
The Future Iz Meow!

Unity is taking a shot at creating the standard for VR advertising starting with SAW!

Game Engine powerhouse Unity Technologies is taking a shot at figuring out VR advertising. This week Unity Technologies revelaed key components of its plan which detailed a customizable VR native ad format for brands to create their own integrated experiences. Called the Virtual Room It’s being created within the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) emerging ad experience guidelines.

Described as an easter egg or a hidden target behind the wall by Julie Shumaker, Unity Vice President of business development of advertising, this Virtual Room will be a part of the storyline, play for 30-60 seconds, and players have the option to explore in an exchange for some type of reward or benefit.

The first expected Virtual Room partnership is with Lionsgate for a new interactive VR ad promoting Saw 8: Jigsaw, the newest film in the Saw horror series.

Virtual Reality Pulse