but they want good content. Compare content on Steam and you’ll understand why they have this “walled garden” mentality atm.

        • Get Schwifty!

          You are on a serious high anti-oculus high horse here…. to say they are losing money is an absurdity at this stage, it’s called “Seeding the market”…. it’s commonly done in business, and FB/Oculus understand the need to do it to move VR forward.

          • sebrk

            Again, I don’t understand how you get my comment to be anti-oculus? I own every Oculus ever released.

          • Javed Asghar

            You def just have to have to be working for Oculus. Your entire past comment history reflects that of a paid shill, with your not so tactful attack on all comments you deem are anti-FB, time for work eh?

          • Javed Asghar

            Still waiting to hear, how much you get paid mate, proof is here in your comments history on every single thread, the min anyone says anything about oculus/fb.

        • Raphael

          Yes, Newall has flooded steam with hundreds of “first game creation attempts” and that certainly impacts VR negatively. I actually knew when I pre-ordered the Vive a year+ ago that Valve was the weakest part of the chain. Yes their engineers created the hardware but valve stopped with content creation years ago. Vive should have launched at the very least with a full VR portal. The 3 VR games valve is working on… another scam.

          • kuhpunkt

            Valve hasn’t stopped content creation.

          • Raphael

            I’m referring to real games rather than shitty card games. The days of Half Life and Portal are over.

          • kuhpunkt

            Do you have a crystal ball?

          • Raphael

            Kind of.. it’s not a ball shape but a teardrop. Same result though, just slightly less precise.

          • kuhpunkt

            Do you really think all the developers, designers, writers etc. are just doing nothing at Valve?

          • Raphael

            Let’s look at the trend flappy… The frequency of valve own games has decreased steadily over the years. Their VR hardware launched with precisely zero games. Just a tech demo. No VR games.. Valve don’t have any VR games. The only way HL3 might come to life is as a fan-made game. Portal 3 is extremely unlikely. There’s a clear correlation between valve’s growth as content delivery platform and their declining interest in game development.

            There are allegedly three VR games in development… given their lack of even tiny 2d rectangle game development and the fact that their launch of steamVR came with precisely zero games… I doubt any of us will live long enough to see the “three VR games”

          • kuhpunkt

            You didn’t answer the question.

          • Raphael

            There is only one game coder at valve and he doesn’t show up daily. He has a gambling habit. There was a second coder last year but he disappeared. The writers who worked on HL have left. The modders who were making HL2-VR, disappeared within a week of visiting Valve. It’s the reason HL2 VR hasn’t been mentioned since….

          • kuhpunkt

            Why can’t you just have a normal conversation?

          • Raphael

            I will begin an investigation into this question and get back to you.

          • jj

            this is an example of an entire thread of you being a troll….

          • Raphael

            This is an example of an entire thread of you being a spitetful cunt…..

          • JJ

            poor poor raphole… doesnt understand that HES the one being the cunt

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 2 hours ago
            poor poor raphole… doesnt understand that HES the one being the cunt

          • kuhpunkt

            What do you want to achieve with such a behavior?

          • Raphael

            Become king of England eventually.

          • kuhpunkt

            I guess you don’t actually care, but I’ll try anyway.

            The people at Valve do their own thing. Yes, they have expanded… doing distribution, hardware and stuff, but 90% of the like 300 people are still developers and they are working on stuff. Just because you don’t know what they are doing doesn’t mean they are just lazy in their offices. They just cancel things when they aren’t happy with it, which already happened with their Space game. Or do you maybe remember TF2? They had the presentation in 1999 with a release date of 2000. Nothing happened. We knew absolutely NOTHING about it for six years. Six years of silence. And then we got a completely new thing. So what is this “trend” you’re talking about?

          • Raphael

            I understand you’re a big valve fan flappy… HL2 and TF2 were modded by valve to support VR. I played both on an octopus DK2 with mouse and keys.

            There is another trend over the past years for game publishers/developers to reduce development time. Back in the old days (Doom2 era) it was common for some of the bigger names to take many years to develop a game. Stalker was about 7 years. Doom 3 took forever. Duke Nukem forever took almost forever.

            Valve decided to go episodic with HL2 further adventures. The idea was cutting down development time with much smaller content. Well they failed at that. After episode 2 no more was heard from the HL universe. Gabe is well aware of the public’s desire for HL3 and yet he has no intention of delivering.

            Sure Valve have developers/coders/artists… when they couldn’t even create a game for the launch of HTC Vive then you know it’s not a good situation.

            So Valve’s method of operating in terms of game development (taking years and being very secretive) makes them the last of the game developing dinosaurs.

            HL2 was innovative. Valve’s game engine was pretty special at one time. Not anymore.

            Valve’s efforts have been modifying linux to create a game OS (linux is a snail so that didn’t go well).

            Steam machines… yes… that worked out real well.

            And a game controller seeing moderate success.

            Valve is no longer a viable game developer.

          • kuhpunkt

            Why do you think that Gabe has no desire to deliver HL3? You make it sound like that’s a fact. You don’t know that. What if he wants to deliver and just wants it to be really really good?

          • Raphael

            “You don’t know that. What if he wants to deliver and just wants it to be really really good?” << You're not really grounded in reality are you. Makes for funny reading though. Unintentional comedy is the best.

          • kuhpunkt

            And what is this reality you’re talking about? A company where lots and lots of people are being paid for doing nothing?

          • Raphael

            Doing nothing? They are doing plenty… just not game creation.

            Unless you think another card game counts.

          • kuhpunkt

            Then what are they doing if not game creation?

          • Raphael

            Coding steam, coding steamVR and a whole lot of coding unrelated to game design.

          • kuhpunkt

            As if game designers would be working on that… just like the writers and designers and stuff. The people actually working on Steam itself are a rather small group.

          • Raphael

            They don’t have any game designers. They have developers who maintain the existing games. CSGO etc,

          • kuhpunkt

            Of course they have game designers.

          • Raphael

            Yes, game designers who maintain existing games. Oh but there are 3 mysterious VR games in development. No one has a clue what games and when they might come. Meanwhile gabe doesn’t mind if VR fails… It won’t fail but he doesn’t mind if it does.

            I do find it hilarious that you actually believe HL3 is in development and they’re talking a long time because they want it to be really good.

            Have you shared your funny belief with friends and family?

          • kuhpunkt

            The ones that maintain the existing games, because CSGO and TF2 create sooo much content, right? Because maintaining games requires 200+ people, right?

            And HL3 is/has been in development. That’s a fact. You might want to check out Valve News Network from time to time.

      • Jerald Doerr

        Lol that’s not nice! I’m going to come back here Raph…

      • jj

        man from reading this comment chain you seam like a fucked up crack head. plus thanks for making up meaningless words like flappy to call people :) theyre a lot more polite than swear words. Plus it shows that you’re just joking and obviously dont believe any of the bat shit things that you have said. Otherwise you’d be fucked in the brain :)

        • Raphael

          So you think I believe oculus will add support for other hardware? Really? That would suggest you’re the crackhead… crackhead.

          • jj

            yeah we all agree you’re the one on crack

          • Raphael

            You still trying to give the impression everyone is on your side, cunt? Jog-on u useless fecker.

          • jj

            Haha block me you say? But it it’s you who is the troll. Just read through the comments and it’s clear you get off by trolling people who are just trying to chat about vr. Give it up neckbeard

          • Raphael

            I did warn you WE were going to block you flappy. I warneded you last week. I’m sorry it’s come to this flappy but you shouldn’t have flown into a rage about my slightly sarcastic comment about octopusVR… Others even commented on your overreaction but your mental health issues and ego are too enlarged to listens. Now it’s time for you to go flappy and it is with some degree of sadness I am pushed to this measure but we feels we have no option left. You’re a cunt, we loves you, bye.

          • jj

            awww troll cant handle when people oppose him? lol and its you who others have commented about.Why would you lie when the evidence is literally two inches away from where you typed that…

            Who are you trying to fool? LITERALLY look at any comment in this thread and you’re the one being called out for asshole troll vibes and comments.

            So have fun trying to get me blocked chummy because, you’re the one who started name calling and bullying people.

            It’s people like you who ruin good opportunities for conversation and , though I doubt you do, if you did work for RtoVR, which again you don’t, you wouldn’t post the way you do. Also RtoVR would be a terrible group if you were included in it. Who would write articles then go troll the readers in the comments and call them flappy, while also writing opposing troll material that contradicts the article…? Yeah that’s because you don’t work for RtoVR and have no say in anything here, so keep acting like you have any input chum because i’m not getting blocked. Watch i’ll prove it!

            Keep on trying to troll, because I will always oppose you.

          • Raphael

            What in god’s cock are you talking about? Me trying to get you blocked? What I said was I was going to block you… If your IQ was 50% higher you’d understand the difference between “I’m going to block you” versus “I’m going to try and get you blocked”.

            You’re an absolute fucking mong.

          • jj

            wow sad rapheal starts an argument trolling and can’t back himself up… well have fun trying to spin this onto me, if you read the comments its clearly you spreading hate and starting arguments. so idk who you’re trying to fool here…

          • jj anon

            poor raphael went off to cry because his trolling backfired… Next time try not trolling for once.

          • Raphael

            jj anon Raphael • 24 minutes ago
            poor raphael went off to cry because his trolling backfired… Next time try not trolling for once.

          • jj Anon

            yupp you’re a sad little troll that can’t handle when people fight back. I don’t even need to defend myself against you cause everyone can just read these comments and see how you started it :) I could pretty much say whatever i want and you’re still in the wrong because of the amount of trolling you have done up until this point. Anything ive done was only towards you and in response to your nastiness.
            Its all documented.
            Its all there.
            Why do you think you can lie when evidence is so easily accessible?.

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • an hour ago
            yupp you’re a sad little troll that can’t handle when people fight back. I don’t even need to defend myself against you cause everyone can just read these comments and see how you started it :) I could pretty much say whatever i want and you’re still in the wrong because of the amount of trolling you have done up until this point. Anything ive done was only towards you and in response to your nastiness.
            Its all documented.
            Its all there.
            Why do you think you can lie when evidence is so easily accessible?.

          • Raphael

            P. S.

            When someone thinks they’re teaching you a lesson but in reality it’s a jon lajoie “not giving a fuck” situation.

            Funny story… I think you’ll find this funny…

            So I went to my anger management therapy session today and naturally the subject of the discussion was JJ anon and his troll accounts. Last week the therapist was telling me how I should visualise being enveloped by J-cup breasts. That worked quite well up to a point. Anyway… today I return with printouts of the JJ trolling and present it to therapist. Therapist begins turning red and shifts around in his chair uncomfortably. After reading the messages for 5 minutes he looks and me and says: “wow! he really is a nasty little cunt!”. The most hilarious part is that I was then trying to remind him to remain calm and think about being enveloped by J-cup breasts.

          • jj Anon

            …yeah i’ll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbows.

            P.S. you’re still here chatting it up when you said you were done…
            If you’re seeing a therapist and talking to them about online trolling, WHICH YOU STARTED, then maybe you shouldn’t be on the internet.

            But in the end you’re just full of shit anyways and none of thats true. Even if it were true then i feel pretty good that you guys feel the need to talk about me, especially if your spending money to do it :D!
            You still have yet to disprove a single statement i’ve made about your trolling where i quoted you with hard evidence and all you have is some fake ass story about you talking to your therapist.

            its cute :).

            See you in 10 mins after you try to google some comebacks or make something up. I’ll still be here saying the same stuff ive been saying the entire time. And its all documented you can read it, thats also how i know you’re full of bs with the therapist stuff because if you had shown ANY outsider these posts, they’d see you as the asshole, because simply you are. I’ve dont nothing wrong, which is something you cannot say about yourself now is it?

            This is all just speed typing practice and practice fending off a troll for me, I hope you’re having just as much fun as i am. Or did your trolling backfire and now you’re not having a good time? :)

            plus yeah keep reposting my posts that’s doing a whole lot for us….

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • a minute ago
            …yeah i’ll believe that when my shit turns purple and smells like rainbows.

            P.S. you’re still here chatting it up when you said you were done…
            If you’re seeing a therapist and talking to them about online trolling, WHICH YOU STARTED, then maybe you shouldn’t be on the internet.

            But in the end you’re just full of shit anyways and none of thats true. Even if it were true then i feel pretty good that you guys feel the need to talk about me, especially if your spending money to do it :D!
            You still have yet to disprove a single statement i’ve made about your trolling where i quoted you with hard evidence and all you have is some fake ass story about you talking to your therapist.

            its cute :).

            See you in 10 mins after you try to google some comebacks or make something up. I’ll still be here saying the same stuff ive been saying the entire time. And its all documented you can read it, thats also how i know you’re full of bs with the therapist stuff because if you had shown ANY outsider these posts, they’d see you as the asshole, because simply you are. I’ve dont nothing wrong, which is something you cannot say about yourself now is it?

            This is all just speed typing practice and practice fending off a troll for me, I hope you’re having just as much fun as i am. Or did your trolling backfire and now you’re not having a good time? :)

            plus yeah keep reposting my posts that’s doing a whole lot for us….

          • JJ

            … oh wow good one!!! reposting my posts surely shows me that you’re not the troll here… try again ass hat

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 5 minutes ago
            … oh wow good one!!! reposting my posts surely shows me that you’re not the troll here… try again ass hat

          • JJ

            :) good one you really got me there with your mocking like a 1st grader. How does it feel to be dumb and have nothing to say?

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • a few seconds ago
            :) good one you really got me there with your mocking like a 1st grader. How does it feel to be dumb and have nothing to say?

          • jj

            :) How does it feel to be dumb and have nothing to say?

          • Raphael

            jj Raphael • 2 minutes ago
            :) How does it feel to be dumb and have nothing to say?

          • JJ

            come on raphole you’re not really breaking down on me that eaasily are you??
            tsk tsk tsk I thought you’d amount to more than just a piece of shit but i guess i was wrong….

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 2 minutes ago
            come on raphole you’re not really breaking down on me that eaasily are you??
            tsk tsk tsk I thought you’d amount to more than just a piece of shit but i guess i was wrong….

          • JJ

            Raphael sucks donkey balls

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • a minute ago
            Raphael sucks donkey balls

          • JJ

            haha really? nice! well at least we can agree on something. Man its hilarious you’ve resorted to mockery :D just proves my points even more. Its like the more you talk the easier you make this for me.

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 4 minutes ago
            haha really? nice! well at least we can agree on something. Man its hilarious you’ve resorted to mockery :D just proves my points even more. Its like the more you talk the easier you make this for me.

          • jj

            Usually when little girls like you mock people its because you like that person. I’m getting a romantic vibe from you raphole, Are you in love with me??

          • JJ

            oh flappy where’d you go? I wasn’t done playing with you.

            Usually when little girls like you mock people its because you like that person. I’m getting a romantic vibe from you raphole, Are you in love with me??

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 14 minutes ago
            oh flappy where’d you go? I wasn’t done playing with you.

            Usually when little girls like you mock people its because you like that person. I’m getting a romantic vibe from you raphole, Are you in love with me??

          • jj Anon

            little baby flap whered you go? did you cry home to mama troll??

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • 2 minutes ago
            little baby flap whered you go? did you cry home to mama troll??

          • jj Anon

            Wanna go on a date baby flap??

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • 5 minutes ago
            Wanna go on a date baby flap??

          • JJ

            cmon you know you want to, you’re so in love with me..

            its so funny seeing a troll have nothing to say

          • Raphael

            JJ (Guest):
            cmon you know you want to, you’re so in love with me..

            its so funny seeing a troll have nothing to say

          • JJ

            is that all you can do raphole? are you going to claim victory of your troll territory by means of mocking people? Can’t even put your own words together? sad, but hey thats what you get when you’re a troll. The vastness of an ocean, yet the depth of a puddle…. you know whats also as vast as an ocean, your mom.

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • an hour ago
            is that all you can do raphole? are you going to claim victory of your troll territory by means of mocking people? Can’t even put your own words together? sad, but hey thats what you get when you’re a troll. The vastness of an ocean, yet the depth of a puddle…. you know whats also as vast as an ocean, your mom.

          • JJ

            Usually when little girls like you mock people its because you like that person. I’m getting a romantic vibe from you raphole, Are you in love with me??

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 26 minutes ago
            Usually when little girls like you mock people its because you like that person. I’m getting a romantic vibe from you raphole, Are you in love with me??

    • sebrk

      Probably not. Robo Recall was sponsored by Oculus. I think they paid $10 million to get a tripple-A studio to make it. As they have with other titles.

      • Get Schwifty!
        • Jerald Doerr

          Really? Unless you’re on the inside… Don’t believe everything you read…

        • Caven

          What does being anti-FaceBook/Oculus have to do with it? He may be wrong about the amount Oculus paid, but the fact is that Oculus still paid to have Robo Recall made. Assuming that Robo Recall will remain an Oculus exclusive for that reason is a pretty reasonable assumption to make. It’s also not an assumption that automatically means anti-Oculus bias. I certainly have no problem with Oculus being willing to invest in software to attract people to their own platform.

          And getting the number wrong is pretty understandable given what Tim Sweeney himself said in a previous interview. If anything, erring on the high side just makes it look like Oculus is that much more committed to funding developers.

          Even if sebrk absolutely hates Oculus/FaceBook, there’s nothing in that particular post that supports such a view. I could easily see a dedicated Oculus fan writing those exact same words.

          • sebrk

            What are you on about? I don’t hate them? Please understand what it being said. I own every Oculus device created and was in the initial Kickstarter. This is not Oculus-bashing but simply fact. I can very much understand their business strategy so far which is why I think they will keep the exclusivity.

          • Caven

            The reason I made that post was precisely because it didn’t sound like it came from someone who hated Oculus. I only framed it in those terms because I was unfamiliar with your post history, and was trying to illustrate that your opinion of Oculus has nothing to do with the factual accuracy of your post. As you’ve pointed out, you don’t harbor any ill will against Oculus, but even if you did, your post was a perfectly reasonable statement that Get Schwifty! shouldn’t have responded to the way he did. He made assumptions about your opinion of Oculus based on that post, so I pointed out that your post had nothing to do with your opinion of Oculus, whether positive or negative.

        • sebrk

          I never saw that article before so thanks for that. Regardless it was still funded by Oculus and that is my key point. Also why is this even remotely anti-FB/Oculus? I own every single Oculus devices ever released (Including Kickstarter).

        • JJ

          I hate FB/Oculus, 100% because of FB. Who got caught leaking YOUR private information. Sadly I have to own a Go for development purposes. Its a great device, but yeah i feel like im being spied on…. I also feel like my google dot is spying on me though so its not just FB.

          I shouldn’t be putting these devices in my house when i know google employees that claim even they wouldn’t be caught dead with a Alexa/Home/dot in their home.

          • Raphael

            Interesting statement… The scary part is that someone with your serious mental health issues has a “Go for development purposes”. I suspect you’re not actually employed but rather unemployed and trying to develop something without any real knowledge. I say this based on your large number of personal attacks lacking punctuation (and in many instances, using entirely the wrong word to describe something).

            Now your irrational paranoia begins to emerge.. You hate oculus? Extreme? OculusVR has done more to educate the world about VR than any other company. They are at the forefront of vr science. They go about their business in a nicer, more professional way than HTC.

            I assume you have a facebook account? Clearly your ethics are easily pushed-aside (as evidenced by your attempts to develop using a product from a company you hate).

            No way in hell are you a professional developer or even an employed developer.

          • JJ

            yeah you’re wrong on every single point.
            Employed. check.
            Developer. Check.
            No facebook. Check
            wanna keep trying?

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 7 minutes ago
            yeah you’re wrong on every single point.
            Employed. check.
            Developer. Check.
            No facebook. Check
            wanna keep trying?

            Same troll on another guest account.

  • Firestorm185

    ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED! Oculus has Vive’s logo in it’s headstrap and vice versa! OoO

  • Rand

    I am impressed. In the end we are all consumers. 10 years from now the only companies that will still be in the game will be the ones with more open doors than closed. I just wish this would have happened much sooner.

    • Get Schwifty!

      Apple would disagree… just saying, that’s not a hard and fast rule in business.

      • Jerald Doerr

        Apple was saved to buy monopoly… They lost and Bill… He destroyed them… But decided to help……. They shut down shop and reformed Voltron after Bill was on his way out….

      • Lucidfeuer

        It was true when Steve Jobs was alive and had precise reason and strategy in doing so. Today, Apple has already killed lots of it’s current and prospective market base on the production, design, 3D/CG and more and more artists from all domains are switching.

        Wether it’s their decision to abandon discrete GPUs, have subpar Intel HDs or crazily overpriced mobile GPUs, obsolete GL drivers, and now no universal drivers like Vulkan…they’ve been digging and digging their tomb.

  • Raphael

    It was clear early on that HTC have an inclusive stance. Meanwhile over at octopus… the occasional statement that they don’t encourage developers to exclude other VR hardware… nevertheless… octopisVR remains closed to other hardware unless you use an unofficial hack.

    • MeowMix

      Most of HTC’s VR tech comes from Valve. From their Lighthouse, lenes, controllers, and I’m assuming the games on Viveport use OpenVR SDK (Valve’s SDK) to bring “Rift Support”. I’m sure most of the Viveport games don’t actually have Oculus SDK support.
      Thus, replace your above “HTC” with “Valve”

      • Blaexe

        It seems like there’s no Oculus SDK support at all. You’ve always been able to play games bought on Viveport on the Rift though OpenVR. They’re just adding icons for the Rift, that’s all.

    • Andrew Jakobs

      There is nothing clear about their inclusive stance. They propably also want a piece of the Rift pie as it’s they viveport that is bringing in money, so the more players, the more money, and if that means also supporting the Rift, so be it.

      • Raphael

        Shit might not be clear to you flappy but the fact they included octopus rift a year ago was our first clue. They also made a statement about not being exclusive. Oculus have since done the same but their exclusivity hasn’t changed.

        • jj

          You’re the one who’s blind troll stop trying to troll people with you fake opinions .

          • Raphael

            Not really grasping punctuation still, right flappy? Jog on you boring warmongery muppet.

          • jj

            aww is that all you can say is something about my grammar?
            Looks like we’ve reached the depths of your intellect pretty fast if you can’t formulate any other opinions past grammar after I give you three paragraphs worth of statements. I guess this is what defeating a troll feels like :/ I just feel gross from having to talk to you

          • Raphael

            If your IQ was 50% higher you’d grasp the fact that labeling someone a troll because you develop whatever childish personal grudge is about as cuntishly childish as it gets. So let’s give it right back eh?

            Stop your trolling you useless troll cunt and notice like you I am now abandoning punctuation because I have temporarily dropped my IQ 50%

            Quite simply, you’re a spiteful little retard. We should ALL be VR users here. I’m a Vive user… my previous VR was an octopus DK2. The year I spent with the DK2 made it very clear how well-developed oculus drivers are. I actually recommend CV1 to people on the basis that it’s “better value for money than the vive”.

            So your time is spent attacking someone you feel is your enemy and have cuntishly decided isn’t allowed to post here.

            You’re scum. Now fuck off and die troll.

          • jj

            wow sounds like you’re is about to cry.
            Its pretty damn funny you say we should be getting along when you’re the one starting conversations trolling people with insults and calling them flappy. So nobody’s going to listen to you, when yous say there shouldn’t be trolling, because you’re the one doing the trolling, the evidence is ALL AROUND US.

            I’m not calling you a troll for disagreeing with people, i’m calling you a troll for statements you keep making like

            “cuntishly childish”, “spiteful little retard”, “You’re scum, Now fuck off and die troll”

            Plus you can’t call ME a troll after we’ve established over and over why you are factually the troll, and after you say calling people a troll has no significance. So you contradict yourself like a mother fucker, and i’m able to pull up hard evidence within this comment thread of you being a troll, making you the troll. Now that we have that settled with facts, you cannot call anyone a troll, but we can call you a troll.

            You shouldn’t post here because you are a troll. i’ve shared supporting statements and quotes from you that support it. Try to deny them.

          • Raphael

            Get a job you useless lazy scum. You actually said last week that you have “nothing better to do” than spend your time hating me. Unfortunately for you I’d quite happily engage you for a year in this kind of dialog but I really have to consider other users here. It’s not nice for them and it reflects badly on me (because I’m dropping down to your mud-crawling level). You have mental health issues so you clearly don’t give a flying fuck how your dialog looks to others. Unlike you I am not prepared to continue dragging the R2VR site down with this pointless useless fucking arguing.

            So that’s the reason you’re getting blocked. If only your IQ was high enough to grasp that someone blocking you isn’t a forum ban.

          • jj

            aww poor raphael cries when his trolling backfires. :( It took you up untill now to “consider other users here” maybe if you consider other users you wouldn’t call them names right off that bat for having an opinion thats not yours.

            And since i’m not full of shit like you I can pull up quotes that you made within this comment thread to prove it.

            When andrew jackson replied to you with a polite statement about his opinion that had not a single ounce of negativity you replied with “Shit might not be clear to you flappy”…. and you say i’m the troll who isnt being considerate about others…

            Prove me wrong chum, the only insults i’ve slang were towards you in replies towards your negativity, and again I challenge you to prove me wrong because i know you cannot. You can spit all that nonsense you want but at the end of the day i’m bringing back facts and quoting statements while you’re just making things up and don’t back anything up…..

          • jj

            and side note, you wish you could have my job haha

          • jj Anon

            Or i can post anonymously and you cant block me… So your efforts are USELESS FLAPPY. How does it feel to get acidity back towards your acidic livelihood? maybe you’ll think twice next time before you post such negative troll responses.

            and in case you didnt get my last post…

            aww poor raphael cries when his trolling backfires. :( It took you up untill now to “consider other users here” maybe if you consider other users you wouldn’t call them names right off that bat for having an opinion thats not yours.

            And since i’m not full of shit like you I can pull up quotes that you made within this comment thread to prove it.

            When andrew jackson replied to you with a polite statement about his opinion that had not a single ounce of negativity you replied with “Shit might not be clear to you flappy”…. and you say i’m the troll who isnt being considerate about others…

            Prove me wrong chum, the only insults i’ve slang were towards you in replies towards your negativity, and again I challenge you to prove me wrong because i know you cannot. You can spit all that nonsense you want but at the end of the day i’m bringing back facts and quoting statements while you’re just making things up and don’t back anything up…..

          • Raphael

            Fascinating. I didn’t expect him to make a troll account this fast.

            We are generally the very thing we accuse others of being. In this case he is so determined to be a nasty troll that he immediately logs out of his main troll account and logs in anon. He will be ignored and not even read from this point.

          • jj Anon

            so now you’re just repeating what I said about you back even though it doesn’t make any sense when said back at me… Nice.
            And you said i’d be ignored last time yet here you are. I think you have a crush on me cause I was the first one to actually call you out for trolling, how sweet of you.
            :) you’re so funny Rahole

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • an hour ago
            so now you’re just repeating what I said about you back even though it doesn’t make any sense when said back at me… Nice.
            And you said i’d be ignored last time yet here you are. I think you have a crush on me cause I was the first one to actually call you out for trolling, how sweet of you.
            :) you’re so funny Rahole

          • jj

            poor poor raphole, cant back up his own trash talking…

          • jj Anon

            poor poor raphole doens’t know where he belongs anymore…

            Where are you flappy? has your fat ass mom finally kicked youout of her basement?

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • 13 minutes ago
            poor poor raphole doens’t know where he belongs anymore…

            Where are you flappy? has your fat ass mom finally kicked youout of her basement?

          • jj Anon

            Sounds like you have a crush on me raphole is this true?

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • a few seconds ago
            Sounds like you have a crush on me raphole is this true?

          • jj Anon

            sounds like you still have a crush on me….

          • Raphael

            jj Anon (Guest):
            sounds like you still have a crush on me….

          • jj Anon

            you’re making it pretty obvious that you have a crush on me..

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • 6 minutes ago
            you’re making it pretty obvious that you have a crush on me..

          • JJ

            its becoming even more present that you have a crush on me, just ask me out already damn.

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 6 minutes ago
            its becoming even more present that you have a crush on me, just ask me out already damn.

          • jj Anon

            tsk tsk tsk raphole, you can do better than that… If you repeat this it means you’er a douche

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • an hour ago
            tsk tsk tsk raphole, you can do better than that… If you repeat this it means you’er a douche

          • jj Anon

            well raphole you did it!, you called yourself a douche, congrats you’ve reached the lowest low trolls go to continue to be a troll. Are you proud of yourself?

          • Raphael

            jj Anon Raphael • 6 minutes ago
            well raphole you did it!, you called yourself a douche, congrats you’ve reached the lowest low trolls go to continue to be a troll. Are you proud of yourself?

          • JJ

            little raprap dousn’t know how to debate or talk, it must be hard for him to talk with all those dicks in his mouth. which is funny you think he’d be skilled at that with how often theyre in there.

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • 26 minutes ago
            little raprap dousn’t know how to debate or talk, it must be hard for him to talk with all those dicks in his mouth. which is funny you think he’d be skilled at that with how often theyre in there.

          • Raphael

            JJ Raphael • an hour ago
            its becoming even more present that you have a crush on me, just ask me out already damn.

          • Raphael

            Here we see jj using the word troll twice in the same sentence with no punctuation. No structure. Oh dear. It’s almost as if he believes he gets to decide who has a right to post and who doesn’t. But that would make him one seriously immature twat wouldn’t it? Is he really that dumb? Does he really believe applying the word “troll” to someone he takes a dislike to will get everyone on-side so he can control this personal playground of his? Really?

            “with you fake opinions .” << the child believes any opinion of someone he dislikes is therefore fake…Which also implies he believes his own opinions are always genuine. A high level of narcississim coupled with an even greater level of stupidity.

            The countdown to your block has begun, flappy. I did warns you. I really did. I warneded you.

          • jj

            haha all you have to call me out on is punctuation? wow you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel floppy. And you’re calling me out for “believes he gets to decided who has…” while you’re the one who started with the countdown to blocking. which Is bs, you’re the troll, you’re who will be blocked chum. So have fun making a new account little boy.

            And yes everyone is on my side, just read the comment thread, and yes calling you a troll like you are helped me achieve that. So yeah you’re in my playground bitch, try to climb my slide because you’re fat ass wont even be able to climb the ladder.
            Also you’re opinions are fake and not because I don’t like them but because they are fake and you’re here just to troll, making them and you fake. its obvious idk why i’m even telling you because its so obvious youre a troll.
            and if you’re gona be a grammar Nazi, at least make some attempt to use proper grammar. “I did warns you, I really did, I warnded you”.. alright elmer fudd try speaking English warnded isn’t a word….

            I can continue so please reply, it’s great reading your simpleton responses, and its real good entertainment for all of us watching you flop around like a fish out of water trying to come up with troll stuff. :) poor little raphael doesn’t know how to live life other than the troll life. it must suck.

  • sebrk

    This is great. HTC has done little right in the last year but this is clearly a change. I hope Oculus will do something similar. Although I can clearly see that going against business decisions. After all Oculus has sponsored so many title just to get things going, basically resulting in negative numbers.

    • Get Schwifty!

      What do you mean “negative numbers”? Market penetration? They seem to be doing pretty well overall….

      • Jerald Doerr

        I think Sebrk is saying the negative numbers are the Vive users Oculus is trying to keep outside of Asgard… Ragnarok might be coming………

    • MeowMix

      Oculus is a founding member of OpenXR and donated their code for OpenXR to be built off of. This should bring multi-store front ability between 3rd party games (like Beat Saber) and multiple headsets (HMD exclusives will probably still be a thing on Oculus Home though for their funded 1st party games). Oculus are still doing their part.

      What I suspect is Viveport is using Valve’s OpenVR SDK to bring “Rift Support” to their games. Question is, how is Viveport any different from STEAM ? (other than the subscription model).

  • It’s great that they’re opening to other hardware

  • How to play Viveport games on the Rift ?

  • NooYawker

    A lot of anger on this thread.

    • jj

      yeah sorry to pollute the thread :(
      Raphael was picking on people and trolling (as you can see cause its all saved) and when i called him out he tried to troll me and then went as far as to try to say i was the troll and i just didn’t back down. Its gotten to the point where hes just mocking me like a 1st grader, I think he has a crush on me…

      • NooYawker

        I get pulled in all the time myself so I can’t talk. But it lasted a really loooong time. LOL

        • JJ

          yeah well you and I have argued and worked together before, we both have the ability to communicate and actually process what other people are saying which has lead to nice conversations.

          I got tired of raphael calling people flappy and trying to just cause people to get mad by saying purely confrontational things. so yeah i just refused to give him the last word and he still mocking me thinking its doing something. its been entertaining to say the lest.

  • HybridEnergy

    Viveport was dead before it started. Vive’s advantage was that it was known as the “official” steamVR headset. Like they wanted to throw that away? why?! They should have taken that money and shoved it into a AAA title and continued to keep the best relationship possible with Valve.

  • Tyler Soward

    Now if only Oculus would open their store to Vive users I could uninstall Revive and call it a day